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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Capturing Conic Sections with Digital Cameras 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This project will help students to make connections between math and the real world by having them identify conic sections in art and architecture in their communities. Students will photograph these examples of circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas in the real world with digital cameras and then write the equations for the graphs.
Digital Cameras 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Performance Objective: Upon completion of this assignment, the students will be able to choose the right digital camera for the type of pictures they are going to take and successfully transfer images from the camera to their computer for editing.
Digital Cameras and Numbers K to 1
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using digital cameras to take pictures of groups of numbers to practice grouping and counting.
Digital Cameras and Symmetry 3 to 5
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
Students use cameras to take pictures of things and then draw the rest of it to work on their symmetry.
“Go Green” – A lesson in Movie Maker: Using digital cameras to make it personal. 7 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This multi-class period lesson includes the use of digital cameras and Move Maker (or other video editing software) to create a presentation of ways in which students can take environmentally friendly actions in their everyday lives. This lesson can be flexible to different age levels and different time constraints. Other songs can be used to convey the "Go Green" theme based on teacher and student preferences.
A Zoo Book for All 1 to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The purpose of this lesson is for my students to be able to research information about animals and communicate in written form using the Four Stages of Writing. They will use Tool Factory Workshop and MultiMedia Lab V to create two pages for our class book and a presentation for our Friday Morning Assembly.
Analyzing Concrete Jungles 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will take pictures of plants located throughout the school campus (which has very little grassy area.) They will compare and contrast the plants that are thriving with the plants that are struggling for survival.
Captured at the Farm K to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Kindergarten students will capture digital photos and/or video while visiting a local farm to represent "life" (animals, gardens, milk, butter, etc.). Students will collaborate with a second grade class to create a multimedia digital storybook about their field experience.
Going "Diggie" with Math Word Problems 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson integrates the use of the digital camera into the creation of Math word problems. This approach of learning applies real life experiences for all the students involved.
Leaf Scavenger Hunt 6 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The students will be going on a learning excursion to Mandalay Trail National Wildlife refuge to collect leaf samples for their leaf scrapbook using digital cameras. Upon returning to school the students will be using the digital camera pictures to compose a power point presentation, and they will create data tables to compare the pH levels of the water quality samples.
Nature Inspired Digital Alphabet 2 to 5
Through digital photography and basic computer skills students create their own nature inspired digital alphabet. Students find letters of the alphabet in objects made from nature, for example: ground erosion makes the letter “y,” or the veins of a leaf make the “A.”
Pride in Diversity - Our Similarities and Differences Make Us Strong K to 8
This project gives students experience with digital cameras and web design tools while showcasing the ways our similarities and differences make us stronger as a community of learning.
Science and the Environment 6 to 8
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
Interactive Science lesson using digital cameras
ScreenPlay Writing 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This a two-week unit that includes screenplay writing and video editing
Student Voice/Service Learning 1 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Giving students ownership, a voice, & group decision making in service learning.
Using Our Senses 1 to 1
We will go on a nature walk and use digital cameras to capture the things we learn about using our five senses.
A Family History 9 to 12
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
The students will create a movie about their family. They will have to use their digital cameras to take pictures of their old family pictures, and new pictures of their actual family. The students will be involved in an activity in which they can work closely with their family and also find more information about their ancestors and to appreciate their ethnic backgrounds. This project introduces students to new vocabulary in Spanish and they will develop their ability to write full sentences in Spanish and make it a fun project by using technology and digital cameras the student can use movie maker and photo story 3 to create a movie of their families.
"A Picture Is Worth A Million Words" 7 to 8
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
This project is a photography, poetry, and bookmaking unit utilizing three artists-in-residence who teach photography, poetry, and bookmaking.
"Dear Peter Rabbit" Lesson Plan 1 to 4
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
This lesson incorporates Beatrix Potter's story of "Peter Rabbit" and a variety of technology resources. The end result has students writing letters online to Peter Rabbit after his ordeal in Mr. McGregor's garden. http://www.vrml.k12.la.us/sadies/lesson/peter/peterlesson.htm
"Geotown" Scrapbook 3 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will use digital cameras to take photos of architecture and nature that represent geometric concepts. The photos will be used to create a digital scrapbook for the fictional town of "Geotown".
"I Believe..." Podcast Style 10 to 11
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will read John F Kennedy's speech "I Believe in an America Where the Separation of Church and State is Absolute" and Martin Luther King's speech "I have a Dream." After comparing both speeches students will write their own speech about their personal beliefs, podcast their work and present their speeches to our local veterans at our Veteran's Day Celebration.
"Teach it to Me"-Seasonal Calendar K to 2
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
Students the use digital technology to pictorially depict weather conditions and environmental changes throughout the months and seasons. Then, they will use photographs to complete a seasonal calendar.
"Why College?" Commercial 9 to 9
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will create a 30 second commercial advertisement for an audience of high school students. The commercial's message must center around why attending college is important.
