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Kids for Sale

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Keywords: Brochure
Subject(s): Technology, Writing, English/Language Arts
Grades 3 through 6
School: Steelville Middle School, Steelville, MO
Planned By: Kim Gibbs
Original Author: Kim Gibbs, Steelville
Each child will take a digital picture of themselves and use the picture on the cover of the brochure. Students will use one of their many talents and expand on it, to let people know just how special they are and how unique they can be. The brochure will be a trifold and include:

Cover: Title, picture of you and any accessories that you may have or need

Inside: What you are, why someone would want to buy you and cost

Back: References or recommendations from people you have bought you

An example of this would be: Basketball player, farm girl, break dancer.

Students will use microsoft word to complete this project.
Materials: Mobile Labs, Digital Cameras, Point and Shoot, Printers, Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Memory Cards, Reading, Literacy, Writing, Word Processor, Speech and Language