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Middlesex County
(564 total schools)
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Abbot Elementary School
Abraham Lincoln Elementary Sch
Abundant Life Christian School
Academy of Notre Dame Elem Sch
Academy of Notre Dame High Sch
Acton Boxborough Reg High Sch
Adams Early Childhood Ctr
Agape Christian Academy
Agassiz Elementary School
Albert Lewis Elementary School
Albert Woodward Elementary School
Alcott Elementary School
Alice Barrows School
Altavesta Elementary School
Ambrose Elementary School
Andrews Middle School
Angier Elementary School
Apple Valley Montessori School
Arlington Catholic High School
Arlington High School
Arlington School
Armenian Sisters Academy
Arthur Coolidge Middle School
Arthur D Healey Elem School
Ashby Elementary School
Ashland High School
Ashland Middle School
Assabet Valley Reg Voc HS
Atrium School
Austin Preparatory School
Ayer High School
Ayer Middle School
Bailey International Elem Sch
Barbieri Elementary School
Bartlett Middle School
Beaver Country Day School
Bedford High School
Beebe Elementary School
Belmont Day School
Belmont High School
Belmont Hill School
Benjamin Banneker Charter Sch
Benjamin G Brown Elem School
Bennett-Hemenway Elem School
Bethel Christian Academy
Bigelow Middle School
Billerica Memorial High School
Birch Meadow School
Blanchard Memorial School
Blanchard Middle School
Blocks Pre-School
Boston Archdiocesan Choir Sch
Boston College Campus School
Boutwell Early Education Ctr
Boutwell School
Bowen Elementary School
Bowman Elementary School
Brackett Elementary School
Brandon Treatment Center
Bridge Elementary School
Brimmer and May School
Brookside Elementary School
Brophy Elementary School
Brown Elementary School
Buckingham Browne Nichols ES
Buckingham Browne Nichols HS
Buckingham Browne Nichols MS
Burbank Elementary School
Burke School
Burlington High School
Burr Elementary School
Butler Middle School
Byam Elementary School
C G McDonough City Magnet Sch
C J McDonough Arts Magnet Sch
Cabot Elementary School
Cambridge Friends School
Cambridge Montessori School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin HS
Cambridge School of Weston
Cambridgeport School
Cameron Middle School
Cardinal O'Connell Elem School
Carlisle Public School
Carroll School
Castle School
Center Primary School
Center School
Center School Elem School
Central Elementary School
Centre Elementary School
Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall Sch
Charles E Brown Middle School
Charles G Harrington Elem Sch
Charles J Joworek Elem School
Charles W Morey Elem School
Charlotte Dunning Elem School
Chelmsford High School
Chelmsford Public Charter Sch
Chenery Middle School
Chestnut Hill School
Children's Own Montessori Sch
Claypit HIll
Claypit Hill Elementary School
Clearway School
Clyde Reeves Elementary School
Col Moses Parker Middle School
Colonel Robinson Elem Sch
Colonial Park Elementary Sch
Community Christian Acad
Community Therapeutic Day Sch
Concord Academy
Concord Assabet Adol Serv
Concord Carlisle High School
Concord Middle School
Coolidge MIddle School
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Cotting School
Country Day School Holy Union
Country School
Countryside Elementary School
Covenant School
Cunniff Elementary School
Curtis-Tufts Alternative Sch
Cyrus Dallin Elementary School
Daley Middle School
Daniel Butler Elementary Sch
Daniel Hurld Elementary School
Daniel L Joyce Middle School
Davenport Elementary School
David Mindess School
Dearborn Academy
Decius Beebe Elementary School
Demonstration School
Devens Elementary School
Devens School
Dolbeare School
Douglas Elementary School
Douglas MacArthur Elem School
Dr an Wang Middle School
Dracut Senior High School
Dutile School
East End House
East Somerville Cmty School
Ecole Bilingue
Edgerly Education Center
Edgewood Greater Boston Acad
Eliot Montessori
Elmwood School
Ephraim Curtis Middle School
Ethel Little School
Eugene Vining Elem School
Everett High School
Ezra C Fitch Elementary School
Farley Elementary School
Farr Academy
Fayerweather Street School
Fenn School
Ferryway Elementary School
Fessenden School
Field School
Fiske Elementary School
Fitzgerald Elementary School
Fletcher-Maynard Academy
Florence Roche Elem School
Forest Avenue Elem School
Forest Park Elementary School
Forestdale Elementary School
Fox Hill Elementary School
Framingham High School
Francis J Kane Elem School
Francis W Parker Charter Sch
Francis Wyman Elem School
Franco American School
Frank A Day Middle School
Franklin Elementary School
Frederick J Dutile Elem Sch
Frederick J. Dutile Elementary School
Full Circle Alternative School
Fuller Middle School
Fulton Heights Alternative Sch
Galvin Middle School
Gates Elementary School
General John Nixon Elem School
George Clapp Elementary School
