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Clark County
(381 total schools)
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Academy for Learning
Addeliar Guy Elementary School
Advanced Technology Academy
Aggie Roberts Elem School
Aldeane Comito Ries
Alexander Dawson School
Anderson Academy of Mathematics and Science
Andre Agassi College Prep Acad
Andrew J Mitchell Elem School
Ann Lynch Elementary School
Arbor View H. S.
Area Tech Trade Center
Arturo Cambeiro Elem School
Ateres Bnos Ita
B Mahlon Brown Middle School
Basic High School
Berkley L Bunker Elem School
Bertha B Ronzone Elem School
Betsy A Rhodes Elementary Sch
Bill Y Tomiyasu Elem School
Biltmore Opportunity School
Bishop Gorman High School
Black Mountain Fellowship Sch
Blue Diamond Elem School
Bob Miller Middle School
Bonanza High School
Boulder City High School
Bozarth Elementary School
C C Ronnow Elementary School
C P Squires Elementary School
C W Woodbury Middle School
C. H. Decker
Cadwallader Middle School
Canyon Springs
Canyon Springs High School
Carl Elementary School
Carolyn S. Reedom Elementary School
Cartwright ES
Cath Charities Kdgn & Pre-Sch
Centennial High School
Chaparral High School
Charles & Phyllis Frias
Charles A. Hughes Middle School
Charles Silvestri Jr High Sch
Charles West Middle School
Charlotte and Jerry Keller Elementary School
Charlotte Hill Elem School
Chester T Sewell Elem School
Chester V Gilbert Magnet Sch
Cheyenne High School
cimarron memorial high school
Cimarron Memorial Sr High Sch
Clarabelle Decker Elem School
Clarence Piggott Elem School
Clifford Lawrence Jr High Sch
Clifford O. Pete Findlay Middle School
Clyde C Cox Elementary School
Cmty College South High Sch
Community College East HS
Community College West HS
Coral Academy of Science
Coronado High School
Cram Middle School
Crestwood Elementary School
Curriculum & Professional Development Division
Cynthia Cunningham Elem School
Cyril Wengert Elem School
D'Vorre & Hal Ober Elem School
Daniel Goldfarb Elem School
Darnell Elementary School
David Cox Elementary School
Dean Lamar Allen Elem School
Del Sol Academy of Performing Arts
Del Webb Middle School
Dell H Robison Middle School
Desert Oasis HS (445)
Desert Pines High School
Desert Rose Adult High Sch
Don E. Hayden Elementary School
Doral Academy - Pebble Campus
Doris French Elem School
Doris Hancock Elem School
Doris M Reed Elementary School
Dorothy Eisenberg Elem School
Dr. Claude G. Perkins Elementary School
Duane D Keller Middle School
Durango High School
E W Griffith Elementary School
Earnest Becker Middle School
Earnest May Elementary School
East Career and Technical Academy
Echoes Christian Academy
Edith Garehime Elem School
Edmundo Escobedo Middle School
Edna F Hinman Elementary Sch
Edward W Clark High School
Edythe & Lloyd Katz Elem Sch
Eileen B. Brookman
Eileen Brookman Elementary School
Eileen Conners ES
Elaine Wynn Elementary School
Elbert Edwards Elem School
Eldorado High School
Elise Wolff Elementary School
Elizabeth Wilhelm Elem Sch
Elton M Garrett Middle School
Estes M McDoniel Elem School
Ethel W Staton Elem School
Eva M Wolfe Elementary Sch
Evelyn Stuckey Elementary
Faith Lutheran Academy
Faith Lutheran Jr Sr High Sch
Fay Galloway Elementary School
Fay Herron Elementary School
First Good Shepherd Luth Sch
Foothill High School
Francis H Cortney Jr High Sch
Frank F Garside Middle School
Frank Kim Elementary School
Frank Lamping Elem School
Gateway Christian Academy
Gene Ward Elementary School
