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Latin Screenplay & Film Project

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Keywords: Flip Video, Latin, Screenplay
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Music, Reading, English/Language Arts, Spelling, Grammar, Drama, Foreign Language
Grades 6 through 8
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Springside School, Philadelphia, PA
Planned By: Giselle Furlonge
Original Author: Giselle Furlonge, Philadelphia
Below is the project outline that I distributed to my class, including descriptions of the 7 step project process. The students were assessed at each step of the project, culminating with their filming and editing process.

Prima6-3 Latin Screenplay Project Guidelines

Step 1: Brainstorm a story

→ In your group, think about what kind of story you would tell given the Latin vocabulary you already know and the kind of characters you want to create.

Step 2: Create an English draft of your screenplay (3 minutes)
Remember: 3 minutes = 3 pages
→ Use the Screenplay Handout to format your screenplay correctly

→ Make sure to incorporate all the following parts of speech:

Step 3: Make a list of Latin words that you don’t know and look them up!

→ You may use any of the dictionaries in the classroom or ask me for help. You may also feel free to create your own Latin words, given that they fit into the 1st or 2nd declension noun format. For example:

cupcake = cupcaka → 1st declension noun!

Singular Plural

Step4: Translate your English screenplay into Latin.

→ Using your class notes, carefully translate your English screenplay into Latin.
Pay attention to noun-adjective agreement and subject-verb agreement!!!

Step 5: Create your storyboard.
→ Use the “So you Want to Make a Movie” Handout as a reference

Step 6: Film!

Step 7: Edit your Film!

You must check in with me after your group has completed each step of the process!!!

Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Foreign Language (Latin), Language Arts and Film Studies
1) Each group presents their final film project to the class as a whole
2) Each group provides feedback to every other group (what was successful about their screenplay and film, what they could do to improve)
Materials: Flip Video, Flash/USB Drives, Writing