(PART 3) Applied STEM: Rocketry and its Components 6 to 8
See Part 1 for following sections with the exception of Lesson Plan Description.
3 Minutes of Fame 4 to 4
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will create info-mercials (commercials) using video cameras and digital cameras to advertise eco-friendly products by explaining how other products deplete environmental resources (such as plastic and paper products).
6 Word Digital Memoirs 6 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Taking inspiration of Hemingway's infamous 6 Word Story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” students will write their own memoir using only 6 words. Then, students will use digital cameras to shoot 6 photos illustrating their memoir. Students finally combine these images and text to create a YouTube digital memoir or Blurb.com book.
A day in the life of a 4th/5th grader 4 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
To encourage self confidence in a difficult age! Take pictures of themselves from start of the day to finish, then use the pictures and create a powerpoint presentation.
A Different Perspective 6 to 12
Teaching wheelchair bound students the joys of photography.
A Different View 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
A visual art lesson which involves writing and technology. Essential Question: "How do you see yourself?"
A Fishy Environment 'We need 'em Clean!' Web Lesson 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Create a website that documents our field trip to a local fish hatchery, where we will learn the how the effects of methyl-mercury can impact us and our environment.
A Picture of Dreams 11 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will merge photography; gel transfer pictures, writing, and their plan for their future to result in a multi dimensional visual art project that supports digital skills, education and career development, and the arts, poetry and English language.
A Year in Arizona 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will choose a theme related to our state of Arizona and create calendars around that theme. Some examples of potential themes are: animals of Arizona, Arizona cactus and plant life, Arizona history, Arizona's geology, and Native American culture.
Activity Name: A Step Back In Time 1 to 1
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Each student will make their own Long Ago and Today Book. The books will consist of 10 pages. 5 pages will show what clothing, homes, schools, chores and technology was like long ago. The other 5 pages will be show pictures that the students have taken of what clothing, homes, schools, chores and technology look like today.
Adapting to Life by the Wild Myakka River 6 to 9
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will use digital still and video cameras to capture organisms adaptations to their local environment while on a field trip to Myakka River State Park. Students will then use the captured media to create a digital interactive poster (Prezi) that they will present to the class.
Animals of Florida K to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Journey with us as students discover Native Florida Wildlife.
Animals of Louisiana P-K to K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Kindergarten students will become familiar with animals of Louisiana. The students will learn about their habitats,environments, young, diets, etc.
Animation Book Report 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will read a non-fiction book of choice and express their understanding of the book through an animation project. Students may choose clay animation, white board animation, sticky note animation or human subject/stop animation.
Animation Festival 5 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
5th and 6th grade students will create claymation and object animation shorts to be produced as a short film festival. This lesson is actually a unit on animation comprised of several weeks of group work and filming.
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will work in groups and create a short informational animated movie on animals they read about. They will use a storyboard to develop their short story.
Asexual-Sexual Reproduction 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use digital photography to learn the difference between asexual and sexual reproduction in plants.
Autism help through PowerPoint 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create advanced PowerPoint lessons that have people choose something from a field of three. Our hope is to help children with special needs grow while my middle school students learn advanced PowerPoint and learn to understand other people.
Behind the Camera 5 to 8
Students create a documentary-style video that speaks to an organization within the community.
Bilingual Books for Home and School K to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
These lessons will allow students to create books that they can take home and share with their families. The books will integrate concepts in Language Arts with Science and Social Studies.
Body Language 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This unit is designed as an introduction to digital photography. The students are divided into groups and assigned roles within those groups. The goal of the lesson is to guide the students to see each other in a creative and positive light while learning the basics of photography.
Book Talks- Reading Rainbow Style! 3 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will film book talks (books they recommend to other readers), like the ones enjoyed on PBS's Reading Rainbow, which we will then be played on our school's morning news program.
Boston Tea Party 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students simulate the Boston Tea Party. Students use the Smart Board to sequence the events of the Boston Tea Party and discuss the consequences that followed. Students create their disguises and chant a poem as they dump tea into the "Boston Harbor". Students will create a digital account of the simulation.
Bringing Young Architects to Surface 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The town of Gastonia is full of architectural history. Many students are unaware of all the architectural details in old buildings. The goal of this project is to introduce the students to past architectural design and have them bring some of these design elements into their own scale model buildings
Building Vocabulary with Digital Fotos. 8 to 12
Presents ways that students could use digital cameras to develop Spanish vocabulary.
Caching in Pine's Treasures 6 to 12
Project ‘Caching in Pine’s Treasures” was designed to increase student knowledge of Social Studies’ topics in a non-traditional way. Students will use digital cameras and GPS units to learn historical information outside the classroom walls increasing student motivation, content knowledge, and knowledge of “technology-based gadgets.”
Can You See What I See? 5 to 8
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
In this lesson, students will take digital pictures to represent various forms of energy and the steps involved in energy transfers and transformations. They will then create a Rebus story that can be solved using these pictures. This activity will bring to life a science concept that is usually difficult to see and understand.
