8. Would you like a Digital Wish staff member to contact you to discuss:
Employee Matching Funds Program for local corporations
Help you run a local fundraiser
9. If so, please enter your e-mail address:
10. Rate these new ideas: (Scale of 1-5, bad to great)
Digital Wish could produce a sports journalism book/CD including: a reporter's guidebook, photo-journalism course, podcasting instructions, and lesson plans across all subjects. The book would be granted to schools.
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Digital Wish could hold a national walk-a-thon, with pledges per mile, costumed walks, and community involvement. Guidelines and printable forms could be provided to help your school organize the event. Pledges will go directly to your local school.
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Digital Wish could provide gifts for reaching various donation levels.
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11. Do you have any fundraising ideas we might pursue?