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Color Poems with Comic Life

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Keywords: poetry, Comic Life
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling
Grades 3 through 12
School: Buckingham Elementary School, Bend, OR
Planned By: Laurie Walsh
Original Author: Laurie Walsh, Bend

Read, Write, Think Lesson
Teacher’s Guide to Comic Life (made with Comic Life)
Color Poem Comic Life Project Guide
Poetry templates
Color Poem Brainstorming sheet
Hailstones & Halibut Bones book
Kids’ samples
Project Package (on CD/tumbdrive/T4T website) with:
color images
Teacher’s Guide - Comic Life
Color Poem Comic LIfe Project Guide
Color Poem Brainstorming
Color Poem Comic Life Poster Criteria
Read, Write, Think Lesson Plan - Color Poems - Using the Five Senses to Guide Prewriting
Color Poem Templates

Objectives of lesson
participants will write a color poem full of good imagery
participants will create a color poem poster using Comic Life

1. Introduce lesson from Read, Write, Think (show site)
2. Ensure Comic Life on toolbar
3. Download pictures from server/CD/thumbdrive/T4T website
Drag to iPhoto
4. Share _Hailstones and Halibut Bones_ books
5. Share sample completed projects - read aloud a few poems

1. choose a color
2. use brainstorming sheets to get sensory-strong phrases (from Read, Write, Think lesson plan)
3. write a color poem with help from templates or on own and using the sensory brainstorming sheets
4. Share Wikipedia Creative Commons site (where teachers can download images)
5. show how to add pics to iPhoto

Start Comic Life Portion of project
1. complete “Shot Sheet”
2. After the Shot Sheet is completed:
3. Open Comic Life and save to Desktop
4. participants drag all images to the panes - even the “title pane”
5. Next, drag in color title using “sound effect letters”
6. Show how to change style
7. Drag in and type three lines from the poem
8. share work with each other
Teachers and students need Comic Life (free on Mac computers before 2009), access to the Internet (for images and lesson from Read, Write, Think)
Links: Link to Read, Write, Think
Wikimedia Creative Commons
Materials: Internet Services, Worksheets, Student Resources, Clip Art