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5 Themes of Geography

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Keywords: Geography, Social Studies, Themes
Subject(s): Geography, Social Studies
Grades 9 through 12
School: Farmington High School, Farmington, AR
Planned By: Stefanie Earnheart
Original Author: Stefanie Earnheart, Farmington
LESSON 1: 5 Themes
Student will be able to identify and define the 5 themes of geography as they pertain to global studies
Arkansas Standards used: PPE (1.1-1.4, 1.8, 2.1-2.2, 2.4, 2.5); PAG (2.2); SSPS (1.1-1.4, 2.4-2.6)

Instructional Strategy:
Students will be introduced to the 5 themes: Location, Place, Movement, Region, Human/Environment Interaction.
This lesson will use teacher-led discussion to introduce the themes. It will also incorporate 5 student activities to help with evaluation of knowledge.

I. Location
a. Define
b. Longitude/Latitude/AbsoluteLocation
c. Activity (Students are to find location. Maps w/longitude/latitude coordinates work very well for this activity. Students may work in groups to locate various places around the world or even in the community (addresses))
II. Place
a. Define
b. Describe what this place is like
c. Activity (Students will describe what a place is and what it is like. Have them use the building/town they are in or another building/town they are familiar with. Students will then discuss the difference between a location and a place)
III. Movement
a. Define
b. Give examples of movement
c. Discussion (Students should give modern examples of movement; email, trading, immigration, etc.)
d. Activity (Where in the world? Students will use the worksheet and guess where various products are made to show world interdependence/Movement of ideas/goods.)
IV. Region
a. Define
b. What makes a region?
c. Discussion of Regions (Have students give you examples)
d. Activity (Students will use a map and group regions together and explain why they chose to group those areas together.)
V. Human/Environment Interaction
a. Define
b. How do humans change the environment?
c. How do humans interact with the environment?
d. Activity (Read Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. Have students discuss in groups how the Onceler changed/adapted the environment to fit his needs. What were the consequences?)
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the 5 themes of geography by using all 5 themes to write a sequel to The Lorax. The story must be written using Dr. Seuss’ style.
Use the Rubric below to help you with your story. Students will be required to demonstrate their knowledge by answering questions about their story and about the themes.

5: A Story uses all 5 themes of geography in their appropriate manner. The sequel is written in Dr. Seuss’ style. The student can answer questions correctly about how they incorporated the themes of geography.
4: B Story uses 4-5 themes of geography in the appropriate manner. The sequel is written in Dr. Seuss’ style, but there may be 2-3 inconsistencies. The students can answer questions correctly about how they incorporated the themes of geography.
3: C Story uses 3-4 themes of geography in the appropriate manner. The sequel is inconsistent with Dr. Seuss’ style. The student has difficulty answering questions about how the themes incorporated into the story.
2: D Story uses 2-3 themes of geography. Themes may be used in an inconsistent manner. Dr. Seuss’ style is not present. The student has difficulty answering questions about how the themes incorporate into the story.
1 or 0: F Story uses 1-2 themes of geography. Themes are not used in the appropriate manner. Dr. Seuss’ style is not present. The student cannot answer questions about the themes.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Use English teachers to help write the Dr. Seuss story.
Use Science teachers to further explain environmental impacts.
Materials: Cause and Effect, Worksheets, Word Processor, Social Studies, Camera Bags, Point and Shoot
Other Items: 1 World Map (Wall), $29.95 each, total of $29.95
1 Overhead or LCD projector, $0 each, total of $0.00
1 Marker Board, $0 each, total of $0.00
1 Dr. Seuss' THE LORAX, $15.00 each, total of $15.00