Canada Geography PowerPoint 5 to 12
Students will create a PowerPoint presentation about a geographic region or country. This project will take five 45 minute class periods.
Caught Being Good - Spread the Word! K to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Share positive behavior and learn character traits!
Cemetery Restoration Project K to 8
An old abandoned cemetery is given the opportunity for new "life" through the efforts of its new owners, a Catholic school, and a new parish in the beautiful Frederick Valley near the foot of the Catoctin Mountains.
City's 50th Anniversary: A Snap Shot in Time K to 12
Walnut is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The project would have students from all age levels taking picture and creating a living snap shot of the community regardless of age, sex, or beliefs. This would be put on display in City Hall and used as a video for the local Cable Network.
Claymation Video Lessons 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create simple 3D oil-based clay characters, which will move through 2D student-created environments(stop-action videography). Students will narrate the stories thus created.
Community Connections 6 to 8
How can students with disabilities learn to connect with their communities? The program described below takes instruction into the community and helps students make important community connections.
Create Docents For 25 National Monuments For In Class Field Trip To DC 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will each be assigned one of 25 national monuments to docent the class through a virtual field trip through Washington DC. The plan is to aid students in observing the historic changes in US monuments from "single man" to "multiple participant" or event depictions.
Creating a Brochure 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a brochure to be given out at the beginning of the year. The brochure will include pictures of NMES and student written descriptions of what goes on throughout the year.
Creative Book Report using Flip Cameras and Jaycut.com 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students recall important characters, settings and events from a book they have read together as a group. They then create movie with pictures and acting to share with the rest of the class.
Cryptid Zoo 4 to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will research a cryptid (mysterious animal) and then they will write a script for their creature using the facts they have learned. The children will illustrate their cryptid and take a digital photograph of their drawing to be uploaded to the computer. These drawings will be digitally animated using Blabberize and microphones.
CSI: Chemistry Student Investigators 10 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students master scientific inquiry skills as they design investigations to solve mysteries based on scientific concepts, use hand held computers and digital cameras to capture data generated in their investigations, and use Tool Factory software to compile data and lab reports to create electronic lab journals.
CSI: Native America 5 to 6
This is an interdisciplinary inquiry unit based on a true incident involving the death of the last Native American in an Indiana County. Students will use CSI problem solving skills to draw conclusions concerning the case.
Digital Art Show P-K to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will take pictures using digital cameras, download and print the pictures. The pictures will be displayed in an art show for people in the community to view at a local business.
Digital Cloud Riddle Book 1 to 3
Students will learn to identify different cloud types, observe and photograph clouds in nature with interesting shapes, and print and write a riddle about the object they see in the clouds. Each student will add their cloud riddle and photo to form a class book to be added to the class website for everyone to enjoy.
Digital Dynamite 6 to 8
The primary purpose of this unit is to provide art students an opportunity to develop photography skills. Students will be able to apply the elements and principles of design as they take photographs and again as they choose which photos to print. and use.
Digital Leaf Collections 7 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students collect leaves in the traditional manner and then, using digital cameras and slideshow software, they create a digital collection complete with hyper-linked dichotomous key.
Digital Mitosis and Claymation 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students use digital cameras to create a movie or vodcast of mitosis or meiosis.
Digital Photography and Movie Making 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will learn skills required for digital photography and movie making while learning about the behavior of light.
Digital Portfolio K to 6
Students in kindergarten and sixth grade will document their field trips using digital photography in order to share the experiences.
Digital Revolution 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will compose an original historical photograph about a revolution based on Eleanor Antin's work. They will also read a literature piece coinciding with the revolution they have chosen to study.
Digital Storytelling 5 to 12
Students write more when they are inspired either by the topic or by the process. Using Movie Maker, students bring their creative stories to life and have a Windows Media Player as their final version of their work.
Digital Storytelling: At-Risk Students Find Their Voices 9 to 12
Students will use technology and sound writing practices to relate personal narratives.
Digital Student Portfolios 9 to 9
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
9th grade students will create individual digital portfolios throughout the year. Portfolios will consist of digital book trailers, published blogs, uploads to the school website, writing in all content areas, digital autobiographies, etc.
Discovering Your Hometown 7 to 8
Inspired by the "Hometown America" writing contest by "Junior Scholastic," this lesson will allow all 7th and 8th grade students to explore and document the geography, history, culture and traditions of Folsom, New Jersey and the surrounding areas.
Enhancing Friendships Through Photography P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Young learners will use digital photography to create new friendships with pen pals at another school.
Essential to Autumn: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Pattern, Rhythm, Emphasis, Movement, Balance, and Unity 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will observe their natural environment to experience the changes that occur when Autumn arrives. Students will create artworks based on personal observations and experiences with their environment in Autumn.
Fantasy Fusion K to 12
Creating fantasy books with students as characters.
