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Company Description: Westside Village began with the dream of knocking down the wall between two classrooms, a dream of innovation, creativity and educating students beyond conventional walls. A dream of giving kids a voice, the freedom to meet their infinite potential and the necessity of reengaging families as partners in their child’s education. The walls came down — we had a mixed-age community classroom. This inspired other teachers, families and children. The idea spread and overtime, the Community Classroom expanded into Westside Village Magnet School. I am proud to be one of the dreamers who brought our school into reality. Today, I am still committed to teaching and learning with children, families and facilitators about equity, justice, inclusivity and a learned respect for the earth and its people. Westside Village is more than teachers and students. We are families, support staff, volunteers and the greater community. We are a nurturing, stimulating and democratic learning environment. We are a true community, driven and united by our belief—all children can be academically successful, happy, hopeful, contributing community members. We inspire our students and parent community to be engaged, thriving citizens, striving together to make the future a better place. We empower our students to think and advocate for themselves and others. We learn together by engaging in real-world projects that help us become stewards of our community, the earth, and its diverse cultures.
Company Mission: We personalize learning by meeting children wherever they are, and helping them to realize their infinite potential.
Outreach URL: http://https://www.friendsofwestside.com/
Company Grants: Selco Steps Up -$2500 ,2024 Peter R. Marsh - music grant- $1800, 2024
Mandy Weston
Westside Village Magnet School
About Me:
My husband and I have called Oregon home for 13 years, with 12 of those spent in Bend. I work with children and adults who have neurodiversities and physical disabilities, helping them reach their goals. While being a mom is my top priority, I also have a passion for my work and my volunteer efforts at Westside Village Magnet School and Friends of Westside Village 501c3.
WVMS truly meets each child where they are. After I began volunteering in the classrooms, I witnessed firsthand the commitment and impact that the teachers and staff have on the children's lives. This inspired me to contribute more and make a greater difference. To achieve this, I taught myself how to write grants to secure the necessary funding. Schools require funds for everyday supplies and large one time purchases. Today's classrooms are multimedia-oriented. While pencils and paper still have their place, we live in a digital age that caters to various learning styles for children.
I love spending time with my family and I love summer! The river and lakes are where I spend the most time in the summer. We see live music as a family, with friends. I am involved in the community through volunteer work and love making connections and meeting new people.
Why I give:
I began volunteering about 3 years ago and I will never stop. Volunteering keeps me busy, gives me a greater purpose, I meet really cool people, I can do it from my home computer, and I get to see a great outcome from my efforts. There is a group of us that volunteer at WVMS. Together, we make ideas happen, inspire each other, and support one another.
Total Amount Donated: $0.00
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