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Philadelphia County
(547 total schools)
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A M Y-At James Martin Mid Sch
Abigail Vare Elementary School
Abraham Lincoln High School
Abram Jenks Elementary School
Academy at Palumbo
Academy of the Way
ADA H Lewis Middle School
Add B Anderson Elem School
AL Agsa Islamic School
Alain Locke Elementary School
Albert M Greenfield Elem Sch
Alexander Adaire Elem School
Alexander K McClure Elem Sch
Alexander Wilson Elem School
All Saints School
Allen M Stearne Elem School
Alliance-Progress Charter Sch
Aloysius L Fitzpatrick Elem
Alpha House Nursery & Kdgn
Amy Northwest Middle School
Andrew Hamilton Elem School
Andrew J Morrison Elem School
Andrew Jackson Elem School
Anna B Day Elementary School
Anna B Pratt Elementary School
Anna H Shaw Middle School
Anna L Lingelbach Elem School
Anna Shaw Middle School
Anne Frank Elementary School
Annunciation School
Archbishop Ryan High School
Architecture Design Charter HS
Ascension of Our Lord School
Austin Meehan Middle School
Avery D Harrington Elem School
Bache-Martin Elementary School
Bartram High School
Bayard Taylor Elem School
Belmont Elementary School
Ben Franklin Elementary School
Ben Franklin High School
Benjamin B Comegys Elem School
Benjamin Rush Middle School
Berean Christian Academy
Bethel Baptist Academy
Blair Christian Academy
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Bodine HS of Intl Affairs
Bok Tech High School
Bridesburg Elementary School
Broad Street Academy
C C A Baldi Middle School
Calvary Christian Academy
Calvary Temple Christian Acad
Capa High School
Cardinal Dougherty High School
Career and Academic Development Institute
Cayuga Elementary School
Cecilian Academy School
Cedar Grove Christian Academy
Celestial Christian Community
Center Economics/Law Chart Sch
Central East Middle School
Central High School
Chalutzim Academy
Charles Carroll High School
Charles Henry School
Charles R Drew Elem School
Charles Y Audenried High Sch
Chester A Arthur Elem School
Chestnut Hill Academy
Christ Christian Academy
Christ Ind Baptist Academy
Christ the King School
Christian Stronghold Lrng Acad
Christopher Columbus Chtr Sch
Church of God Victory Academy
City Center Academy
Clara Barton Elementary School
Clarence E Pickett Middle Sch
Cockrell Christian School
Com John Barry Elem School
Communications Technology High School
Community Partnership School
Cook-Wissahickon Elem School
Corinthian Christian Academy
Cornerstone Christian Academy
Creative & Performing Arts
Crefeld School
Crusaders for Christ-Chrn Acad
D Newlin Fell Elem School
Daniel Boone School
De LA Salle In Towne School
Delaplaine McDaniel Elem Sch
Delaware Valley Charter HS
Deliverance Evangelistic Bible Institute G.E.D. Program
Delta School
Dimner Beeber Middle School
Direct Connection Institute
Dobbins-Randolph Avts
Dr Ethel Allen Elementary Sch
E Spencer Miller School
E W Rhodes Middle School
Eagles Nest Christian School
Easter Seal Handicapped School
Edison-Fareira High School
Edward Gideon Elem School
Edward Heston Elem School
Edward Steel Elementary School
Edwin Forrest Elem School
Edwin H Fitler Elem School
Edwin H Vare Middle School
Edwin Stanton Elem School
Eleanor C Emlen Elem School
Eliza B Kirkbride Elem School
Elizabeth D Gillespie Mid Sch
Ellwood Elementary School
Elwyn Inst Davidson School
Emmanuel Christian School
Epiphany of Our Lord School
Ethan Allen Elementary School
Eugenio Maria Dehostos School
Evan Thomas Institute
Evelyn Graves Christian Acad
F Amadee Bregy Elem School
Fairhill Elementary School
Faith Tabernacle School
Family Charter School
Father Judge High School
Feltonville School of Arts & Sciences
