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Clay County High School Votes

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Keywords: primary, caucus, electoral college, presidential candidates, constitution, political parties
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Journalism, Information Skills
Grades 9 through 12
School: Clay Co High School, Manchester, KY
Planned By: Mary Stevens
Original Author: Mary Stevens, Manchester
Learning Objectives:

Students who view the videos will:
-Learn about the biographies and platforms of the presidential candidates
-Review the constitutional requirements to become a president
-Compare the results of the electoral college and the popular vote
-Understand the purpose of primaries and caucuses
-Learn about our state's primary and the date
-Be able to participate in a school-wide election to select a candidate

Students who produce the videos will:
-Gain further practice using camcorders, mikes, green screens, and editing software
-Emphasize effectiveness of video creations through make-up, costuming, supers, and graphics
-Gain organizational skills by writing speeches
-Brush up on research and internet skills
-Reinforce interviewing techniques
-Use math skills to tally votes

The unit began with brainstorming time to determine the best way to present this information and conduct the vote. Students also used the internet and newspapers to determine who the main candidates were.

Students were divided into presenters and researchers. Students were allowed to volunteer to represent the individual candidates. Our regular anchors were utilized to conduct the interviews of the Social Studies teachers after they created a list of questions. Anchors used the internet and textbooks to compose the questions. Anchors and cameramen set up filming schedules with the teachers. Remaining students worked on gathering needed make-up, costumes, backgrounds, and interesting presidental facts to supplement the videos. Two students were responsible for creating and printing the ballots. Our two resident comedians were allowed to script and act out 'comic relief' sections to end the shows. Completed video was edited by our technical staff. They also created the title pages and credits.

Thanks to the Social Studies teachers who helped with this unit.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
This unit integrated social studies, current events, English (speech-writing, interviewing)and journalism.
Footage of these videos may be included in future news broadcasts at our school. Copies of these videos will be offered to other county schools.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Paint, Video Editing, Flash/USB Drives
Other Items: 10 blank DVD-Rs, $.50 each, total of $5.00