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A Different Perspective

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Keywords: Special Education, wheel chair, photography, public, display
Subject(s): Photography
Grades 6 through 12
School: Digital Wish, Manchester Center, VT
Planned By: Heather Chirtea
Original Author: Allen Crenshaw, Carrollton
I'd like to create a show called "A Different Perspective" using the previously unnoticed talents of our wheelchair bound kids.

With a specially rigged articulating arm/tripod attached to their chairs, they can attach an Olympus digital camera and taken pictures from their special viewpoint.

Initially, the kids would be taught the camera's nomenclature, basics of digital photography, and composition. Then, the students would be guided on a field trip to study possibilities and take pictures. With the instant preview capabilities of the digital cameras, students can receive an "instant" critique, thus allowing them to take new versions of their previous pictures.

After several field trips, the best pictures would be downloaded, sent to a lab and processed into 11x14 and 16x20 mounted prints. These prints would then be mounted on traveling displayed boards in combination with typed narratives. The displays would then be sent to schools and libraries for all to see the skills of these remarkable youngsters.

Thank you for the opportunity to present our program. Your help would be justly rewarded by the kids and their vision.

Allen Crenshaw
Materials: Digital SLR, Slideshow, Podcasting, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries
Other Items: 5 Articulating Wheel Chair Tripods, $300 each, total of $1500.00
Transportation, $400 each
Prints (Total of 1600), $300 each