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Community Service Learning Project - Mentoring

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Keywords: Mentoring, Reading, Character Education
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Technology, Social Skills, Photography, Special Needs, Information Skills
Grades 5 through 8
School: Gray Middle School, Union, KY
Planned By: Trickel
Original Author: Trickel, Union

1. Provide elementary students an opportunity to improve reading scores.
2. Provide middle school students with the opportunity to help and learn about students who attend a school in a low income area of Kentucky.
3. Provide middle school students from a high economic income area and little diversity the opportunity to experience the differences in the two communities.
4. To allow the elementary school students experience students who attend school in a different social economic area.


1. Students will work together every 3 weeks for 1 hour on reading skills.
2. Students will develop a relationship over the course of the mentoring program.
3. Middle school students at our school will develop a video diary to document the service learning experience and show other students at our school the end product.
4. Middle school students will help with activities to raise funds for the transportation needed to be taken to the elementary school.
5. Students at the elementary school will be provided the incentive to earn a trip to our school in the spring for improved reading scores. They will have lunch, take a tour of our school, see a short play, and receive books from our students at the middle school who have been mentoring these students all year.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
STLP students will help develop the video diary.
Drama students will be preforming the play.
Contact school and see if reading scores increased on the Kentucky State Test.
Materials: Digital SLR, Video Editing, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries
Other Items: 1 Digital Camera, $600.00 each, total of $600.00
1 Mac lap top with video editing software, $2000.00 each, total of $2000.00
1 Video Camera, $700.00 each, total of $700.00