George H Englesby Interm Sch
Gerald A LeBlanc Elem School
Germaine Lawrence Girls School
Gifford School
Gleason Elementary School
Goodyear Elementary School
Graham & Parks Alt School
Greater Lowell Voc Tech School
Green Meadow Elementary School
Greenhalge Elementary School
Greenmont Avenue Elem School
Greenwood Elementary School
Groton Dunstable Reg High Sch
Groton Dunstable Reg Mid Sch
Groton School
Guyer Fowler Middle School
Haggerty Elementary School
Hajjar Elementary School
Hanscom Middle School
Hanscom Primary School
Happy Hollow Elementary School
Hardy Elementary School
Harrington Elementary School
Harrington Primary School
Hawthorne Brook Middle School
Heath Brook Elementary School
Hellenic American Elem School
Hemenway Elementary School
Henry Buckner School
Henry E Warren Elem School
Henry J Robinson Middle School
Henry Whittemore Elem School
Hervey Primary School
Hillside School
Holliston High School
Hoover Elementary School
Hopkins School
Hopkinton High School
Hopkinton Middle School
Horace Mann
Horace Mann Elementary School
Hosmer Elementary School
Hubert Kindergarten Center
Hudson Catholic High School
Hudson High School
Hugh Molloy Elementary School
Imago School
Immaculate Conception School
Isrial Loring Elem School
J Estabrook Elementary School
J F Kennedy Middle School
J G Pyne Elementary School
J Turner Hood Elem School
Jackson School
James Fitzgerald Elem School
James Russel Lowell Elem Sch
Jewish Cmty Day School
JFK Memorial Middle School
John A Bishop Elementary Sch
John A Cummings School
John Doyle Elementary School
John F Kennedy Elem School
John F Kennedy Middle School
John F Ryan Elementary School
John Glenn Middle School
John J Shaughnessy Humanities
John Kennedy Elementary School
John Kennedy Middle School
John Marshall Elementary
John Tobin Elementary School
John W Winn Middle School
John Ward Elementary School
Johnson Elementary School
Jonas Clarke Middle School
Jonathan Bright Elementary Sch
Joseph A Campbell Elem School
Joseph L Mulready Elem School
Joseph McAvinnue Elem School
Joseph P Keefe Tech High Sch
Joshua Eaton School
Josiah Haynes Elem School
Juniper Hill Elementary School
Kennedy Lincoln Elementary
King Open School
L D Batchelder Elem School
LABBB Collaborative
Lafayette Elementary School
Lakeview Elementary School
Lakeview Junior High School
Laura Lee Alternative Sch
Lawrence Academy
Lawrence School
Learning Ctr for Deaf Children
Learning Prep School
Lexington Christian Academy
Lexington High School
Lexington Montessori School
Life Experience School
Life Resources Alpha Omega
Lighthouse School
Lilja Elementary School
Lincoln Elementary School
Lincoln Park Cmty Elem School
Lincoln School
Lincoln Sudbury Reg High Sch
Lincoln-Eliot Elem School
Lincoln-Parkhurst Elem School
Linden Elementary School
Linden Middle School
Linscott-Rumford Elem School
Little Flower School
Littleton High School
Littleton Middle School
Locke Middle School
Loella F Dewing Elem School
Loker Elementary School
Longfellow Elementary School
Lorin Dame Elementary School
Louise Davy Trahan Elem School
Lowell Adult Education Center
Lowell Catholic High School
Lowell Cmty Charter School
Lowell High School
Lowell Middlesex Acad Chtr Sch
Lt Eleazer Davis Elem School
Lt Job Lane Elementary Sch
Lura A White Elementary School
Luther Conant Elem School
Lynch Elementary School
M E Fitzgerald Elem School
M L King Elementary School
M Norcross Stratton School
Malcolm White Memorial School
Malden Catholic High School
Malden High School
Malik Academy
Mariah Hastings Elem School
Marian High School
Marlborough High School
Marlborough Intermediate Sch
Marlborough Middle School
Marshall Middle School
Marshall Simonds Middle School
Mary E Stapleton Elem School
Mary Walton Elementary School
Mason-Rice Elementary School
Matignon High School
May Ctr for Early Chldhd Ed
Maynard High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
McCall Middle School
McCarthy Middle School
McCarthy Towne Elem School
McGlynn Elementary School
McGlynn Middle School
Meadowbrook School
Meadowbrook SDA School
Medford High School
Medford Voc Tech High School
Melrose High School
Melrose Middle School
Memorial Elementary
Memorial Elementary School
Memorial-Spaulding Elem School
Merriam Elementary School
Merrimack Special Education Collaborative
Merrimack Valley Hebrew Acad
Metro North Children's Learning Center
MetroWest Christian Academy
Metrowest Massachusetts Regional
Middlesex School
Millenium Elementary School
Miller Elementary School
Minuteman Regional High School
Miriam McCarthy Elementary Sch
Montrose School
Moody Elementary School
Morse Elementary School
Mount Hope Christian School
Mt Alvernia Academy
Mt Alvernia High
Mulready Elementary School
Muraco Elementary School
Murkland School
Mystic Vly Regional Chtr Sch
Nabnasset Elementary School
