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Erosthene's Sieve

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Keywords: Prime numbers
Subject(s): Math
Grades 4 through 6
School: Abner S Baker Central Elem Sch, Fort Morgan, CO
Planned By: Linda Lawrey
Original Author: Linda Lawrey, Fort Morgan
This would be a beginning lesson on prime numbers. Have paper hundreds boards for the students to color as you show the multiplies on the Smartboard. You could have one student come up and touch the numbers as you count first by 2s, then by 3s, then by 4s, etc. Do not touch the first number you say as you count the multiplies. For example, do not touch the 2, 3, 5, etc. Do not touch the 1 as one is not considered a prime. As you touch each multiple have the students color it on their chart. When you finish, you should have the prime numbers not colored.
I have used this activity in a room that had a Smartboard. You can do the same activity without the Smartboard but it really helps the students visualize the numbers.
You would continue working with prime numbers by going on to prime factorization, etc. This step needs to be done before you work with fractions.
Materials: Elementary, LCD Monitors, Whiteboards
Other Items: 1 Smartboard, $2000.00 each, total of $2000.00