Feltonville-Horn Elem School
First Philadelphia Charter School for Literacy
Fox Chase Elementary School
Frances D Pastorius Elem Sch
Frances E Willard Elem School
Francis Hopkinson Elem School
Francis Scott Key Elem School
Frankford Friends School
Frankford High School
Franklin Learning Center
Franklin S Edmonds Elem School
Franklin Smedley Elem School
Franklin Towne Charter HS
Frederick Douglass Elem School
Freire Charter School
Friends Select School
G W Carver Enginrng & Sci HS
Gen David B Birney Elem School
Gen George C Meade Elem School
Gen J Harry Labrum Middle Sch
Gen John Reynolds Elem School
Gen Louis Wagner Middle School
Gen Philip Kearny Elem School
George C Thomas Middle School
George Clymer Elem School
George Pepper Middle School
George Sharswood Elem School
George W Childs Elem School
George W Nebinger Elem School
George Washington Elem School
George Washington High School
Germantown Evang Christian Sch
Germantown Friends School
Germantown High School
Germantown Settlement Chtr Sch
Germantown-Lankenau High Sch
Gesu Catholic School
Gilbert Spruance Elem School
Girard Academic Music Program
Girard College
Global Leadership Academy
Good Shepherd School
Gospel of Grace Christian Sch
Grace Temple Christian Academy
Greater Church Training Center
Green Tree Sch-Lower Campus
Green Tree School-Upper Campus
Greene Street Friends School
Grover Cleveland Elem School
Grover Washington Jr Middle
Growing Light Day School
Growing Light School
Guion S Bluford Elem School
Hamilton Disston Elem School
Harambee Institute Sci & Tech
Harding Middle School
Harold O'Davis Christian Sch
Henry A Brown Elem School
Henry C Lea Elementary School
Henry Edmunds Elem School
Henry H Houston Elem School
Henry W Lawton Elem School
High Street Christian Academy
High Tech High Philadelphia CS
Hill-Freedman School
Hms Sch for Children with CP
Holmesburg Baptist Chrn School
Holy Cross School
Holy Family School
Holy Innocents School
Holy Name of Jesus School
Holy Redeemer School
Holy Spirit School
Hope Christian Academy
Horace Furness High School
Horatio B Hackett Elem School
Imani Educ Circle Charter Sch
Imhotep Institute Charter HS
Immaculate Heart Mary School
Immanuel Lutheran School
Incarnation of Our Lord School
Independence Charter School
International Christian School
Isaac Sheppard Elem School
Islamic Day Sch Philadelphia
Islamic School
Ivy Leaf Elementary School
J B Deburgos Magnet Middle Sch
J Hampton Moore Elem School
J P Jones Middle School
James Alcorn Elementary School
James Dobson Elementary School
James Elverson Middle School
James G Blaine Elem School
James J Sullivan Elem School
James R Lowell Elem School
James R Ludlow Elem School
Jay Cooke Middle School
John B Kelly Elementary School
John B Stetson Middle School
John F Hartranft Elem School
John F McCloskey Elem School
John G Whittier Elem School
John H Taggart Elem School
John H Webster Elem School
John Hancock Elementary School
John L Kinsey Elem School
John M Patterson Elem School
John Marshall Elem School
John Moffet Elementary School
John P Turner Middle School
John S Jenks Elementary School
John W Hallahan High School
John Wanamaker Middle School
John Welsh Elementary School
John Wister Elementary School
Joseph C Ferguson Elem School
Joseph Catharine Elem School
Joseph Greenberg Elem School
Joseph H Brown Elem School
Joseph Leidy Elem School
Joseph Pennell Elem School
Jubilee School
Jules E Mastbaum Voc Tech HS
Julia R Masterman School
Julia Ward Howe Elem School
Juniata Park Academy
Kenderton Elementary School
Kennedy Crossan Academic Plus Elementary
Kensington High School
Khepera Charter SChool
KIPP Philadelphia Charter School
KIPP West Philadelphia Preparatory Charter School
