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Siouxland Community Foundation Teacher Grants (Siouxland Tri-State Area)

Description: Purpose: The purpose of the program is to assist teachers by providing grants for innovative classroom projects that improve student learning and make a positive, long-term impact in the classroom. Eligibility: All K-5 teachers and instructional staff from public, private and parochial schools within the school districts serving Sioux City, Iowa; South Sioux City, Nebraska; and North Sioux City, South Dakota are eligible to apply. The Foundation has several types of education grants available on their website
Deadline: November 1, annually
Grant Website: http://www.siouxlandcommunityfoundation.org/E...
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Foundation: Siouxland Community Foundation
Foundation's Website: http://www.siouxlandcommunityfoundation.org/i...
Low Range of Grant: $500
High Range of Grant: $1,000
Subjects: General Education, Staff Development
Keywords: classroom projects, innovative classroom impact

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