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That Can't Be Me

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Keywords: Behavior Intervention
Subject(s): Special Needs
Grades 6 through 8
School: Chewning Middle School, Durham, NC
Planned By: Elizabeth KIng
Original Author: Elizabeth KIng, Durham
This lesson plan will facilitate the student's cognitive ability to improve inappropriate behavior.
With the use of Video Equipment, the students will be stimulated by "looking back" at themselfves to nurture an instrinsic desire to amend inappropriate behavior.
Students with behavioral and emotional disabilities typically misperceive or misinterpret social interactions and reuire immediate and concrete feedback. This project will provide teachers and students the means with which to immediately analyze social interactions with conceret feedback. Teachers can not make a child change his or her behavior. An intrinsic need must exist.
An internal ambition to improve behavior reaps long-term benefits. For a child to reocognize inapporpriate behavior and change the behavior based ona personal desire is the key to changing behaivor permanently.
On a weekly basis students will be video taped in different settings and laboring different tasks. At the end of the week, students will view the tapes and communicate his/her behaviors that were inappropriate. At the end of the month, the tapes will be cut and edited in an effort to show before and after behaviors as a learning piece to family members.
This behavior improvement technique will motivate students and can be done "at the moment". For teachers to be able to capture priceless moments on tape and use them as behavioral learning pieces is a positive move toward the future.
Upon graduation from the school, a video of entry point and a video of exit point will be shown. The evaluation will be observable and measureable in terms of the student being able to view the positive strides made toward appropriate behavior. Thiss will assist the student in a successful transition from middle school to high school.
This project can be done in any school, setting or environment.

Parental permission to video child must be in place.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Can also use in computer lab to teach editing.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Special Education, Batteries
Other Items: 1 DVD Camcorder, $1000.00 each, total of $1000.00
1 Editing Equipment, $2900.00 each, total of $2900.00
10 DVD Disc, $250.00 each, total of $2500.00
1 DVD Player, $300.00 each, total of $300.00