Laboratory School - Comm & Lang
Larchwood SDA School
Laura H Carnell Elem School
Laura W Waring Elem School
Lehigh Christian Academy
Leslie P Hill Elem School
Lewis Cassidy Elem School
Lewis Elkin Elementary School
Little Flower Catholic HS
Logan Elementary School
Lotus Academy
Louis H Farrell Elem School
Luis Munoz Marin Elem School
Lutheran High School
M Hall Stanton Elem School
Marcus Garvey Shule School
Mariana Bracetti Acad Chtr Sch
Maritime Academy Charter Schol
Martha Washington Elem School
Martin Luther King High School
Mary McLeod Bethune Elem Sch
Mary, Mother of Peace
Mast Community Charter School
Mastery Charter Schools
Mater Dolorosa School
Maternity B V M School
Math-Civics-Sciences Chtr Sch
Mayer Sulzberger Middle School
Mayfair School
McCall Elementary School
Mercy Vocational High School
Mill Creek School
Montessori Genesis 11 School
Morris Leeds Middle School
Morton McMichael Elem School
Most Blessed Sacrament School
Mother of Divine Grace School
Mt Airy Christian Day Sch
Multi-Cultural Academy
Mya School
Nativity BVM School
Nazareth Academy Grade School
Nazareth Academy High School
New Foundations Chtr Sch
New Harvest Christian Academy
New Media Technology Charter School
New Testament Church of Christ
Norris S Barratt Middle School
Northeast Catholic Boys HS
Northeast High School
Northeast Preparatory School
Northwest Child Dev Center
Norwood Fontbonne Academy
Nueva Esperanza Acad Chtr Sch
Office of Specialized Instructional Serrvices
Olney Elementary School
Olney High School
One Bright Ray Community High School
Our Lady Help of Christians
Our Lady of Angels School
Our Lady of Calvary School
Our Lady of Hope School
Our Lady of Lourdes School
Our Lady of Ransom School
Our Lady of the Rosary School
Our Lady of Victory School
Our Lady-Consolation School
Our Lady-Mt Carmel School
Our Mother of Sorrows School
Our Mother-Consolation School
Overbrook Educational Center
Overbrook Elementary School
Overbrook High School
Overbrook School for Blind
Pan American Academy Charter School
Parkway Northwest
Parkway School-Center City
Parkway School-Gamma
Parkway West
Paul L Dunbar Elem School
Penn Alexander School
Penn Charter School
Penn Treaty Middle School
Pennsylvania Sch for the Deaf
Pennypack House School
Penrose Elementary School
People for People Charter Sch
Performing Arts Chtr Sch
Philadelphia Academic School
Philadelphia Academy Chtr Sch
Philadelphia Childrens School
Philadelphia Christian Academy
Philadelphia Community Academy
Philadelphia Electrical and Technology Charter High School
Philadelphia High School Girls
Philadelphia Mntgmry Chrn Acad
Philadelphia Regional High Sch
Philadelphia School
Philadelphia Theatre Company
Phillip A Randolph Skills Ctr
Politz Hebrew Academy
Potter-Thomas Elem School
Preparatory Charter School
Prince Hall Elementary School
Project Learn School
Quba Institute
R. W. Brown
Raising Horizons Quest Charter
Redeemer Lutheran School
Renaissance Advantage Chtr Sch
Renaissance Charter School
Resurrection of Our Lord Sch
Rhawnhurst Elementary School
Rhoads Elementary School
Richard Allen Prep Charter Sch
Richard R Wright Elem School
Richmond Elementary School
Robert B Pollock Elem School
Robert E Lamberton School
Robert Fulton Elem School
Robert Morris Elem School
Robert S Vaux Middle School
Roberto Clemente Middle School
Roman Catholic High School
Roxborough High School
Rudolph Blankenburg Elem Sch
Rudolph S Walton Elem School
Russell Byers Charter School
Russell Conwell Middle School
S Weir Mitchell Elem School
Sacred Heart of Jesus School
Saints tabernacle
Salafiyah Soc Islamic Day Sch
Samuel B Huey Elem School
Samuel Daroff Elem School
Samuel Fels High School
Samuel Gompers Elem School
