Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
Artists in Power Point |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Artist history comes alive to students when they make a power point about the artists. They are encouraged to find online images from the artists' works and incorporate them along with pertinant information to create a techhie bio of them. |
Character power points |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) While using a power point I created by using images from google and the idea of friendship. I help the students learn with each slide what frienship really entails. There are thought provoking images and conversation starters. |
Endanged Animal Power Point |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Create a Power Point Presentation
About an Endangered Animals
Student Created Power Point |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Student will learn to use the tools in Power Point to create a Power Point project to introduce themselves. |
6th Grade Country Reports |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will use a variety of multimedia tools to research, write, and do a power point presentation on a country of their choice. |
ABC Grammar Book |
1 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 4 ratings) Students will find objects that can identify parts of speech and capture the object in a photo. (Example: If you are studying verbs and nouns they could take a picture of a students swinging on a rope. Swinging = verb. Rope = noun) |
Butterflies fly |
2 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will make a butterfly power point. |
Candidate Obama Support and President Obama's Agenda |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Support letters via Microsoft Word for Candidate Obama ... sent to Obama Headquarters in Chicago [received Obama response] ... then PowerPoint presentations of President Obama's Agenda researched at ... sent as followup to the White House. |
Clip Me |
P-K to 2 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) This lesson involves my second graders using clip art for their Power Point presentations. They will decide on an endangered species they would like to learn more about, write a report, and last make a power point presentation to present to our third grade classes. |
Digitial Picture Water Source Hunt |
K to 2 |
Students will create a Power Point and book that will show an in-depth understanding of where water comes from and how we use water in our everyday lives. |
Fossils |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use technology to research fossils, participate in interactive activities and create and present a presentation about what they learned. |
Hero Cards |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Using Power Point or Publisher, create collectible cards for literary heroes. |
Photography Presentation |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will present a Power Point of their favorite thing using photography. |
Portable Art Portfolio |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students keep a digital record of all art pieces created throughout the year/s on a convenient pen drive. |
Time to Vote |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 11 ratings) The students will learn about the three branches of U.S. government by creating and simulating the election and campaign processes. They will utilize not only their textbooks and classroom materials, but will also take a hands on approach with various technologies to enhance their outcome. |
"50 Ways to Use Your FlipCam" |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson/power point was developed in order to teach the audience (teachers/instructors) simple and quick ways to enhance their teaching and to help invest their student in their education by using a FlipCam. |
"Coming to a Library Near You!" - Book Trailer Grant |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will read their chosen books and create book trailers using clip art and sound bites. These book trailers will be played on the district's television channel to share with all students. Book trailers will entice other students to read more books! |
"Let's Make Some Money" |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The economic troubles of the past year prompted me to develop a project that would help my class understand economic concepts and the types of decisions made by consumers and business owners in our country. The students will study economics and then become entrepreneurs themselves. During the final activity they will pick a product, advertise, and then sell to our Kindergarten class. |
1000 Paper Cranes for Japan |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) My students will be learning about the history, arts, and culture of Japan through an Origami project. I will use the document camera to demonstrate the origami process for my students. |
4th Grade Life Science Unit: Animals |
4 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Our fourth grade teaching team will use technology tools to meet the description of Colorado’s 21st Century learning skills: critical thinking and reasoning, information literacy, collaboration, self-direction, invention. Through the use of technology, we will appeal to our student’s senses and teach to a variety of learning styles with meaningful, authentic learning opportunities. |
A day in the life of a 4th/5th grader |
4 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) To encourage self confidence in a difficult age! Take pictures of themselves from start of the day to finish, then use the pictures and create a powerpoint presentation. |
A Picture's Worth a Thousand Notes |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Providing a visual representation of a classical piece of musical literature. Creating a listening map for a classical piece using digital photography and computer presentation format. |
Advertising in Action |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students create their own commercials for a product of their choice. They must utilize a variety of advertising techniques to sell their products. |
Amazing Photography |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson will serve as a follow up to an introductory lesson on photography. Each student will be responsible for creating a Powerpoint presentation with examples of "amazing photography." |
Ancient Egypt |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Throughout this two week unit, my students will learn about the many contributions that have come from ancient Egypt. |
And Today's Guest Star Is... |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students photograph each other using appropriate behaviors in classroom, whole -school, and community environments for social stories. |
Animation |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Through the exploration of animation techniques, students will be able to describe and depict emotions and expressions with processes, traditional tools, and modern technologies used in the arts. |
Animation Pre-Production |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 6 ratings) Students will learn the process of animation from concept to a short storyboard/ comic strip. They will walk through the steps of developing a character creating a story around that character and imagining what they will look like. |
Array Intro to Multiplication |
2 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will read a story problem and show four ways array, repeated addition, commutative property, and drawing to solve the problem using a chart they created. |
