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Lesson Plan Name Grades
Modern Caesar Adaptation 12 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
After studying Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, students will create a modern adaptation by composing a script and creating a video of the dramatization.
La Casa de Mis Sueños/My Dream House 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use present tense conjugation and learn vocabulary that describes a house. Students will create visual representation of their dream house using presentation tool of their choice. Students will “walk us through” their houses in small group presentations (6 students + teacher) while we roll a dice to ask questions about each presentation and providing verbal feedback, all in Spanish.
21st Century Research: Kindergarten through 8th Grade K to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This unit plan is a scope and sequence for teaching research for students in grades K-8 and is based on the NETS-S. The unit is interdisciplinary -- could be used for math, science, language arts, social students, music, art (in whatever subject students do research) and uses technology throughout to build 21st century skills -- here is the link: http://sites.google.com/site/hazysummertech/
4th Grade Double Digit Multiplication 4 to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
How to multiply two 2-digit numbers using the window pane and butterfly methods.
Beats Speaker Project 7 to 7
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
You are recently hired at a your new job working for BEATS AUDIO. You have been assigned a task to create an efficient home speaker for Beats New Signature Studio Home Series. Your job is to create a speaker that plays directly from an auxiliary cord (headphone cable) without additional power. You have been directed to work with a group of 3 other audio, electrical and chemical engineers to draft designs, calculate cost efficiency and produce a working speaker given various and limited supplies.
calendar skills P-K to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
lesson about calendar skills
Cubelet 6 Pre-K 4 Lesson Plan for Steam P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Using the children's book "Robo-Pete," preschool students participate in STEAM activities.
Digital Citizenship unit 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This wiki teaches 7th and 8th graders about Mike Ribble's 9 elements of Digital Citizenship -- using Internet links, online videos and podcasts. Digital Citizenship is one of ISTE's NETS-S.
Digital Doubles 1 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Adding doubles is a great strategy for adding numbers and gaining number sense. First grade students will use virtual manipulatives to add doubles.
Favorite foods of the 7th grade 5 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students survey their classmates and create powerpoint presentations to determine the favorite food of the 7th grade.
Flip Video Cultural Exchange between students in Texas and New Zealand 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students create a class YouTube video comparing the differences/similarities between the Hurricane Ike disaster in Houston, TX to the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The video was sent to all schools in Christchurch, New Zealand - expanding students' world view to include more than just their immediate concerns.
GoPro MakerStory 3 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will share their MakerSpace exploration process using GoPro video. Students will plan out their basic scenario with the MakerSpace tools, wear the camera, and discuss the process while working with the tools. They will view their video and edit for public viewing on the school YouTube page.
iPad Ecology 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This "iPad Ecology" lesson will incorporate pressing ecological issues that students will investigate through an ecology app, watch a video on how people are "up-cycling" used items, blog about local environmental issues, and read and take a short quiz on an online current issue article.
School Commercial 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Creating a commercial about Jewett Academy.
Technique is the Key 3 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The main focus of this lesson is improving students' keyboarding skills - specifically speed and accuracy. This lesson is taught at the beginning of the school year and is appropriate for 3rd-6th grade students.
Weebly Website Report 7 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will make a free weebly website about a topic they have researched.
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