George E Harris Elem School
Goodsprings Elementary School
Gordon McCaw Elementary School
Grant Bowler Elementary School
Grant Sawyer Middle School
Green Valley High School
Greenspun Middle School
Gwendolyn Woolley Elem School
H P Fitzgerald Elementary Sch
Hal Smith Elementary School
Halle Hewetson Elem School
Harley A Harmon Elem School
Harold Brinley Middle School
Harriet Treem Elementary Sch
Harry Reid Elementary School
Harvey N Dondero Elem School
Hebrew Academy
Heckethorn Elementary School
Helen C Cannon Middle School
Helen Herr Elementary School
Helen J Stewart Special School
Helen Jydstrup Elementary Sch
Helen M Smith Elem School
Herbert A Derfelt Elem School
Hoggard Magnet School
Horizon East Alternative Sch
Horizon North Alternative Sch
Horizon South Alternative Sch
Horizon West Alternative Sch
Howard A Wasden Elem School
Hyde Park Middle School
Indian Springs School
International Christian Acad
Ira J Earl Elementary School
Irwin & Susan Molasky Jr HS
J D Smith Middle School
J E Manch Elementary School
J M Ullom Elementary School
J T McWilliams Elem School
J. Marlan Walker International School
Jack Dailey Elementary School
James B McMillan Elem School
James Cashman Middle School
James E. & A. Rae Smalley Elementary
James Gibson Elementary School
James H. Bilbray E.S.
Jay W. Jeffers
Jefferson Opportunity School
Jerome Mack Middle School
Jim Bridger Junior High School
Jim Thorpe Elementary School
Jo Mackey Elementary School
John A Dooley Elementary Sch
John Bass Elementary School
John C Fremont Middle School
John C Vanderburg Elem Sch
John F Mendoza Elem School
John F Miller School
John R Beatty Elem School
John S Park Elementary School
John W Bonner Elementary Sch
Joseph Bowler Elementary Sch
Joseph Neal Elementary School
Judith Steele Elementary
Juvenile Court School
K O Knudson Middle School
Kathleen & Tim Harney Middle School
Kathy L Batterman
Keith & Karen Hayes Elem Sch
Kenny C Guinn Middle School
Kermit Booker Elem School
Keystone Academy
Kirk L Adams Elementary School
Kit Carson Elementary School
Kitty M. Ward
LA Madre Mountain School
Lake Mead Christian Academy
Lamb of God Lutheran School
Las Vegas Academy
Las Vegas Apostolic Academy
Las Vegas Day School
Las Vegas High School
Las Vegas Junior Academy
Laughlin Jr Sr High Shcool
Laura Dearing Elem School
Lawrence Junior High School
Leavitt Middle School
Lee Antonello Elem School
Legacy High School
Lewis E Rowe Elementary Sch
Liberty High School
Lied Middle School
Liliam Lujan Hickey Elementary School
Lilly & Wing Fong Elem School
Lincoln Elementary School
Linda Givens Elementary School
Lois Craig Elementary School
Lomie Gray Heard Elem School
Lorna Kesterson Elem School
Louis Wiener Elementary School
Lucile Bruner Elem School
Lundy Elementary School
Lyal Burkholder Middle School
M J Christensen Elem School
Mannion Middle School
Manuel J Cortez Elem School
Maranatha Academy
Marc Kahre Elementary School
Marion B Earl Elem School
Marion E Cahlan Elem School
Martha P King Elementary Sch
Martin Luther King Elem School
Martinez Elementary School
Matt Kelly Elem School
Matt Kelly Elementary School
Matt Kelly Empowerment Elem. School
Meadows School
Merryhill Elementary School
Mervin Iverson Elementary
Mike O'Callaghan Middle School
Miley Achievment Center
Moapa Valley High School
Mojave High School
Monaco Middle School
Montessori Academy So Nevada
Mountain View Christian School
Mountain View Elem School
Mt Olive Lutheran School
Myrtle Tate Elementary School
Nate Mack Elementary School