Flip Cameras and Puppet Shows Create Education 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create, film, download, and produce an educational video of a puppet show using a flip camera.
Flippin for Valley View Scavenger Hunt K to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This is a lesson for including an outdoor nature preserve onsite at our school and using it to teach state standards while incorporating technology into a classroom where nature can't come inside.
Forces and Motion Scavenger Hunt P-K to 5
Students will work in small groups to identify and photograph things that we push or pull in our real world.
Fractals in Nature P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be introduced to the concept of fractals and look at examples of fractals, find fractals in nature, and create fractal cut outs.
Friendship Book 1 to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The students will take pictures of their friends and write what they know about their friends and the things they like to do with their friends. It will turn out to be a friendship book.
From Athena to Zeus: Digital Stories Through the Eyes of Greek Gods and Goddesses 5 to 6
Students will use digital technology to create digital storybooks of a Greek God or Goddess.
GPS Treasure Hunt for Knowledge 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Working in groups, students will walk around the school community and stop off at 10 areas to complete a task related to what is being taught in the classroom.
Haikus for All Seasons 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This project involves a combination of nature photography, writing haikus to match the photography, and publishing a book of the finished work.
Historical Scavenger Hunts 6 to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students explore the history of their community by paying attention to the details of architecture, monuments and area artifacts. This is a multi-step lesson that allows students to practice historical fieldwork, pre-reading strategies, acting skills, research skills, writing skills and public speaking skills.
Hollywood is Southeast Georgia 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using digital cameras and Microsoft Movie Maker on desktop computers, students will create stop action movies with storylines of their own creation.
How Does Your Garden Grow? 9 to 12
Students will design, plant, and maintain a native plant garden on campus. The garden will serve as an outdoor classroom for lessons in ecology, soil science, and botany.
I Spy 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students use digital cameras to find objects in and around school that have the shape of various functions, conics, and graphs that they have learned. Students will also write an equation that could represent the shape.
If a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words... 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
I will be using photography as a way to focus and enhance students' writing.
Illustrated Dictionary P-K to 8
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
As a culminating activity for a Science or Social Studies unit, students will create their own illustrated dictionary including key vocabulary learned throughout the unit. This activity will include small group as well as independent work, and employ technologies such as digital cameras, photo editing software, computer, printer, and SMART board.
In Our Own Voice 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The purpose of this lesson is to help students learn about poetry and apply it to real-world settings.
In the Field with Salamanders 5 to 5
5th grade students will collect and monitor the diversity of salamanders in their community. They will produce a field guide to share with other local students that will include both quantitative and qualitative data collected over time.
Input and Output and Processing...Oh My!!! 2 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will go on a Scavenger Hunt with the digital camera to find input, output, and processing devices. This allows them to learn how to, not only learn about computer devices, but digital photography and multimedia presentations as well...all while having FUN!
Inspiring a Bigger Picture! A 4th Grade Global Newspaper! 4 to 4
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
My students have created a vision to develop a Global Newspaper for our classroom, community, and other students around the world via a web based publication. They have developed a list of jobs, ideas, and supplies needed and are excited to work to make this vision a reality.
Introduction into Graphic Design & Photography 5th Grade Edition 5 to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Essential Question: How will students apply their knowledge in art & technology through project based lessons that provides hands-on activites to create works of art that communicates ideas and information?
It's Fun to Learn! K to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Learning should be fun, and nothing can be better than using Music and Technology together to enhance learning.
iTeach iLearn 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The iTeach iLearn Project is the artful mixing of video, narratives, images, music, sound and special effects into a digital story teaching about any concept. These digital stories reflect the student’s understanding of the themes of science. Science is a way of learning about the natural world, science has built a vast body of changing and increasing knowledge described by physical, mathematical, and conceptual models, and science’s effect on technology and society.
Jazzing-Up Thanksgiving! 7 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Through the years, students have answered the “What are you thankful for?’ question. In this unit the students will answer this question incorporating technology with art, figurative language, the study of biographies and autobiographies, research, and by producing a jazz / blues song.
Jumping in the air - What was your height? 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using video equipment and quadratic formulas students will determine the height of their jumps.
La Presencia Escondida: Spanish Speakers in Our Community 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Using skills learned in Spanish class and technology students will venture out into the community to become more familiar with native Spanish in the area and how they have come to live and work locally.
Land is On the Move! 4 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Through time lapse video of several laboratory experiences with erosion, students will analyze how environmental factors influence landforms. Students will collect, analyze and interpret data for use in constructing arguments about scientific causes and effects.
Let the Sun Shine-Development of the Digital Negative/Cyanotype Printing 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This lesson helps students understand the concept of what photography is and to learn alternative printing processes. Students use hands on traditional photo chemistry along with modern digital imaging techniques.
Let Us Grow Lettuce! P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Middle School students will be responsible for cultivating and documenting the growth of lettuce plants from seed. Digital cameras will be used to create a photo journal which will be incorporated into a multimedia presentation.
