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All about me

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Keywords: slideshow, All about me
Subject(s): English/Language Arts, Photography, Information Skills, Music, Writing, Podcasting, Technology, Social Skills
Grades 6 through 8
School: Blessed Sacrament School, Valley Stream, NY
Planned By: JoAnn della Badia
Original Author: JoAnn della Badia, Valley Stream
This is an all about me project that the students will be working on in the first few weeks of school. The students will be following a handout I gave them about what they need to do. Below is a description of what the 8th grade were told they had to do for this project

“All about Me” PowerPoint

Task: To create a PowerPoint presentation that will tell all about you.

PowerPoint presentation should include:
1) Minimum of 8 slides.
2) All slides should have a background picture or color (these can be all the same or all different).
3) All slides should have a different slide layout.
4) Each slide should contain at least one clip art or picture.
5) Slides should include a variety of fonts and font sizes.
6) Proper grammar and spelling.

*You may also want to include on your slides a sound clip. It is not mandatory for this project. *

The slides you should have are:

1) Title Slide. Come up with a creative name for your project. Include your name, class, and the date.

2) Who am I?: (2 or more slides) This slide should include your stats. Information that should be included is your birthday, age, family information, nickname, adjectives that describe who you are, etc… (this slide might be more than two, which is great!)

3) What I like to do: This slide should include information about things that you like to do such as hobbies, clubs, sports, talents etc… (this slide might be more than one, which is great!)

4) My Favorites: (2 or more slides) This slide should include information on your favorites such as favorite food, TV show, music, sports teams, etc…. (this slide might be more than one, which is great!)

5) What am I looking forward to in 8th Grade and in computers: This slide should be a summary of what your expectations are of 8th grade and Computer class.

6) Conclusion: Summarize “you.” Is there anything else you want us to know or something that you wanted to say about yourself?

* Remember Creativity counts*

In addition to creating your PowerPoint, you will also be presenting them to the class. On the presentation day, you will be given 3 minutes to present. If we do not get to everyone that day we will continue presentations the next class.

The students will be allowed to insert pictures of themselves and friends into the slide show to make it more personal. I have done one for them to see what I expect from them.
Please look at my wish list it truly has everything I need to start up not just this lesson but all my lessons.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
First day of school, ELA, art, music,
Materials: Flash/USB Drives, Batteries, Camera Bags, Digital Voice Recorders, Yearbook, Point and Shoot, Slideshow, Podcasting
Other Items: Projectors for each classroom