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Living Museum

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Keywords: Technology and History
Subject(s): Spelling, English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Photography, Reading, Writing, Technology, Video, Grammar, History
Grades K through 1
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Rymfire Elementary School, Palm Coast, FL
Planned By: Amy Kopach
Original Author: Amy Kopach, Palm Coast
Subject: Social Studies: American History: Kindergarten: Standard 2: What can we learn from people, places, and objects in history?
Lesson Title: The Living Museum
Objective: The students will research and report on an important American figure.

The students will be assigned an important American figure to research. They will be given a paper format with generated questions to answer. They will report on the Americans birthdate, death date (if applicable), what the person's most important contribution was, and three important facts about the American given. The students will given complete written responses for research found. The students will also learn how to note where information was taken from.

The students will use their written reports to create a small poster about their American. They will include pictures and key information in a creative way.

The students will also create a costume to look like the American person assigned.

On the date of the presentation, the students will dress up as their American and stand with their poster around the classroom. Parents, teachers and students are invited to visit a self-guided tour of the living museum. The students will be expected to tell who they are and at least one important fact to inquiring visitors.

After the museum has closed, the students will type written report information onto slides and upload photos of themselves. They will do this with help. They will learn how to edit and set this presentation to music.

*note: I have adapted this lesson to my Kindergarten classroom; original Living Museum Idea comes from a second grade teacher*
Materials: Batteries, CDs and DVDs, Point and Shoot, Flip Video, Cables