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Charting Heights on Excel

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Keywords: excel, graphs, smartboard, technology, primary
Subject(s): Technology, Autism, Math
Grades K through 2
School: Snapper Creek Elem School, Miami, FL
Planned By: Marla Valdes
Original Author: Marla Valdes, Miami
materials:Computer with Microsoft Excel program, SMARTboard, yardstick, pencil and paper, printer.

Vocabulary to introduce:: Microsoft Excel, heights, inches, ruler or yardstick, data, spreadsheet.

1. Have each student measure each other and write down how tall they are in inches on a piece of paper.
2. Then have the students type the height in inches by their name on an Excel spreadsheet.
3. Show the students how to highlight the data and click the Chart Icon.
4. Make a copy for each student to take home.

Results: The student will be able to see the different heights of his/her classmates by the Excel chart.

Follow-up Activity: Have the students measure different objects in the classroom and around the school building and chart the heights on Excel.

Homework: Have the students "measure" other items in the home and bring the data in inches to school to chart on Excel. Be sure to tell them to "label" all items measured at home also.
Great lesson! The kids love it!
Have the students measure different objects in the classroom and around the school building and chart the heights on Excel.
Materials: Whiteboards, Printers, Spreadsheet, Autism