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Science Fair

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Keywords: Science, Science Fair, Nature of Science, 21st Century Skills, STEM
Subject(s): Science
Grade P-K
NETS-S Standard:
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Research and Information Fluency
  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Technology Operations and Concepts
View Full Text of Standards
School: Creekside Middle School, Port Orange, FL
Planned By: Jaclyn Dukette
Original Author: Jaclyn Dukette, Port Orange
Unit: Science Fair (Nature of Science)

1. Students will be able to use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to type their science fair project (Purpose, Research, Independent and Dependent Variables, Control Group, Constants, Materials, Procedure Steps, Data Tables, Graphs, Results, Conclusion, Application and Abstract.

2. Students will be able to use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create data tables, with columns and rows, showing the results of all their repeated trials.

3. Students will be able to use Microsoft Excel to create line, bar or pie graphs.

4. Students will be able to utilize Office 365 to share their project with the classroom teacher through various stages of the project for feedback, help and hints.

Procedure Steps:

August 15th - August 30th:
1. Pick a science fair project and type up a written proposal detailing the question that will be explored, the purpose of why they want to do the project, determine the independent and dependent variables, control group and constants in the experiment.

September 1st - September 15th
2. Research background information and/or additional facts about their project using .org, .edu, or .gov websites.
3. Using either Microsoft Word (for use for a 3 sided board) or PowerPoint, type the following parts of their experiment; Title, Purpose, Research, Independent Variable, Dependent Variable, Control Group and Constants.
4. Share Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint using Office 365 with the teacher for feedback.

September 15th - September 30th
5. Gather all necessary supplies for the experiment and all the repeated trials.
6. Using either Microsoft Word (for use for a 3 sided board) or PowerPoint, type the following parts of their experiment; Materials and Procedure Steps.
7. Share Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint using Office 365 with the teacher for feedback.

October 1st - October 15th
8. Conduct experiment and all repeated trials.
9. Calculate the average from all repeated trials.
10. Using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, type of a data table (with columns and rows) to show the results from all the repeated trials and the average of all the trials.
11. Share data table typed in Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint using Office 365 with the teacher for feedback.

October 15th - October 21st
12. Using Microsoft Excel, create a line, bar or pie graph displaying the average results of all their trials.
13. Copy and past their Excel graph into their word document or Powerpoint.
14. Share Microsoft Excel graph using Office 365 with the teacher for feedback.

October 21st - October 31st
15. Using Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, type up the following parts of their science fair project; Results, Conclusion, Application and Abstract.

October 31st - Science Fair Project is Due

Materials: Wacom Tablets, Computer Accessories, LCD Monitors, Large Pro Monitors, Power, Keyboards, Headsets, Mice, Bags and Cases, Flash/USB Drives, Ports and Hubs, Middle
Other Items: 22 Samsung XE510C24‑K01US Chromebook Pro, $549.00 each, total of $12078.00