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Photo Transfer Mixed Media Collage

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Keywords: Collage, Emphasis, Mixed Media, Digital Manipulation, Transfer
Subject(s): Art, Photography, Journalism
Grades 8 through 12
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Crockett High School, Austin, TX
Planned By: Jennifer Nowzaradan
Original Author: Jennifer Nowzaradan, Austin
Objectives: Students will learn Photo Transfer Techniques using gel mediums
Student will learn Surface Manipulation
Students will learn to integrate mixed media supplies
Students will improve design skills

Students will use Principles of design such as: balance, repetition, variety, rhythm & emphasis and Art Elements: color, texture, value, line, shape & form

Supplies Needed:
Computer, photoshop, printer, Scissors, glue, gel or collage medium, paint supplies, mixed varieties of paper, french curve, shapes to trace, ultra-fine marker, one photo to be copied or printed for a photo transfer, white paper to apply photo collage over, corrugated cardboard, sponge

Procedure: You may use a rectangular shape of card board 12x18 or 14x14 inches as your base surface.
Use an art knife to cut and peel back random, organic shapes of the cardboard top surface to reveal the corrugated line patters underneath. This may be done to create vertical or horizontal line patterns
1. Create textured surface using a variety of paper types: Newspaper, page from old books, colored paper or watercolor paper. you may fold or sculpt papers to create surface textures. Tear paper for organic edges.
2. Use a gel medium or glue to set your first layer of paper collage. Make sure you cover the entire surface
3. Add painted areas to unify the paper layers. You may wish to glue additional paper over these ares, but you can always peel some of them back to reveal colors from beneath.
4.Choose a location on your project to apply a photo transfer. Glue down a light colored paper to be used for the photo transfer base for contrast.
5. Select an old photo to be transferred to your composition. You can use a photo copy machine or laser printer to reproduce your image. Determine if your image will need to be enlarged. Print your image in black in white or color. Scan or email yourself a photo. You may also choose to take a new photo. Consider lighting, costume and antiquing filters. Determine if any correction or adjustments will need to be made in photoshop before printing.
6. Using an acrylic gel medium apply a generous layer to your project.
7. Place your photo face down onto the gel medium and use a roller or brayer to remove air bubbles
(Gel medium is used to transfer the image. By glue the image face down the ink or toner will absorbed into the gel medium. You will later remove the paper with a sponge and you image will remain. Do not get gel medium on the back of your image)
8. Leave your image to dry for 24 hours. After 24 hours you will take a moist sponge and begin to remove the back paper layer of the transferred image. Let some of the water from the sponge absorb into the paper. This will expose the toner of the image that absorbed into the gel medium.
9. After your image has been transferred you may integrate it using drawing mediums, collage or paint.
You may also take white paint and a paper towel and create a "fogged" look to your piece manipulating the surface. This also emphasizes surface textures.

Student Self Evaluaiton
Complete Art Criticism: Describe, Interpret, Analyse and Evaluate
There are a wide variety of approaches to this assignment.
Cross-Curriculum Ideas
English and writing skills. Visual Art composition tells a visual story. Students may write their ideas and create a story to be explained using visual media.
Art Criticism, student self evaluation: Describe, Interpret, Analyse and Evaluate your work
Links: Mrs. Nowzaradan's art class
Mixed Media Artist
Image Transfer & Collage
Materials: Digital Cameras, Digital SLR, Projector Screens, Art Tools, Flash/USB Drives, Computer Accessories, Writing, Clip Art, Integrating Technology, Autism