Living / Non-living 1 to 1
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
An easy lesson in which students can use a camera to identify living / non-living items in the school envioronment.
Living and Nonliving Things P-K to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will use digital technology to compare size, shape, structure, and basic needs of living things.
Long Beach History Digital Scrapbook 3 to 4
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students create digital scrapbooks for their city's local history, including the Tongva Native Americans, settlers and newcomers to the land, and how the city was created. Students attend field trips to local historical sites and current landmarks, documenting their visit and reporting on it in a scrapbook.
Mastering a Student's Personal Information in a Special Education Classroom 2 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students come to me lacking personal information such as their middle name, ability to spell and read parents' and siblings names, pets' names, dates of birth, etc. My project will focus on mastering this information through photography. Our product will be a photo book for each student.
Math All Around Us! 6 to 8
So many times students will say, "When will I ever need to do math?" This lesson will attempt to make them look at everyday objects in terms of various math concepts.
Math Technology Lesson 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using technology and gathered photos, calculate fractions, decimals, and percents; analyze angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals; and find length and area of objects in and out of school.
Me, My Digital Self, and Eye 11 to 12
Self-portraits are a traditional art project for many high school art classes. This self-portrait assignment is an autobiographical assignment. The purpose of this assignment is for students to show who they are and to tell their own stories, while learning to use technology to express themselves creatively.
Memoir - The Gift of Memories 7 to 8
This project incorporates the writing of either a memoir or a memoir poem- focusing on a favorite person or pet. Students create either a Power Point or Windows Movie Maker movie showcasing this person or pet-giving it as a gift.
Mi casa es su casa 10 to 12
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
Students will create videos of their houses and sharing information about their home in Spanish. Students will pretend to be Real Estate Agents selling their home.
Mi vida Loca 10 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a video presentation describing and showing important events and/or places of their lives.
Multi Media: Television Show Production 10 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
OST class offered for students in grades 10-12. Introduction to multi-media production careers with partnership with local university students, radio station and cable TV.
My Digital Story 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Digital storytelling is one of the most creative ways to encourage students to write narratives. The project allows students to use existing writing, photography and computer skills, and gives them a challenging platform to create more intense, interesting and personal stories.
Mystery Game P-K to 3
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Use a Karaoke Machine, a digital projector (or smart board technology), speakers, computer, document camera, Digital Microscope, Digital Camera to determine if an item is living or nonliving according to its physical characteristics.
Mythbusters 8 to 8
The popular show "Mythbusters" is the ultimate way for students to utilize the scientific method every day to answer questions about science and life.
Newspaper for Inner City School K to K
The project is to promote fluency both oral and written 2 languages.
Of Mice and Men, Migration, and Photography 6 to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Over the course of the month of December, students will read the novel, Of Mice and Men, and explore the concept of the American Dream through the migrant experience of the 1930s. Students will then take the classroom outside in the community and document the migrant experience and concept of the American Dream in their own neighborhood to juxtapose the possible changes of the dream since the 30's.
Our Place In The Rio Grande Rift Valley Watershed 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
An arroyo that bisects our campus is the setting for student groups to explore the influence of flora, fauna, humans, land, water, and weather in this watershed environment. Students will use flip cameras and digital still cameras to document their observations and create digital presentations.
P & P- " Portraits and Persepctive" Digital Photography for Kids 2 to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Grade 2-3 students will be involved in a credential teacher led short term project that teaches the basic of digital photography using portraits and perspective practice lessons. Students will learn layout and design, captioning and title skills.
Perspectives on a Shoe 4 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will photograph a shoe in various locations and then take the photo(s) to create a short story or poem from the perspective of their shoe
Persuasive Essay Powerpoints 9 to 10
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use digital cameras to document campus problems at our school and compile them into a PowerPoint presentation along with a persuasive letter to our school faculty, administration, superintendent, or school board.
Photo-Based Reading Projects K to 12
Special Education students use digital cameras and word processing software to enhance reading and writing skills.
Photo-Documenting Earth Art K to 6
The students will create temporary, outdoor sculptures from found objects in nature. They will chronicle the creative process through sketches, journals, and photographs for use in a published class book.
PhotoTalk! K to 12
Images communicate without written or spoken speech. Linking images to simple text in the target language is a powerful tool for helping second language learners speak and read!
Picture Books: A School-Wide Genre Exploration K to 6
English Language Students from a low-income neighborhood will have the opportunity to access technology by learning how to use digital cameras in a self-directed genre study. Students will synthesize the knowledge they gained from their project, and then proceed to teach other students how to create their own picture book focusing on a genre of their choice. The books will then be available for check out at the school library.
Picture This - Stars over Hoke /Imaginarse - Estrellas sobre de Hoke 5 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
My grant request is to enable my middle school ESL students to better communicate and participate in classes by using digital cameraas and software to publish their own personal bilingual dictionaries, story books and PowerPoint presentations for the SMARTboards in their classes.