BDA Lesson PLan |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A plan that introduces the entire Microsoft Office Suite. Allows students to see all the potential uses and what program to use when. |
Becoming Africa’s Wildlife |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Each student becomes an expert on one of the animals native to Africa and contributes important information to a safari field guide. Each student investigates the natural history of the animal and learns about the animal’s habitat, ecological niche, interdependence, relative position in a food web, adaptive features and behaviors, and conservation. With their research behind them, each student “becomes” an animal and creates a poster presentation written primarily from the animal’s point of view. |
Beginning Sounds -What sound does each picture begin with? |
K to K |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Beginning Sounds -What sound does each picture begin with? |
Birthdays, Everyone Has One! |
P-K to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Specific purpose/ objective
The student will practice retelling and explaining to build social studies and vocabulary skills. The student will connect the information with prior experiences and insights to his or her own birthday. |
Book Report: Movie Trailer (Elements of Narration) |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Instead of the old "write a summary" book report, students will tell the parts of the plot by writing an interactive movie trailer. |
Bring Black History Month to Life! |
P-K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will research the life of a historically significant African-American and create a first person account of their accomplishments. Then the students will create a three dimensional video of the person to educate others about this person. |
Click it! See it! Say it! |
K to 2 |
 (0 stars, 12 ratings) Bring your "hunks and chunks" to life using everyday pictures the students have taken to capture the sounds. Your students phonics rings will take on a whole new perspective. |
Clubhouse design |
5 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students design a clubhouse floor plan to scale with blue prints and outside views. The winning design is then developed into a 3D scale model. |
Colonial America |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Fifth Graders are researching information on a variety of topics dealing with Colonial America in preparation for Colonial Day that the school holds every other year. They will be taking their research and creating a power Point presentation which needs to include an audio piece. |
Compare/Contrast Three Native American Leaders |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students read three articles from PebbleGo : Sitting Bull, Chief Joseph, and Crazy Horse. Then, they will compare and contrast the three Native Americans by creating a triple Venn Diagram. |
Creating insects puppet show |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This plan integrates reading, investigating, writing, performing and technology into one fun and engaging project that will get students involved in writing a skit and performing for a " puppet-show " purpose. |
CSI London: The Bubonic Plague Edition |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) By doing the role play activity, students will record their parts and clues using flip cams (in partners) and watchthe video of the ten cases. Students will be able to develop a hypothesis and a conclusion for the cause of the Bubonic Plague during the Renaissance. |
Cuentitos para niños...Childrens Stories |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students need materials to produce childrens stories in Spanish. Students will write children stories, illustrate them in powerpoint, move them to Moviemaker and then narrate them. |
Dazzling Digital Poem Project ¨C 7th grade |
7 to 10 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) 7th grade students will take one of their original poems and create a digital poem on PowerPoint. This poem will include a student narration of poem, a collage of pictures representing their poem's ideas and background music. |
Design Team Challenge |
4 to 8 |
Students use technology and engineering skills to create robots. These robots are used to test various math applications, and data tables are used to compare data. |
Dewey Decimal Rap |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will learn about the Dewey Decimal system and how it organizes the library's non-fiction section. They will then work in small teams to create a rap, song, or poem to describe their assigned section. |
Diagnosis of the Day |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be given a description of a medical problem. Students will use technology to research the information given to determine a patient diagnosis. |
Differentiated Tea Party: Important Groups in Feudal Japan |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) This lesson teaches the students the important groups that made up Feudal Japan, and the very different views that they had. The point of this lesson is to show the students the many changes that took place in Japan following Prince Shotoku's desire to open Japan's borders to other Asian influences. |
Digital Cloud Riddle Book |
1 to 3 |
Students will learn to identify different cloud types, observe and photograph clouds in nature with interesting shapes, and print and write a riddle about the object they see in the clouds. Each student will add their cloud riddle and photo to form a class book to be added to the class website for everyone to enjoy. |
Digital Decodable Books |
K to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Creating decodable books using PowerPoint to improve speed and accuracy of sight word recognition. |
Digital Fairytale |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students write their own fairytale in groups. They use a digital camera and Power Point to retell their story. |
Digital Literacy |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Plan designed to improve reading comprehension and writing skills for high school english students through script writing and film adaptation. |
Digital Portfolio and the Green School Act of Michigan |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be able to document "Project Green" for the life of the project in following their acceptance to becoming a Michigan Green School through a digital portfolio. They will be able to share this information in getting more schools on board by making powerpoints to ship or present to schools other local school districts. |
Digital Presentation of Life In The Future |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) After watching Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451", students will discuss the future as Bradbury predicted. Students will create a video representation of what THEY think the world will look like 50 years into the future. |
Earth Science Group Project |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students work in small groups to research and create a presentation on one of three Earth Science topics. |
Enhancing Our Outdoor Classroom Studies through Technology |
K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will make and collect scientific observations in our outdoor classroom. In addition to traditional observations, video recordings and digital photographic records will be collected as well. |
Exploring Climate Change Using the Eyes In the Sky |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Using NEO (NASA Earth Observations) satellite images and NIH ImageJ to animate the images, students will explore various aspects of climate change. From the montage of images, students will write a report describing various areas of climate change.
