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Stop Motion to Jump Start Thinking!

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Keywords: Stop Motion, Animation, Video, Creation, claymation
Subject(s): Video, Technology, Writing, Animation, Reading, Photography, English/Language Arts, Geometry, Drama
Grades 3 through P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Fishback Creek Public Academy, Indianapolis, IN
Planned By: Nick Cooper
Original Author: Nick Cooper, Indianapolis

Prior to this project, students will have practice in writing scripts. At the end of this 'silent video' version, we will later discuss the addition of music, voiceovers and sound effects based on mastery levels of the original process.

1. Topic-

Stop Motion to Jump Start Thinking

2. Content-

Stop Motion

3. Goals: Aims/Outcomes-

1. Students will be able to accomplish many levels of Bloom's taxonomy simultaenously.
2. Students will produce a product that is both informative and engaging
3. Students will devise their own rubrics to score each creation

4. Objectives-

1. Students will complete a carefully crafted project
2. Students will work collaboratively and use problem solving techniques
3. Students will use a variety of available resources and materials

5. Materials and Aids-
Digital Cameras
Craft Supplies (settings)
LEGO figures

6. Procedures/Methods-

A. Introduction-

1. Play a couple of appropriate videos from Brickfilms.com (LEGO stopmotion)
2. Show a teacher created video

B. Development-

1. The teacher will place a backdrop on the projector screen. The teacher will also express the importance of keeping the camera staionary.
2. With prompts, a student will take a picture each time the teacher asks them to. Each student could have a chance to participate.
3. The teacher MUST also express the importance of moving gradually.
4. When the teacher has moved across the screen, the digital camera will be hooked up to the projector and the playback review can be shown to everyone.

C. Practice-

1. For simplicity during the first time students are introduced to this process, LEGO figures will be used. Students will work in groups to select a 'character' that closely matches their descriptions. When they gain an understanding of the process, they can make their own character from clay/dough.
2. Students will create a backdrop with a variety of materials and props
3. Students will practice moving their character across their set. Nothing complicated, simply moving it across the set. Each movement will be a chance to take a picture to create a frame. When they've moved their character, they can review the pictures on the digital camera. They will realize how fast/slow or realistically the character moves. If the character 'teleports' then they will have to be more careful for our next run.

D. Independent Practice-

1. Students working on their project will take the knowledge they've gained so far and create their own simple stop motion animation.
2. After checking in with the teacher, students can begin their true work.

E. Accommodations (Differentiated Instruction)-

1. Length of film
2. Set design (simple vs. complicated)
3. Level of taxonomy

F. Checking for understanding-

1. Daily feedback/conference with teacher
2. Use of vocabulary (frames, position)

G. Closure-

1. All videos will be displayed for the class during 'viewing days' to critique and analyze techniques based on their self-created rubrics.
2. All videos will be uploaded to our classroom website for families to view

The addition of special effects and extra props could lead to a 'Movie Making Club'
Materials: Digital Cameras, Digital Voice Recorders, Flash/USB Drives, Tripods, Memory Cards, Video Tools