Picture Yourself At New Market 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Fourth and fifth grade students will get the chance to create a virtual tour of the school using digital cameras and voice recording software. The final product will be viewed on the school's homepage.
Poetry Alive! Interpreting Poetry Using Digital Images 9 to 12
A team of English students will take the role of a production company and will create a 4-5 minute film using the digital image as a medium for interpreting students’ original poems. Three classes will be working together in order to complete this project: Creative Writing, English, and The Actor’s Studio.
Poetry and Photography 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using a digital camera to help students understand poetry
Political Campaign Commercial Project 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Standards 6d. The student will demonstrate knowledge of State and Local elections by analyzing the influence of mass media and campaign advertisements and public opinion polls. Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to introduce students to political advertisements and help them understand how those advertisements influence the issues and candidates in campaigns.
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Producing a Franchise to encourage global awareness, increased, informed decision making about health, peer relationships and education. 7 to 8
The students will determine categories of franchises from which to work out media productions for weekly broadcasts on our school news show.
PROJECT H.O.P.E. (Highlighting Opportunities for Potential Employment) 4 to 5
This is an exciting Career Exploration Unit that allows students to integrate technology skills while researching various careers.
Promoting Reading Posters 9 to 12
Students are featured on large posters endorsing a novel for reading. Posters are student generated and posted throughout the school.
Rainforest: Creating Globally Conscious Students 2 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the rainforest ecosystem to create peer interviews with Flipcams. These interviews will be edited and posted on our district website as well as sites such as www.teachertube.com for students to convey their understanding of: • The various strata of the rainforest, and the role that each plays in the overall health of the ecosystem. • The interdependence humans have with the rainforest for health needs. • The great diversity of the animal kingdom that resides in the rainforest as well as the effect deforestation has on these species. • How our actions can directly impact the rainforests. Students should be able to persuade others to take simple steps to protect these regions of the world.
Reading Blog Log 6 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will create blogs in which they will share ideas about literature we are reading in class - kind of online Socratic seminars. In addition they will create podcasted informational reports, and then open the forum up to others in the library media center during celebrations of READING WEEK.
Ready SET go! P-K to 1
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Students will use the Digital Camera Lab to take pictures to identify and create sets of objects.
Real World Equations! 9 to 12
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Students will use digital cameras to take photos of items or situations that can be modeled using algebraic equations.
School Motto/School Expectations 3 to 5
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Students in GATE, grades 3-5, will teach and demonstrate the school rules and expectations to students in grade PreK-2. They will also, help model the expectations of our newly implemented school motto through the use of video and technology.
Schoolyard Jungle: What's Out There? 7 to 7
In the Schoolyard Jungle: What’s Out There? project, students from Oberon Middle School will visit the school’s outdoor classroom to photograph plants using OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAS. After identifying and researching the natural history of their collected plants, they will use TOOL FACTORY SOFTWARE to create user friendly plant field guides and to build an Oberon Middle School Outdoor Classroom website and plant database that will continue to be utilized and updated by students in future years.
Seed to Plate 2 to 3
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Teaching children gardening and nutrition. Using digital cameras students will record the journey of growing a school garden begining with soil and seeds. They will also learn the important value of nutrition in the foods they grow and how to use them in cooking.
Seeing Math Everywhere We Look 9 to 9
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Through an exploration and photographic capture of parabolas throughout our environment. students will move from the “When am I ever going to use this?” to “I see it being used” stage in math class – specifically for quadratic equations. They will then research the related jobs necessary to "bring the parabola to life."
Selfie with a new friend 7 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students are to find a person i the school who they never talk to and don't know. They take a selfie with that person and ask them a fact about themselves, and share a fact. Student has to submit to Google Classroom.
Shape all around 2 to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will understand and be able to classify solid shapes.
Show de Moda 10 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students in will create a digital fashion show of themselves in order to learn clothing vocabulary.
Stain Glass P-K to 12
This is 5 lesson plans in sequence from introduction through Glass History to the current methods applied in Glass Forms: lesson 1, stain glass history; lesson 2, community impressions; lesson 3, stain glass design; lesson 4, color theory; lesson 5, form and application. Wrap up includes reflection.
State History Acting and Podcasting 3 to 5
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Students will research and critique different periods of their state's history, and then create "digital archives" and podcasts based upon their research.
Stop Motion to Jump Start Thinking! 3 to P-K
(0 stars, 5 ratings)
For this project, students will be able to display their knowledge gained from an inquiry project or book reading using the stop motion techniques.
Student Voices 6 to 8
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To provide a media where our students are able to create a video that allows them to have a voice about something that they may be passionate about (i.e. sports, reading, family, &academic teams). This will allow our students to have a creative outlet to express themselves in a non-traditional way.
Students Are the Best Teachers 4 to 12
Students will take an active role in the teaching and learning process by creating digital presentations that review basic concepts that are the foundations for all courses. These may include focused mini lessons on such areas as vocabulary, grammar, figures of speech, math problems and concepts, historical events, scientific elements, or technology operations.
