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I Can Read the World Around Me Page Views: 303
Students will start to recognize common signage and the meaning behind the signs. Samples of signs will be in picture form. Signs will be read in class and posted on a class bulletin board. After a few weeks of practice, students will take a walking field trip around the neighborhood to evaluate their learning. On the field trip students will point out signs and what they mean. The teacher will take a photo of the students by the signs. The goal is to have at least one sign for each student. More is better. After the field trip the teacher has the film developed. Each student is asked to choose one picture. One by one the teacher records in the student's own words what the sign means. After all students have shared. The teacher types each student response on a page and glues the photo the student was decribing above the words. All pages are bound together in a class book. The book is titled by the students and kept at schoool for future rereadings. |