Nashoba Brooks School
Nashoba Valley Tech High Sch
Nathaniel P Banks Elem School
Natick High School
New Covenant Christian School
New England Pediatric Care Sch
Newton Country Day School
Newton Education Center
Newton North High School
Newton South High School
Next Wave School
Nissitissit Middle School
Norcross Stratton
Norman E Day Elementary School
Norris Road Elementary School
North Cambridge Catholic HS
North Intermediate School
North Middlesex Regional HS
North Reading High School
North Reading Middle School
North Street Elementary School
Northeast Elementary School
Northeast Metro Reg Voc School
Oak Hill Middle School
Odyssey Day School
Open Bible Academy
Orchard School
Ottoson Middle School
Our Lady Comforter Afflict Sch
Our Lady of Grace School
Our Lady of Nazareth Academy
Our Lady Pre-Sch Learning Ctr
Page-Hilltop Elementary School
Parker Avenue Elementary Sch
Parker Elementary School
Parlin School
Pawtucketville Memorial School
Peabody Elementary School
Peabody Middle School
Peirce Elementary School
Peirce Elementary School-Pride
Perkins School for the Blind
Peter Fitzpatrick Elem School
Peter Noyes Elementary School
Peter Reilly Elementary School
Phoenix School
Pincushion Hill Montessori Sch
Pine Glen Elementary School
Placentino Elementary School
Pope John XXIII High Sch
Potter Road Elementary School
Powder House Cmty Elem School
Prescott Elementary School
Protestant Guild Learning Ctr
Rashi School
Raymond J Grey Jr High School
Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse
Reading Memorial High School
Reed Academy
Richer Elementary School
Ripley Elementary School
Rivers School
Riverside Alt Middle Sch
Riverside School
Robert Adams Middle School
Robert Kennedy Elem School
Robin Hood Elementary School
Roger E Wellington Elem School
Rogers Middle School
Roosevelt Elementary School
Rosary Learning Center
Russell Street Elem School
Sacred Heart Elem Sch-Cheverus
Sacred Heart School
Salemwood Elementary School
Sanborn Middle School
School for Exceptional Studies
Shady Hill School
Shaker Lane Elementary School
Shamrock Mem Elementary School
Shawsheen Elementary School
Shawsheen Valley Tech High Sch
Solomon Schechter Day School
Solomon Schechter Upper School
Somerville Charter School
Somerville High School
South Elementary School
South Middle School
South Row Elementary School
Spaulding Memorial School
Squannacook Elementary School
St Agnes School
St Ann School
St Anne Montessori School
St Anthony School
St Bridget School
St Catherine of Genoa School
St Charles Elementary School
St Clement Elementary School
St Clement High School
St Francis Assisi School
St Jeanne D'Arc School
St John Evangelist School
St Joseph School
St Joseph's School
St Jude School
St Louis School
St Margaret School
St Mary School
St Michael School
St Patrick Elementary School
St Patrick School
St Peter School
St Raphael School
St Stanislaus School
St Tarcisius Elementary School
St.Charles Jaworek Elementary School
Stoneham High School
Stoneham Middle School
Stony Brook School
Sudbury Public Schools
Sudbury Valley School
Sullivan Middle School
Swallow Union Elem School
Swan Elementary School
TEC High School
Tewksbury Memorial High Sch
The Fay School
Thomas Ditson Elementary Sch
Thomas R Plympton Elem School
Thompson Elementary School
Thoreau Elementary School
Trinity Catholic High School
Tufts Educational Day Care Center
Tyngsborough Elementary School
Tyngsborough Jr Sr High School
Tyngsborough Middle School
Underwood Elementary School
United Teen Equality Center
Valley Collaborative - Elementary
Varnum Elementary School
Victor School
Vinson Owen Elementary School
Wakefield Memorial High School
Waldorf High School
Walnut Hill School
Walnut Park Montessori School
Walsh Middle School
Walter Parker Middle School
Waltham Senior High School
Warren Killam School
Washington Elementary School
Watertown High School
Watertown Middle School
Wayland Academy of Framingham
Wayland High School
Wayland Middle School
Wayside Academy
Webster Elementary School
Wellesley Middle School
West Intermediate School
West Somerville Elem School
Westford Academy
Westford Public Schools
Westlands Elementary School
Weston High School
Weston Middle School
Wildwood Early Childhood Ctr
Willard Elementary School
William A Pittaway Elem Sch
William Diamond Middle School
Williams Elementary School
Willow Hill School
Wilmington High School
Wilmington Middle School
Wilson Middle School
Winchester High School
Winn Brook Elementary School
Winslow School
Winter Hill Cmty Elem School
Winthrop Elementary School
Woburn Senior High School
Woburn St Elementary School
Woodland Elementary School
Woodrow Wilson Elem School
Woodville Elementary
WS Parker Middle School
Wyman Elementary School
Yeuell Elementary School
Zervas Elementary School
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