Samuel Pennypacker Elem School
Samuel Powel Elementary School
Sanctuary Christian Academy
Sch of Moorish Science Temple
Science Leadership Academy
Shallcross School
Shawmont Elementary School
Sheridan Elementary School
Simon Gratz High School
Sister Clara Muhammad School
Solis-Cohen Elementary School
South Philadelphia High School
Southwark Elementary School
Spring Garden Elem School
Springside School
Spruce Hill Christian School
SS Clement-Irenaeus School
St Adalbert School
St Ambrose School
St Anne School
St Anselm School
St Athanasius Immac Concep Sch
St Barnabas Episcopal School
St Barnabas School
St Bartholomew School
St Benedict School
St Bernard School
St Boniface School
St Bridget School
St Casimir School
St Cecilia School
St Charles School
St Christopher School
St Cyprian School
St Dominic School
St Donato School
St Francis DeSales School
St Francis Xavier School
St George School
St Helena School
St Hubert's Catholic Girls HS
St Hugh School
St Ignatius of Loyola School
St Jerome School
St Joachim School
St Joan of Arc School
St John Cantius School
St John Neumann High School
St John the Baptist School
St Josaphat School
St Josaphat Ukrainian Cath Sch
St Joseph's Preparatory School
St Katherine of Siena School
St Laurentius School
St Leo School
St Lucy School
St Malachy School
St Maria Goretti High School
St Martha School
St Martin De Porres OST
St Martin De Porres School
St Martin of Tours School
St Mary Interparochial School
St Mary-Assumption School
St Matthew School
St Monica School
St Nicholas-Tolentine School
St Peter the Apostle School
St Peter's School
St Raymond School
St Richard School
St Rose of Lima School
St Therese of the Child Jesus
St Thomas Aquinas School
St Timothy School
St Veronica School
St William School
St. Martin de Porres Catholic School
Stella Maris School
Stephen Decatur Elem School
Stephen Douglas High School
Stephen Girard Elem School
Stoddart-Fleisher Middle Sch
Strawberry Mansion Mid HS
Student Ed Ctr-Delaware Valley
Student Education Center
Swenson Arts & Technology Ctr
Talmudical Yeshiva of Phil
Tanner Duckrey Elem School
Theodore Roosevelt Middle Sch
Thomas Creighton Elem School
Thomas Durham Chld Develop Ctr
Thomas Fitzsimons Middle Sch
Thomas G Morton Elem School
Thomas Holme Elementary School
Thomas K Finletter Elem School
Thomas M Peirce Elem School
Thomas Mifflin Elem School
Thurgood Marshall Elem School
Tilden Middle School
Timothy Academy
Trinity Christian School
Triumph Christian School
Truebright Science Academy Charter School
Universal Institute Chtr Sch
University City High School
Visitation School
W B Saul HS for AG Sciences
Wakisha Charter School
Walter D Palmer Leadership Learning Partners Charter School
Walter G Smith Elem School
Watson Comly Elementary School
West Catholic High School
West Oak Lane Charter School
West Oak Lane Christian Acad
West Philadelphia High School
Widener Memorial School
William C Longstreth Elem Sch
William Cramp Elem School
William Cullen Bryant Elem Sch
William Dick Elementary School
William F Harrity Elem School
William H Harrison Elem School
William H Hunter Elem School
William H Loesche Elem School
William H Shoemaker Middle Sch
William H Ziegler Elem School
William Kelley Elem School
William L Sayre Middle School
William Levering Elem School
William Mann Elementary School
William McKinley Elem School
William Meredith Elem School
William Peirce Middle School
William Penn High School
William Rowen Elem School
Woodbine Academy
Woodrow Wilson Middle School
World Communications Chtr Sch
Wynnefield Academy
Young Scholars Charter School
Youth for Change Charter Sch
Youth Study Center School
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