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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Middle Ages Cross Curriculum Project 6 to 8
This project incorporates all subject areas while students learn about the Middle Ages.
The Middle Ages Meet Modern Technology 11 to 11
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use mobile devices to go on a pilgrimage through the Middle Ages. Students will make stops throughout their journey to gather background information to provide a context for the reading of The Canterbury Tales.
An Entertaining Assignment 11 to 12
Make a gossip style video about a medieval character and the rules of Courtly Love and Chivalry they have either broken or upheld. Video may be shot using a Flip video camera from the media center and edited using MovieMaker.
Ancient Civilizations Podcast 7 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson is designed as a year ending project encouraging students to creatively demonstrate what they have learned about various civilizations that we studied throughout the year. This is also used as a great review for our final exam.
Caching in Pine's Treasures 6 to 12
Project ‘Caching in Pine’s Treasures” was designed to increase student knowledge of Social Studies’ topics in a non-traditional way. Students will use digital cameras and GPS units to learn historical information outside the classroom walls increasing student motivation, content knowledge, and knowledge of “technology-based gadgets.”
Documentary-Style Research Projects 4 to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will research a topic related to the social studies curriculum, and then create a report and a short documentary video using iMovie. Along the way, students will learn how to narrow topics, take notes, keep citations, and make editing choices. This is an ideal lesson for a computer lab setting.
Emerging Heros 12 to 12
Students will understand the concept of a hero through visual arts.
Virtual Reality in the Middle School Classroom 7 to 7
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Virtual Reality is a relatively new concept, but it would be amazing for students to be able to tour places around the world virtually while they are learning about them in the classroom.
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