Grade level: secondary |
Exploring My Environment for Speech and Language |
K to 5 |
Student will photograph objects containing their targeted speech sounds and/or items in selected categories. These photographs will be used in a power point slide show for individual drill and copied to establish a "visual library". |
Fairytale tale rewrite video presentations |
6 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students have rewritten fairytales and made them more modern. They will be video taped and students will also create a power point presentation involoving the video and pictures taken during the project. |
Finding Your NOOK (TM) in the Classroom |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The Barnes and Noble's NOOK will allow students in my classroom to access e-books, digital resources, educational apps, and more. The sky is the limit! |
Five Themes of Geography |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is an assessment tool for the Five Themes of Geography. Students will research the five themes of Geography for the assigned Canadian Province and make a “Doodlecast Pro.”, or another presentation app, make a presentation. This could be an individual or group project. . This could be a group on individual project.. |
Fractals in Nature |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be introduced to the concept of fractals and look at examples of fractals, find fractals in nature, and create fractal cut outs. |
Friendship Book |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will take pictures of their friends and write what they know about their friends and the things they like to do with their friends. It will turn out to be a friendship book.
Genius Hour Technology |
K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Our K-5 Gifted classroom would like to have 4 iPads (with protective cases) and/or video cameras to aid with our project based instruction. This technology will allow our students to research multiple fields and present authentic products to an audience. |
Getting Ready for Graduation |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The yearbook is being finalized, and the last digital newspaper will be complete for May 1, the staff will create a senior "Life-Road" slide show to play during the graduation ceremony June 6. They will gather photos from each senior documenting their childhood up 'til the graduation night. |
Getting Ready for Graduation |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The yearbook is being finalized, and the last digital newspaper will be complete for May 1, the staff will create a senior "Life-Road" slide show to play during the graduation ceremony June 6. They will gather photos from each senior documenting their childhood up 'til the graduation night. |
Heredity |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will analyze their own understanding and mastery of heredity and punnett squares as we walk through an example as a class. Students will then use prior knowledge of heredity to complete a Heredity Game (Who’s You Daddy?), and reinforce the content knowledge we have covered. |
How Does Your Garden Grow? |
K to 4 |
With the help of technology the children will be amazed witnessing the school garden change before their eyes! The work and dedication put into a garden will surely pay off when the digital presentation is viewed. |
Invasive Species |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Invasive species can disrupt and use natural resources that are necessary for endemic species to survive. Students will conduct a field study of an invasive plant species to learn how their community and the endemic species have been affected. |
It's Challenging Being Green! |
3 to 5 |
Students will delve into botany by planting a seed and watching it grow or die based on what they do to take care of it. Prior knowledge of human anatomy and physiology will be the entry point as students connect these two very different areas of biology. By the end of the unit, students will be able to defend plant conservation the way they could any other organism they study. Ultimately, students should have increased awareness of the lack of green spaces in urban areas and the need for more parks and gardens |
iZOO |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is the cumlinating project for a unit on animal adaptations and habitats. Students will complete a WebQuest, create a slideshow or animated movie, and a podcast. |
Jazzing-Up Thanksgiving! |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Through the years, students have answered the “What are you thankful for?’ question. In this unit the students will answer this question incorporating technology with art, figurative language, the study of biographies and autobiographies, research, and by producing a jazz / blues song. |
Jobs I Can Do : Electronic Portfolio |
12 to 12 |
This lesson will explain how to use digital photos to create electronic portfolio when working with 19 to 21 year olds with cognitive deficits. |
Leaf Scavenger Hunt |
6 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will be going on a learning excursion to Mandalay Trail National Wildlife refuge to collect leaf samples for their leaf scrapbook using digital cameras. Upon returning to school the students will be using the digital camera pictures to compose a power point presentation, and they will create data tables to compare the pH levels of the water quality samples. |
Living Creatures Up Close |
2 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will discover a pond habitat, capture a specimin and observe under a microscope. |
Magna Carta |
5 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students write a Magna Carta as though they were the ruler of their land. This would be written from the ruler's point of view. |
Maui Podcast |
6 to 12 |
Maui is an island under siege from invasive species and ecological damage brought upon by humans. Teach your students about Maui's beauty and the importance of conservation through this scientific activist podcast. |