Succession in the Classroom 6 to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will observe and record with digital cameras the process of succession as it occurs in a 55 gallon tank that the students set up with soil from their own backyards.
Super Science Slueths Explain It All: Circumnavigating the Circulatory System 6 to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students work in pairs to develop podcasts about the circulatory system as a capstone unit project to display what they have learned. The podcasts can take the form of dramas, sports casts, etc. requiring the students to do more than just memorize information.
Symmetry in Nature and Congruent Shapes All Around 2 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
All students will work in groups to investigate nature and their surroundings to find symmetry in nature and congruent shapes all around. Students will take photos using a digital camera and help create a multimedia presentation of their geometric findings. Students will share the final project with their peers.
T-shirts build school and community pride 6 to 8
This lesson is designed to bring a sense of community to a very diverse team of students in a large, urban middle school. It is also designed to bring a sense of pride in a community struck down with poverty. In this lesson, students will go out into their community and homes and take pictures of what they most identify with to be eventually placed on a T-shirt.
Tech Savvy Naturalists P-K to 8
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While technology is the way of the future, the future of endangered plants and animals are our responsibility. Students will learn about ecology and biology of animals and plants in our community and create movies and picture books as their culminating projects.
Technology Across the Curriculum K to 5
Students will be using digital cameras in Math, Language Arts, and Science. They will be producing symmetry pictures, a scrapbook, and learn how a camera and an eye are similar.
Technology as a Tool of Science 9 to 12
Digital cameras and Tool Factory will be used in a variety of projects in several classes. The objective is to show students the tools that can assist them in the recording, cataloging and sharing of science information.
Thanksgiving Feast 6 to 8
Every year the students in our Life Skills Support class at Beaty Warren Middle School take on the huge task of planning and preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for approximately 80 family, faculty, and staff. Under the direction of the special education teachers and classroom aides, the students decide who to invite, develop a menu, find recipes, make grocery lists, and begin to shop at the local grocery store. The students make placemats, decorations, signs, and a place card for each guest.
The Autobiography of a Middle School 6 to 8
The multidisciplinary project would use the Olympus Digital Cameras and Tool Factory Software to help define and build school unity, self-esteem, and culture through student-made pictures, essays, biographies, and art. The final goal of this project will be an autobiographical photo-essay slide show that the student council will present to their peers, parents, faculty, and school board at their eighth grade graduation ceremony.
The Battle of the Ancient Civilizations 6 to 8
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Sixth grade students will create persuasive movie maker presentations on their Ancient Civilization and present them eighth graders who will choose their favorite. Students will use digital cameras, microphones, and computers to help them create the best power point.
The Effects of Chemical and Physical Weathering on Gravestones 5 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will visit the historical Magnolia Cemetery located in Augusta, Georgia to record digital pictures of the effects of weathering and erosion on gravestones.Students will take pictures and, using previously learned chemical and physical weathering concepts learning in class and recorded in their science journals, create a Prezi or a Glogster media presentation.
The Geometry Amazing Race for High School Students 8 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students groups will be able to use digital cameras to site evidence of geometry work completed at different country location stations or tasks given by teachers. Students groups will apply properties of polygons, determine distances, points of concurrence, and justify answers. Integrated subjects of trigonometry and algebra will be visited.
The Greatest Generation: Capturing Their Stories with Digital Images K to K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Digital Storytelling with the Greatest Generation is the focus of this basic primary source recording of extended family members.
The Mini-Me People Iditarod 9 to 12
I work at Warren Project TEACH/TEC (Teen Education and Child Health/Transitional Education Center). We are an Alternative High School for Parenting and Pregnant Teenagers and Students at Risk.
The STEM Train! 7 to 8
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The STEM Train will be a school-wide program for students to create exploration through video-making, short films and documentaries. Students will become mini filmmakers. They will use the latest technology to make video presentations in class. Digital Cameras will be the source of our videos, but in order to “create” magic, we will need more electronic equipment.
The stoichiometry behind pollution 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
In many grammar schools, students are made aware of the need to recycle and be earth conscious citizens. However, they have no concept of the amount of how much they save in their efforts. Through this lesson, students will be able to quantize the amount of pollution they are preventing through stoichiometry. Students will then create posterboards with their research to convince the school and local community that pollution is a problem and carpooling is a simple solution.
Think It, Write It, Create It, K to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will author, illustrate, and create digital book collections to share with the school and to promote reading through the use of technology.
This Is Our Town 10 to 12
Students document life in their small Iowa town by photographing, writing and creating art about the experiences and architecture of our community. These finished products will then be shared with the community.
Through Our Eyes 9 to 9
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“The House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros is a novel that addresses many important themes, but none more important than poverty. But simply talking about a world problem does not teach my students as much as a hands-on problem solving project would! Upon completing the novel, my students will tackle the final project “Through Our Eyes.”
