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The Bird's Word Video Podcast K to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students collaborate in small groups to write a script which explains, demonstrates, and gives examples of a specific part of a large topic (for example, one part of the water cycle). Each group films themselves using Flip Video Cameras and then the parts are assembled into one video which explains the large topic.
Alternative Modes for Alternative Ed P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
To provide media information in the form of a DVD library centrally located at Seminole County District Office in order to provide various learning formats for struggling and at risk incarcerated learnes.
Book Trailers 5 to 8
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
After reading a self selected text, students will plan and then use PhotoStory 3 to create book trailers which persuade an audience to read the highlighted texts in order to encourage and reinforce the practice of self selected reading by students.
Exploring Climate Change Using the Eyes In the Sky 8 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using NEO (NASA Earth Observations) satellite images and NIH ImageJ to animate the images, students will explore various aspects of climate change. From the montage of images, students will write a report describing various areas of climate change. Grade level: secondary
Family History 2 to 5
Students will take photographs of their family and gather pictures to create a family tree.
Reading Interventions for Middle School Science 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Reading informational text and comprehending the science involved is difficult for most students. Chunking the material into smaller concept oriented blocks allow students to investigate content one concept at a time in order to focus on necessary vocabulary. Whole class reading allows for all students to hear and follow the information to be read. Students complete an accompanying activity allowing for reinforcement of the concept while working in collaborative groups for student to student support. Students will complete “reading labs” in assigned groups during science class. Topics will address concepts in Earth Science/Geosciences involving storms, earthquakes, volcanoes, biomes, ecosystems, and populations.
The History of Daily Life in America: An Inquiry-based Unit Plan P-K to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
By completing an inquiry-based project, students will be able to compare the various ways people lived in the 1800’s to the way we live today. Students will learn how to form a good inquiry question, effectively search the web for answers and synthesize the information found to form a deep understanding of the topic. Students will prepare a Power Point presentation of their knowledge to share with the class. At the very end of this unit, students will take part in a living history lesson and act like people living in the 1800’s.
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