Mi casa es su casa |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 3 ratings) Students will create videos of their houses and sharing information about their home in Spanish. Students will pretend to be Real Estate Agents selling their home. |
Moon Craters Lab |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) By dropping a rock from three different heights, students were able to employ al the steps of the scientific method while conducting an investigation. They explored the limitations of models and connected the relationship of mass, height, and impact. |
Musical Instruments of the Orchestra |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will explore the families of instruments online and create a digital media project that gives information about a particular instrument or family that they select. |
News Broadcasts |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) After writing and practicing a script, the students present a news broadcast about a topic in the news. This is made with a Flip camera and sent to other classrooms. |
Our Family Histories |
2 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will research their own histories by interviewing family members (their elders, and extended relatives), collect information, pictures, etc...The students will put their information together using creativity and technology and at the same time apply their knowledge of language arts, math, and social studies. |
Paper Airplanes |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Applications of Scatter Plots, Lines of Best Fit, Dependant & Independent Variables through the making and flying of paper airplanes. I have the class research several designs of airplanes, we discuss aerodynamics, construct a their desired model, fly the model, gather information and plot the results. |
Personal PowerPoint |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will make a Personal PowerPoint and Present them in class. Students must fill out an outline and also present the powerpoint. |
Physical Education Deal or No Deal |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will demonstrate and be engaged in a variety of activities/exercises that contribute to improvement of overall fitness by playing a game show called Deal or No Deal.
Picture This - Stars over Hoke /Imaginarse - Estrellas sobre de Hoke |
5 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) My grant request is to enable my middle school ESL students to better communicate and participate in classes by using digital cameraas and software to publish their own personal bilingual dictionaries, story books and PowerPoint presentations for the SMARTboards in their classes. |
Plot and Conflict |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will analyze the concept of plot development and conflict resolution using their novel from the Summer Reading List. Teacher will tell the students their assessment will be based on their concept map they will create at the end of the unit. Students will Create a Concept Map using the Kidspiration software that includes the interactive graphic organizers. |
Poverty Point Native Americans |
2 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Poverty Point Native Americans and Landmark in Louisiana (Rotation Day 1 with Centers) |
Producing a Franchise to encourage global awareness, increased, informed decision making about health, peer relationships and education. |
7 to 8 |
The students will determine categories of franchises from which to work out media productions for weekly broadcasts on our school news show. |
Quadratic Equations in Action |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will video and analyze real-life situations that produce a parabolic curve. |
Rainforest: Creating Globally Conscious Students |
2 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be able to apply their knowledge of the rainforest ecosystem to create peer interviews with Flipcams. These interviews will be edited and posted on our district website as well as sites such as for students to convey their understanding of:
• The various strata of the rainforest, and the role that each plays in the overall health of the ecosystem.
• The interdependence humans have with the rainforest for health needs.
• The great diversity of the animal kingdom that resides in the rainforest as well as the effect deforestation has on these species.
• How our actions can directly impact the rainforests. Students should be able to persuade others to take simple steps to protect these regions of the world.
Real World Equations! |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use digital cameras to take photos of items or situations that can be modeled using algebraic equations. |
Romanticism Through the Eyes of Art, Poetry, and Technology |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Teaching the qualities of Romanticism, comparing pieces of the period, and creating responses that show comprehension, while using an Elmo. |
School Motto/School Expectations |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students in GATE, grades 3-5, will teach and demonstrate the school rules and expectations to students in grade PreK-2. They will also, help model the expectations of our newly implemented school motto through the use of video and technology. |
Science Olympics |
K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Science Olympics will actively involve the chemistry and ELL science students at Reynolds High School with science education in one the district’s elementary schools heavily populated with ELL children. The high school chemistry and ELL students will be taught how to present and involve the grade school kids in a variety of hands-on science activities covering all seven of the Common Curriculum Goals and will be encouraged to think creatively and plan how to get these basic science concepts across to children in grades K-5. By doing so both the high school students and the K-5th graders will experience science as fun, rewarding, interactive, engaging, and memorable.
