Quest Community School
Kate Gulliford
I. Major Topic: ELA Date: Grade Level: 9-12
II. MATERIALS: lap top, projector, ppt, and websites to support the activities, Google apps
III. CANDIDATE Resources: -for word wall words - for word wall
words humorous real life examples of
mispronunciations vocabulary cartoons
Ohio Content Standards
Language Standards
• 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–12reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
• 6. Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
IV. (a) National/State technology standards (if applicable):
ISTE Student Standards
• 2. Communication and collaboration B
• 6. Technology operations and concepts A-D
ISTE Teacher Standards
• 1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity B, C&D
• 2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments A-D
• 3. Model digital age work and learning A & B
V. Objective(s):
By the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
• Correctly pronounce, define and use word wall vocabulary words.
VI. Introduction:
Strategy and Grouping Pattern Used/Group Size: whole class, word wall
Transition/Focus Attention: Student to do list projected on board.
Motivation/Hook: Vocabulary Cartoon
Set Behavior Expectations: Students will be expected to contribute to class discussion and participate in all activities
Set Purpose: For students to correctly define, pronounce, and use appropriate vocabulary words.
Assess (activate and/or build) Background Knowledge:
• Use hook to introduce lesson by discussing cartons, and connecting it to the lesson topic.
• Brief review of Mystery Word Wall activity.
• Brief review of how to use Google Voice App/number
VII. Steps/Learning Activities/Differentiated Instruction:
1. Share and review SLOs and agenda for the lesson
2. Show and discuss cartoons
3. Mystery Word Wall activity using ppt. and projector.
• Students will unscramble a mystery vocabulary word(s) and share what they think it means.
• I will go over correct definition and pronunciation and post word(s) and definition to the word wall in the classroom.
4. Students will have a chance all week to use the word(s) correctly in a sentence (correct pronunciation and usage) by using the Google Voice App and phone number to leave a message for the teacher.
Closure: Short video showing humorous real life examples of mispronunciations.
Assessment Activities:
Formative assessments will include student participation in class activities.
Summative assessments will include listening to student messages and checking for correct pronunciation and usage of words from each student.
Transition: Students will be able to work on Fueled Ed when they finish.