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Keywords: Newroom, introductions, supporting evidence
Subject(s): English/Language Arts
Grade P-K
School: Kelso High School, Kelso, WA
Planned By: Susan Morrow
Original Author: Susan Morrow, Kelso
1. Discuss the power of a good hook to interest readers of an essay.

2. View a few of the "teasers" from the nightly news. Discuss in small groups why these caught peoples interest. What type of phrasing was used? How much information did they give away? What audience did would it be most attractive to?

3. Read from a groups of current news articles. Write a short summary of each. In small groups discuss what you read. Which were most interesting? Whatwas the hook for each article? How quickly did you get the information that you were really interested in from the article? Could they have improved on what they wrote? What type of audience were they shooting to inform?

4. In your small group choose 3 from a group of 10 articles. Your job is to create a news segment based on these three articles. Each article must be covered in a 305 minute spot. Your focus is to catch the audience with a new teaser so that they are interested in your news spot. Then you need to film your news cast. You will cover major elements from each article and include visiual support. You must have a scripts that shows the use of a hook and the major supportive information to be covered.

You will then be assessed via the rubric by the instructor and your peers.

5. If time we will follow up with we will identify major issues at our school and creat a short news teaser and news case on our issue.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Podcasting, Digital Voice Recorders