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Human Impact Video Project

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Keywords: Pinnacle, video editing, Storyboard, Biology, Human Impact, Flip Video
Subject(s): Biology, Earth Science, Life Science, Science
Grades 9 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Hilliard Davidson High School, Hilliard, OH
Planned By: Karen Downard
Original Author: Karen Downard, Hilliard
This was for a Biology A class - grade 10
Prior knowledge: community, populations, ecosystems, Food Webs, food chains and biomes

Human Impact Video

Your task is to create a short (1-2 minute) video on human impact on the globe. You have already completed a human impact article and will be grouped for this part of the project based on the topics you chose.

You will be using Pinnacle to create the short video. You will need to film all parts of the video by (insert date) so that while we are in the media center you will be editing your video from the clips previously filmed. You may use your own video cameras or you may use the media center cameras (you may sign them out in the media center one day at a time).

Step 1: Storyboard (what will the final product look like)
Step 2: Filming
Step 3: Editing
Step 4: Viewing/Evaluation

Your video should:
• Include a relevant/current human impact (positive or negative)
• Be 1-2 minutes in length
• Include all members of your group in the filming and editing
• Involve the use of the green screen or be filmed “on location”
• Include relevant pictures or video clips
• Include facts and statistics
• Educate the audience on how humans may have contributed to the problem/issue (remember, this can be positively or negatively)
• What they can do to change (if negative) or sustain (if positive) the current situation.

You will be evaluated on:
• Your storyboard
• Quality of the filming/editing
• Information included and how well it is presented
• Creativity
• How well you work with your group
We also incorporated the use of "green screen" technology so that students could actually film "on location". They really enjoyed placing themselves in another location to make it authentic.
Links: Link to Vimeo - student video
Materials: High, Mice, Headsets, Keyboards, Power, CDs and DVDs, Batteries, Tripods, Hard Drives, Video Tools, Art Tools, DVD/VCR Players, Microphones, Flip Video, Podcasting, Keyboarding, Slideshow, Screen Capture, Music, Integrating Technology