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Advocate for Something! Flip Cam Media Advocacy Project 9 to 12
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Students will find an inner passion to support cause through the power of Media Advocacy campaigns using Flip Cameras. This lesson is a basic introduction on online research, video team roles, field reporting, collecting video interviews and video editing interviews into a short 2-3 minute video.
FISH FACE: Character Design & Animation 3 to 8
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Students will explore how animators use facial expressions, physical gesture and sound to create characters, as they work with a partner to create an animated short. Students will be introduced stop motion animation with a screening of the claymation classic, "Creature Comforts."
River Reflections 3 to 11
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Students have been conducting river studies for over five years in 6th grade. A true reflection of the experience is necessary for true learning. Writing advocacy projects and sharing them through podcasting helps to reflect on the experience.
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