Neil C Twitchell Elem Sch
New Horizons Academy
New Life Christian Academy
Northwest Career & Technical Academy
O K Adcock Elementary School
Odyssey Charter Sch of Nevada
Ollie Detwiler Elem School
Opportunity South School
Oran K Gragson Elem School
Oscar Haikal Islamic Academy
Our Lady of Las Vegas School
Palo Verde High School
Paradise Christian Academy
Paradise Elementary School
Parson Elementary School
Pat A Diskin Elem School
Patricia A Bendorf Elem School
Paul E Culley Elem School
Peterson-Horizon High Sch
Pinecrest Academy of Nevada
Quannah McCall Elem School
Quest Academy
R E Tobler Elementary School
R Guild Gray Elementary School
Ralph L. Cadwallader Middle School
Rancho High School
Raul P Elizondo Elem School
Red Rock Elementary School
Redeemer Lutheran School
Rex Bell Elementary School
Richard H Bryan Elem School
Richard J Rundle Elem School
Robert E Lake Elem School
Robert L Taylor Elem School
Robert L. Forbuss Elementary
Robert Lunt Elementary School
Robert O Gibson Middle School
Roberta Cartwright Elem Sch
Roger Gehring Elementary School
Roger M Bryan Elem School
Rogers Elementary School
Rogich Middle School
Rose Warren Elementary School
Roy W Martin Middle School
Ruby S Thomas Elem School
Ruth Fyfe Elementary School
Ruthe Deskin Elementary School
Sandy Searles Miller Academy for International Studies
Sandy Valley Elementary School
Scherkenbach Elementary School
Scholfield Middle School
Sedway Middle School
Selma F Bartlett Elem School
Shadow Ridge High School
Sheila Tarr Elementary School
Shiloh Christian School
Sierra Vista High School
Silverado High School
Sister Robert Joseph Bailey Elementary School
Snyder Elementary School
Solid Rock Academy
Somerset Academy North Las Vegas
Somerset Losee
Somerset Sky Pointe
Southeast Career Technical Academy
Southwest Career and Technical Academy
Spring Mountain School
Spring Valley Chrn Academy
Spring Valley High School
St Anne School
St Christopher School
St Elizabeth Ann Seton School
St Francis DeSales School
St Joseph School
St Viator School
Stanford Elementary School
Steve Schorr Elementary School
Sue Morrow Elementary School
Sunrise Acres Elem School
Sunrise Mountain High School
Sunset East High School
Sunset North High School
Sunset South High School
Sunset West High School
The Henderson International School
Theron L Swainston Middle Sch
Thomas O'Roarke
Thurman White Middle School
Tom Williams Elementary School
Tony Alamo Elementary School
Trinity Christian School
Twin Lakes Elementary School
Ulis Newton Elementary School
University Baptist Academy
Ute Perkins Elementary School
Vail Pittman Elementary School
Valley High School
Variety Special School
Vegas Verdes Elem School
Veteran's Tribute Career and Technology Academy
Victoria Fertitta Middle School
Virgin Valley Elem School
Virgin Valley Jr Sr HS
Von Tobel Middle School
W Mack Lyon Middle School
W. Mack Lyon MS
Walter Bracken Elem School
Walter Jacobson Elem School
Walter Johnson Jr High School
Walter V Long Elem School
Washington Opportunity School
Watson Elementary School
Wayne N. Tanaka
Wendell P. Williams ES
West Career and Technical Academy
West Valley Christian Academy
Western Senior High School
Whitney Elementary School
Will Beckley Elementary School
William Ferron Elem School
William G Bennett Elem School
William Lummis Elem School
William Moore Elem School
William Orr Middle School
William V. Wright
Williams Elementary School
Zel & Mary Lowman Elem School
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