Traditions Around the World 5 to 5
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Students will be divided into cooperative learning groups and given a country to research their holiday traditions. Students will use the internet, encyclopedias and other research sources to prepare a presentation. A brief discussion/mini-lesson will be given on credible resources.
Trees For Trout! 4 to 4
Classroom project that incorporates forestry and fish to investigate the lifecycle of trout and the effects of forest practices on them.
Tuning the World One Note at a Time 6 to 8
This project is intended to broaden the horizon for our small town students. Students will produce a DVD movie/music video highlighting the world of music as its focal point.
Up close and personal 4 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will take 3-4 pictures of an object of their choice, all extremely close up. Students will then make a display of their pictures so other students can guess what object was being photographed.
Van Gogh Self-Portrait 7 to 10
Students will create a self-portrait in the style of Van Gogh.
Virtual Math Portfolio 7 to 9
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a customized web page to post a series of unit-based math projects. They will keep a copy of the web page as a virtual portfolio of their exciting math year.
Virtual Museum of Musical Instruments 4 to 8
Students create and build their own musical instruments based on existing characteristics of the four families of the symphony orchestra. They will take photographs of their completed instruments, record the sounds and post them to an existing web site which showcases student work. They will also create their own web page which will be attached to the teacher web site.
Wanted - Dead or Alive 3 to 6
After learning about trickster tales, students will create clay models of a trickster, create a mug shot which will be used on a life-size wanted poster. Students will also photograph and animate the trickster using the Claymation software in Whole Class Fresco. Finally, students will design games based on a trickster tale for younger students.
Students will use digital cameras and desktop publishing to recreate WANTED posters of the old Wild West. Only this time, they will be looking for good characters!
Waste Water Research 9 to 12
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Students will engage in a year long study of the impacts of waste water and its impacts on the local community and the Hudson River. Students will evaluate the impacts that various green technology can have on improving the quality of runoff waste water.
Weathering Project 6 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
After studying weathering in class student will demonstrate their knowledge of weathering by creating a digital project.
What are Numbers?: Learning to Add K to 1
Students explore digital camera use while learning basic math concepts and simple number identification.
What Do You Know About Your Town? 2 to 3
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Lessons that help students learn a little about their own community. Lesson is generated for Erath, Louisiana, however can be adapted to any area.
What Firemen Read 9 to 12
Armed with digital cameras, iPods with recorders, and great attitutdes, students will interview community members and find out what their favorite books are and why. Students will compile the results in both print and web formats and share their findings with the world.
What in the World..?!? 3 to 5
You don't need to be able to read to love science, computers, and photography. My special education students will use these materials to create their own photographic "I Spy" books during our What in the World..?!? photo project. Using picture symbol software and photographs, students can address all content areas including math, reading, writing, technology, and science.
What's Going On 5 to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
The 6th grade special education students are going to make a monthly newsletter for their peers on the things that are happening. This lesson helps with self esteem, organization, and written expression, and technology skills.
What's the Matter? 1 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students explore the 3 states of matter, as well as the combination of these states, through the use of a digital camera. Students then create Photo Stories about matter to share.
What's Your Angle 3 to 5
Students will use digital cameras to locate and record several type of angles found in their school. They will identify these angles, put into a slide show and use it to teach others about geometric angles.
Where is.... K to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a book using images taken of different locations around the school with an icon of themselves in the foreground of the page. The reader will try to identify the location of the photograph.
Who AM I and Who Are You? P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
We will be working on strengthening our understanding of identity. What makes us who we are?
Why teach Jet Toys? (Tool Factory Movie Maker ) 5 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use what digital cameras to capture to importance of learning force and motion through Jet Toys.
Windsor Opposes Waste - WOW! 2 to 6
We propose a year-long, problem-based learning between grades 2 and 6. Teams of students will meet and discuss and identify the problem(s), brainstorm solutions, implement their solutions and throughout the year evaluate and reexamine their decisions and actions.
Write A Story 1 to 5
Using a wikispace, students will work together to complete a story. Each student will create a story starter, and classmates will add sentences one at a time to create a completed story.
Writing and Illustrating a Digital Children's Picture Book 6 to 8
Students will use digital cameras and Photoshop to create the pictures for a children's picture book which will be made into a hand bound book.
Yes We Can! Students with Autism & Downs-Syndrome on the Drums! K to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students with profound special needs, such as autism, Downs-syndrome, CP, & medically fragile conditions, will participate in a variety of exciting experiential activities, including adaptive percussion & drumming, Karaoke type music, and using American Sign Language to express themselves to music. Project will be documented via video and digital pictures and shown to the school body in a music video format.
You Can Do It: Creating How-To Videos P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Middle school students create instructional videos for other students using Flip video cameras and editing software. Students must brainstorm a topic, write an original script and create their film and audio narration, then edit and and create an original movie. Sample topics include "How to tie your shoes," "How to be organized for Middle School," and "The Water Cycle."
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