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Keywords: Book Making, Predictable Books, School Environment, Cooperative Learning, Language Arts
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Social Skills, Photography
Grades K through 1
School: Hort Elementary School, Bakersfield, CA
Planned By: Bev Keiper
Original Author: Bev Keiper, Bakersfield
1. Read the book by Bill Martin called "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" to the class.
2. Discuss the book and the pattern of how it was written.
3. Brain storm using a graphic organizer who the people are that work at your school (i.e. pricipal, secretary, counselor, custodian, cafeteria staff, etc.)
4. Take a walking field trip around the school to the places each of the people on the list do their jobs. Take pictures of each person as the children meet them.
5. When the class returns to the room, take a picture of the whole class and a picture of yourself to be included in the book.
5. Have a class discussion about the field trip and who the children saw. Discuss the roles of each person.
6. Print the pictures and have them ready for the next day tecome pages in the book. Make word cards with each person's job that the children can use to write on their pages.
7. The next day, divide the children into small groups depending on how many pictures will be in your book. Each group will make a page in the book. On the board write the repetitive phrases of the book "I see ______ looking at me. _______,_______, who do you see?" Students use the word card to fill in the blanks and add the picture to the page.
8. Have students decide share their page with the class and decide what order to put the pages. The teacher and the class should be at the end of the book.
9 Bind the pages into a book adding a title page including authors. Read the bound book with the students the next day, Place the book in the school library so students can read it periodically.

California Standards for Kindergarten:
Reading and Writing
1.1 Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.

1.2 Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.

1.3 Understand that printed materials provide information.

1.4 Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.

1.12 Track auditorily each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word.

2.1 Structural Features of Informational Materials: Locate the title, table of contents, name of author,
and name of illustrator.

2.2 Use pictures and context to make predictions about story content.

2.3 Connect to life experiences the information and events in texts.

1.3 Write by moving from left to right and from top to bottom.

1.2 Share information and ideas, speaking audibly in complete, coherent sentences.

2.3 Relate an experience or creative story in a logical sequence.
1. Let small groups of students visit people in the book and read it to them.
2. Make a slide show of the book tp share with other classes.
3. This same book format could be used with other topics such as Farm Animals, Environmental Signs, Fall Changes, etc. All class books should be placed in the classroom library so students can revisit them often.
Materials: Point and Shoot, Slideshow, Camera Bags, xD Memory Cards, Batteries
Other Items: 1 8 1/2" x 11" Photo Paper, $10.00 each, total of $10.00
1 CD for slide show
Paper for book (usually available at school)