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Flip Camera Activity: Being a Good Citizen

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Keywords: social studies, flip camera, citizens
Subject(s): Grammar, Spelling, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Reading, Writing, Civics
Grades 3 through 4
School: Dozier Elementary School, Erath, LA
Planned By: Lori Porter
Original Author: Lori Porter, Erath
Flip Camera Activity: Being a Good Citizen

Goal: Defining what a good citizen is.

1. Use PowerPoint, Flip Chart, etc. to introduce the unit. (See link below)

2. Lead the class in discussions as to what they feel is important as a citizen?

3. Lessons each day:

Student Activity:

a. Student will define what rights Americans have.

Part One: Complete the paragraphs below. You must have five rights and five responsibilities as American citizens. Make sure your paragraphs have a conclusion sentence.

American Citizens have many rights. American citizens have the right to _________________________________________________________________

American citizens have many responsibilities.


b.Students will self check their paragraph and information.

Part Two: Paragraph Checklist:
_______my paragraph has five rights.
_______my paragraph has five responsibilities
_______both paragraphs have a conclusion sentence

c. Filming segment with a buddy.

Part Three: You and your partner will video each other reading the paragraphs using the flip camera. We will watch the video as a class tomorrow. Below is a checklist for reading the paragraphs. Be sure to read this checklist before you video each other.
________I will use good eye contact during the video (not reading directly from paper)
________I will speak clearly and at a good volume.

Student Grade: (four points each)
_______Paragraph has five rights.
_______Paragraph two has five responsibilities.
______ _Both paragraphs have a conclusion sentence.
_______The presenter has good eye contact.
_______The presenter speaks clearly and at a good volume.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Social Studies and Writing
Links: Lesson (PDF File)
Citizens link
Lesson (MS Word)
Materials: Projector Screens, Flip Video, Mobile Labs