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Lessons in Kentucky Climate and Geography

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Keywords: Photography, technology, geography, nature
Subject(s): Social Studies, Technology, Photography
Grades 1 through 5
School: Rosenwald-Dunbar Elem School, Nicholasville, KY
Planned By: Erin Waggoner
Original Author: Erin Waggoner, Nicholasville
In this lesson, students will use digital cameras to take pictures of the land around the school. First, the teacher will demonstrate the proper use of a camera, including using the wrist strap for safety and how to take good pictures. Students will be partnered up or placed in small groups and each group given one digial camera. The teacher will lead the class outside and have the students look for plants, animals, etc that are indigenous to Kentucky. Students can then create slide shows or websites to demonstrate this information. This lesson would work especially well if a school in another part of the state, or even another state, could partner with our school so the students could compare and contrast the things found in nature in the different areas,
Materials: Point and Shoot, Wildlife, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards