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Caught Being Good - Spread the Word!

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Keywords: Character Traits, Positive Behavior, Photos, Posters
Subject(s): Social Studies, Technology, Social Skills, Journalism, Photography
Grades K through 5
School: Jefferson Elementary School, Henderson, KY
Planned By: Sherida Green
Original Author: Gina Davis, Mt. Pleasant
Our school is always focusing on teaching students a set of values and character traits that support a positive, caring atmosphere. We teach the 3R's, respect, responsibility and resourcefulness, and sing them in our school song. We have monthly themes to help teach character traits building wide and quarterly assemblies where the focus is positive behavior choices. We also have caught being good "tickets" that students earn for their positive actions. The tickets then go into a drawing to help reinforce great behavior at our school.

I would like to have students create posters using Tool Factory software for our hallways to extend these positive behavior lessons they are learning and create visual cues and reminders for other students. The students would use the digital cameras to catch real kids doing really great things at Van Allen. We would also like to use the photos to spread the word to out local media and community to let others know what great behavior is being learned, modeled and displayed in our building. This will hopefully spread to other buildings in our district as we know our actions are contagious. The goal would be to allow all kids to learn to use the digital cameras, and use as many photographs as possible. At the end of the year, we would allow the students whose photo was displayed in the poster to keep those as momentos. We would make new posters each year as we have new students thus, reinforcing the positive behavior and character traits yearly.

With the help of this grant, we'll be able to teach these life skills with hands on learning and real life situations. Thank you for your consideration.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Worksheets, xD Memory Cards
Other Items: 1 Additional Camera, $200 each, total of $200.00
4 Memory Cards, $37.50 each, total of $150.00
4 Camera Cases, $25 each, total of $100.00
1 Case Photo Paper, $50 each, total of $50.00