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Making A Difference 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students from Tiffin Columbian High School’s Commercial Art class would like to make a difference by helping local business or organization prosper in this sluggish economy by offering free advertisement design. The students enrolled in commercial art, would like to lend their talents and creativity in designing products that company would find useful such as business cards, poster, flyers, etc.
Inspiring Change in Our World: One Photograph at a Time 9 to 12
Students will experience the power of images created by great photographers in history. They will document the destruction of their environment and communicate their values and beliefs with a community photography show at a local gallery.
iPad Ecology 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This "iPad Ecology" lesson will incorporate pressing ecological issues that students will investigate through an ecology app, watch a video on how people are "up-cycling" used items, blog about local environmental issues, and read and take a short quiz on an online current issue article.
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