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Hyper Linked Power Point Stories

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Keywords: Power Point, Interdisciplinary, Cross-Curricular, Vocabulary
Subject(s): Math, English/Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, Art, Technology, Health and PE, Foreign Language, Social Skills, Music, Journalism, Photography
Grades 2 through 12
School: Logan-Rogersville Upper Elem, Rogersville, MO
Planned By: Rhonda Simon
Original Author: Rhonda Simon, Rogersville
Step One: Students write a short story (can be fiction or non-fiction depending on the vocabulary words to be emphasized). For example following a science unit on solar systems you are wanting students to demonstrate knowledge of the words "lunar eclipse", "rotation", and "revolve". The students write a short story including these words either using a text box on slide two of their Power Point presentation or first in Word to be copy and pasted later into Power Point.

Step Two: The students then build one slide for each featured vocabulary word. These slides should include an image to illustrate the word, a text box with the definition of the word, and a WordArt of the actual word.

Step Three: Back on slide two the students highlight and right click the vocabulary words within their story. They select HYPERLINK and link their word to the appropriate slide within their slideshow.

The slideshows can be customized as much or little as time and level appropriateness allows. Students should be given the opportunity to share their slideshows with peers after completion.

This project lends itself to being used at any point in any unit--as an introductory/preassessment, during the information phase, or as a post-assessment/conclusion.

Additionally, to further personalize this project, students could import images they have taken to represent specific words.
Materials: Word Processor, Slideshow, Clipart