Fundraiser:iPads for Literacy
0 days left 02/26/2013 0%
Raised Goal: $2000.00
Raised: $0.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! iPad apps such as Garage Band, Flipit, Educreations, and Toontastic would allow our students to experience learning in ways that speak to their individual learning styles. We have seen students who are completely disengaged come alive while using apps like Educreations to explain science concepts, allowing the teacher to get feedback of their grasp on the concept in a a non-threatening way. Please help us reach our goal of 1 iPad per subject area! Share This Link:
*Transaction fees apply to this amount. Spread The Word: Beneficiary: Patryce Harvey Alpha Academy Why I Teach: I became a teacher because I enjoy seeing the look of excitement on a child's face when they realize they have discovered something new. Top Wishes: