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PowerPoint "My Classes My Teachers"

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Keywords: technology, cameras, PowerPoint, Computer
Subject(s): Technology
Grades 7 through 8
School: Albert Gallatin South Mid Sch, Point Marion, PA
Planned By: Kate Armstrong
Original Author: Kate Armstrong, Point Marion
Students will create a PowerPoint Presentation while incorporating:

* 10 Slides
* Animation - Each word or picture must have an Animation with it.
* Transitions - going from one slide to the next, there should be a different Transition.
* Sound - Each slide must have on sound effect
* An Organizational Chart - used correctly
* Different backgrounds on each Slide - design or background
* A picture on each slide - the picture is to be taken with a digital camera. The student will then be responisble for taking picures, downloading the pictures on the computer, and resizing the picture so if fits on the PowerPoint presentation.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
With a Digital Camera, I would be able to share it with any other teacher who was in need. The teachers could take pictures of in-class projects. The pictures then could be used in the school newspaper or bulletin boards.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Camera Bags, Batteries, Memory Cards, Cables