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Where We Come From—A Culturally Responsive Writing Lesson

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Keywords: poetry, culturally relevant, collaborative writing
Subject(s): Writing, Reading, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 5
School: Rolling Hills Elem School, Aurora, CO
Planned By: Adrian Neibauer
Original Author: Adrian Neibauer, Aurora
ISTE NETS STANDARDS FOR STUDENTS: (1) Creativity and Innovation: (a) apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, produce, or process; (b) create original works as a means of personal or group expression; (2) Communication and Collaboration: (a) interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media; (b) communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats; (c) develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures; (d) contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems; (5) Digital Citizenship: (b) exhibit positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
Colorado Model Content Standards: Reading and Writing:
(2): Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences; (3): Students write and speak using conventional grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling; (6): Students read and recognize literature as a record of human experience

Guided Practice-Teacher Model:
• As a class, we review the structure and purpose of the “I Come From” poem using SMARTboard pen/magnifier to highlight/emphasize repetition and structure.
• I introduce the new structure and components of the “We Come From” poem using SMARTboard to illustrate different structure. I will be able to use the focusing feature to emphasize certain lines of my poem. I can also layer other poems in order to compare/contrast structure.
• Marzano’s learning strategy of using collaborative groups and Vgotsky’s ZPD: each member must brainstorm and list: (1) Items found in/around your desk that are unique to you and your table; (2) Names/nicknames of our group members; (3) Foods that are routinely brought as snack; (4) Ways you show support for one another, including: (a) Who challenges you? (b) Who makes you try harder? (c) Who helps you? (c) Words/phrases about your poet/table name that best describes your group; (d) Sayings/positive comments you hear from group members; (e) Reasons why your group needs YOU!
• Items charted using synced Inspiration with SMARTboard so that team’s ideas are displayed.
• Students will use the list they brainstormed as a group, to write a rough draft of the poem. Each student is required to contribute at least one line to the poem. I will have one group composing at the front of the class using the SMARTboard to illustrate an example/safety net.
• What is a Wordle? As a class students guess the meaning of Wordle. After discussion, students click to reveal answer. I will capture a Wordle to import into Notebook slide.
• Students click to see an example of Wordle? Can you guess where it is from?
• Students click on Wordle link to website. Students use Cloning feature to paste “We Come From” poem into Wordle creator. Share poems with class using Document Camera and SMARTboard to illustrate key features.
• Students will then record poem being read as a group to publish for the class.
1. Students will be assigned a “clicker.”
2. Students will answer questions based on “I Come From” poem discussions and previous poetry lessons.
3. Students will complete a “Student Survey” to indicate how they felt about the lesson using Senteo system.
o Students will compete as a team to compose a “Magnetic” poem using http://www.magneticpoetry.com/ and SMARTboard touch sensor.

Materials: Whiteboards, Projectors, Projector Screens, Printers, Flash/USB Drives, Power, Keyboards, Mice, Reading, Writing