Seeing the World Through the eyes of a Veteran |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be assigned a Veteran to interview, get a military photo of and take a recent picture of. They will write a short story about the person and present a Power Point using the photos, or a movie with Movie Maker. A few selected ones will be used for next year's Veterans Day Program. |
Show de Moda |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students in will create a digital fashion show of themselves in order to learn clothing vocabulary. |
Simulations and Tools for STEM Skills |
6 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Incoming 6th grade students will use STEM Software Bundle for Upper Elementary (4-6) to learn and enhance their STEM and problem solving skills.
Skull-dugery |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use a digital camera to photograph skulls of various specimens and will research on the internet to identify them. |
Technology-Assisted "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" |
9 to 10 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This unit teaches teens the underlying principles that are essential to achieving their goals and personal success. The activities, described in detail below, support an understanding of each of the 7 Habits along with any important terms and the application of those habits into the daily lives of the students through the implementation of “baby steps” that will be monitored twice a week by the students’ personal mentor and supplemented with a wide range of technological hardware and applications. |
The Flea |
P-K to 2 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Allows students, in a small goup grades k-2, to pracitce the social skills of listening, sitting still, and having a good listening body. Those important foundational social skills. |
The Geometry Amazing Race for High School Students |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students groups will be able to use digital cameras to site evidence of geometry work completed at different country location stations or tasks given by teachers.
Students groups will apply properties of polygons, determine distances, points of concurrence, and justify answers. Integrated subjects of trigonometry and algebra will be visited. |
The Hall of Physicist |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create biographical posters of famous physicist through the ages. |
The History of Daily Life in America: An Inquiry-based Unit Plan |
P-K to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) By completing an inquiry-based project, students will be able to compare the various ways people lived in the 1800’s to the way we live today. Students will learn how to form a good inquiry question, effectively search the web for answers and synthesize the information found to form a deep understanding of the topic. Students will prepare a Power Point presentation of their knowledge to share with the class. At the very end of this unit, students will take part in a living history lesson and act like people living in the 1800’s. |
The Human Body |
8 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will synthesis the body systems. Students will explain the function of each body system and how they work together. |
The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf Again |
2 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Comparing and Contrasting the various stories of the Three Little Pigs from the pig's point of view and the wolf's view |
Title: Digital Photo Storytelling on Five Senses, a project based learning activity by Mary Gore |
P-K to 2 |
Learning about the five senses is a very exciting and fun experience that students in the primary grades are eager to engage in as well as share with others, in and out of the classroom. Through digital photo storytelling project learners are able to document their experiences and take on various roles as they create a presentation project.This is a project based learning activity. |
Toy Inventor’s Workshop |
11 to 11 |
Students work in small groups to develop a toy for preschool age children. |
Video Buddies |
K to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Hamden elementary students and Beijing elementary students will correspond with each other through technology which includes use of the Flip Video Camera. Students will use the video camera to introduce family members, pets, and record important events such as birthdays and holiday celebrations. |
Walking Stick Figure |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students explore the history of art and animation and in the end create a walking stick figure on Flash, using traditional and digital animation techniques. |
Weather Forecast |
4 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use weather terms, tools and current weather conditions to create a 4-day forecast and present it to the class. |
What Do You Put Stock Into? |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Overview: In this unit, students will learn basics about the stock market. Students will choose and “buy” stock in a company. He/she will check the price of the stock each day and record in a spreadsheet. At the end of the allotted time, students will create a graph depicting losses and gains. After evaluating their data, students will compose a summary report which will include their losses/ gains and possible reasons for the outcome. |
When I Grow Up |
P-K to 1 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) You often hear young children say, "When I grow up I wanna be a__." Here is a meaningful story prompt and a great opportuntiy to teach community helpers. |
Who Ate Archy the Anchovy |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In this lesson, students will use flip cams to film clues about members in the marine food chain. The goal is to solve the puzzle of who ate Archy the Anchovy! Once clues are filmed, an interactive PowerPoint will be created for students to complete a problem-solving activity to solve this mystery! |
World of Quadrilaterals |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Why is it important to know the properties of quadrilaterals? How can we use it in our real life? |
You Were There! Art History Game |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will photograph themselves and then use software to add a painterly look to their photos. Then they will compete to use the software to place themselves as the subject of some of the masters' paintings by following clues. |
Zoom into Microscopy |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use digital cameras to document their inquiries into microscopic life. Digital images will be used to assemble picture books that show the detail of an organism as seen with the human eye, through a hand lens, and at each power of the microscope. |