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Underground Railroad

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Keywords: Underground Railroad, Slavery, Emancipation Proclimation, Slave Hunters, Slave Patrol, Slave Trackers, Station Houses, Conductors, Abolitionists
Subject(s): Art, Technology, Music, Information Skills, English/Language Arts
Grades 4 through 6
School: Makefield Elementary School, Yardley, PA
Planned By: Renee Pope
Original Author: Renee Pope, Yardley
STANDARDS for Project (not including art, music or technology ones)
Reading and Writing Standards
R4.A.2.5 : Summarize a nonfictional text as a whole.
R4.A.2.3.1 : Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
R4.A.2.3 : Make inferences and draw conclusions based on text.
1.2 : Reading, Analyzing, and Interpreting Text
R4.A.1.3.1 : Make inferences and/or draw conclusions based on information from text.
History Standards
8.3.4 A: Differentiate common characteristics of the social, political, cultural and economic groups in United
States history
8.4.4 D: Distinguish between conflict and cooperation among groups and organization that impacted
development of the history of the world.
Library Standards
1.2.a - Read and understand essential content of informational texts and documents in all academic areas
1.2.b - Use and understand a variety of media and evaluate the quality of material produced
1.4.b - Write information pieces using graphics when relevant
1.5.b - Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic
1.8.a - Select and refine a topic for research.6.c - Speak using skills appropriate to formal speech situations
1.8.b - Locate information using appropriate sources and strategies
1.8.c - Organize, summarize, and present the main ideas from the research

FIRST CLASS: Intorduction to note taking using the caveman method that was listed in School Libray Activities Monthly in December 08. This method is used to help stop plagarism

Hand out topics randomly have them use the index of the book to find their topic and make sure they have listed the source in the work cited sheets.


FIFTH CLASS: create a work cited to be used in the final process.Use whatever style your district requires.

WHILE RESEARCH IS GOING ON IN THE LIBRARY: in music class they will be learnign the song "follow the drinking gourd" and learning the meaning of the song as it relates to the underground railroad, in art class they will be using a quilt to help tell a story of the lives of the slaves. and the research the students find will be added into a tri fold to help with the technology goal of typing and using a word processing program FOLLOWING IS THE LAYOUT FOR THE TRI FOLD THAT THE STUDENTS WILL USE:

Panel One: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: Describe what your life was like at home (i.e.- food, sleep, clothing, schooling, etc)
Panel Three: Describe what your life was like at work (i.e. where did you work, how long, were
you given holidays, what would happen if you did not do your job or rebelled
Panel four: Underground railroad- describe the steps you may have done if you were to escape using the Underground Railroad
Panel Five: If you were a slave would you escape to freedom why or why not and list at least three reasons why or why not.
Panel six: Work Cited

Panel One: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: Name one conductor on the underground railroad (who were they (were they an escaped slave or a free one-white, Quaker) , how did they help to free the slaves , anything else of interest to you about the person)
Panel Three: Name one conductor on the underground railroad (who were they (were they an escaped slave or a free one-white, Quaker) , how did they help to free the slaves , anything else of interest to you about the person)
Panel four: Underground railroad- describe the steps you may have done if you were to help an escape slave using the Underground Railroad (where are places that you would hide a slave and what would you do to help them achieve their freedom)
Panel Five: If you were a conductor would you help an escaped slave to freedom why or why not and list at least three reasons why or why not.
Panel six: Work Cited

Panel one: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: What types of structures would be used as station houses on the Underground Railroad
Panel three: Who was usually the owners or operators of these station houses
Panel four: List the many different places a runaway slave could hide in a station house and how would the slaves know it was a station house
Panel Five: If you had the chance would you operate a station house for runaway slaves. Please list at least three ideas for or against running a station house
Panel six: Work Cited

Panel One: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: What was it, what states were included in this proclamation, and what did it mean to the slaves and slave holders?
Panel Three: Please list the parts of the Emancipation Proclamation and give at least one detail about it
Panel four: Give at least two things the proclamation accomplished
Panel Five: If you were a slave and you heard about this proclamation, what would you have done regarding your new found “freedom” give three examples?
Panel six: Work Cited

Panel One: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: Who were you and why did you hunt slaves Give at least two reasons why youhunted slaves.
Panel Three: What would you use to hunt slaves and how far would you travel in order to retrieve slaves
Panel four: When you retrieved slaves how did you get them back to their home plantation and how did you treat them when they were in your care
Panel Five: If you had an opportunity to be a slave hunter would you choose to be one. Please list at least three reasons why or why not.
Panel six: Work Cited

Panel one: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: Where did the name and other terms come from (i.e. conductor station houses, etc)
Panel three: Name the “president” of the Underground Railroad and why he became so involved in it. What did he do to ensure the runaways got to freedom? Name two others that were Important to the Underground Railroad movement and why they were important
Panel four: Underground railroad- describe the steps you may have done if you were to escape using the Underground Railroad
Panel Five: If you were a slave would you use the Underground Railroad to escape to freedom why or why not and list at least three reasons why or why not.
Panel Six: Work Cited

Panel one: Title, Name, class, and date 2010 project
Panel two: What was an abolitionist and why did they get involved in the freeing of the slaves what type of people were most likely to be abolitionists
Panel three: List at least two important abolitionists and why they were important
Panel four: Name at least two anti slavery, abolitionists groups that were formed and what their purpose was
Panel Five: If you had the choice would you have been an abolitionist? Please list three reasons why or why not
Panel six: Work Cited

This is the first time this project is being done with this subject matter.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
Art, Music, Computers as explained above. Phys Ed could be use to simulate an escape from the underground railroad.
Have the student's share their panel five with the class. Post the trifolds on the web or even panel five.
Links: Underground Railroad National Geographic Site
Conductors Underground Railroad
Abolitionists Underground Railroad
Underground Rairoad
Materials: Mobile Labs, Printers, Power, Keyboards, Word Processor
Other Items: Books on topics
Internet sites on topics