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- Dissection of Owl Pellets

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Keywords: Science, dissection, human systems, owl pellets
Subject(s): Science, Technology, Photography, Podcasting
Grades 5 through 12
School: Florence Chapel Middle School, Duncan, SC
Planned By: Eddie Williams
Original Author: Eddie Williams, Duncan
Activity Procedure
1. Divide the students into groups of two. Review safety procedures including the need to wash hands before and after doing the activity. Give each group an owl pellet.
2. Have students separate bones from fur and other materials.
3. Students should use skull guide to help identify the type of animal that was eaten by the owl by comparing the various skulls found.
4. Determine if there are bones from more than one animal in the pellet. If there are, determine how many different animals are represented in one pellet.
5. Lay out the bones to form as many complete skeletons as possible. Skeletons may be glued on to construction paper for display or labeling.
1. Completion of owl pellet dissection and identification of various bones found.
2. Oral questions before/after activity
1. Create a PowerPoint of a simple food chain that includes the owl, its prey, and other animal or plant life that may be in the chain.

Materials: Point and Shoot, Digital SLR, Word Processor, Database, Slideshow, Mind Mapping, Cause and Effect, Podcasting, Video Editing, Science, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives