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Something Changed into Something Else

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Keywords: Science, recycling, sorting
Subject(s): Science, Social Studies
Grades K through 6
School: North Livingston Elem School, Burna, KY
Planned By: Michaele Edmondson
Original Author: Michaele Edmondson, Burna
1. The students will use digital cameras to take photos of objects aroung the school campus (inside/outside, trash/not trash, etc.).

2. The students will print the photos in the computer lab.

3. Using pocket charts, the students will begin sorting the photos of the objects into categories of being recyclable or non-recyclable.

4. Once the sorting of the objects is complete, the recyclable objects will be sorted further into specific recycling categories (glass, aluminum, paper, plastic, etc.).

5. Once the sorting has been completed, the students will break out into groups of four to five individuals. Each group will be responsible for researching a specific recycling category. The groups will research and discuss the specific ways recycling will be completed and the possible objects the recycled materials will become.

6. Once the research has been completed, the students will design a classroom presentation. Using varying forms of presentation materials, each group will be responsible for developing a brochure and a technology based presentation.

7. Grades will be based upon individual and group participation, the brochure, and the technology based presentation.
Using Multi-media Lab V, the students will design many different types of recycling activities for parents and teachers to use at a PTO night. This will create community awareness of recycling.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Paint, Slideshow, Clipart, Worksheets, Science, Social Studies, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries
Other Items: 1 photo printer, $250.00 each, total of $250.00
5 photo paper for the printer, $200.00 each, total of $1000.00
3 large pocket charts, $90.00 each, total of $270.00
3 pocket chart stands, $180.00 each, total of $540.00
3 pocket chart rings, $27.00 each, total of $81.00
1 recycled card stock, $12.00 each, total of $12.00
2 brochure paper, $50.00 each, total of $100.00
1 color printer, $150.00 each, total of $150.00
3 color ink cartridges, $60.00 each, total of $180.00
3 black ink cartridges, $60.00 each, total of $180.00