Fundraiser:Tablets in the Classroom
0 days left 10/01/2014 0%
Raised Goal: $2200.00
Raised: $0.00 ...Or, join the team and help spread the word! One of the main uses for the tablets will be for the students to conduct research. In 5th grade we focus on researching the states of the United States, the US Presidents, and other historical, scientific, and mathematical people or topics. All of this will be part of the use of the tablet along with effective educational applications that help students improve their basic skills, access e-books, content applications, content creation applications, and communication applications. Your donations will improve my students' ability to learn on their own with the use of mobile devices. Studies have shown that the use of mobile devices in conjunction with the normal curriculum can increase reading skills by 2 years in 6 months. Mainly due to the fact that they are interested in reading on the device about topics that interest them and without even knowing it they are practicing their reading more and more. It's a change from the traditional silent reading from a book. Share This Link:
*Transaction fees apply to this amount. Spread The Word: Beneficiary: Manuel Cavazos Marks Elementary School Why I Teach: I chose to teach because I enjoy watching my students grow and change throughout the year. It's amazing how many changes take place in 180 days. The changes are not only academically, but also socially. I don't know of another profession that allows you to see these changes in people over a school year and beyond. Top Wishes: