Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
All about "Me" autobiography!! |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Student will make powerpoints and turn them into movies. These movies will be autobiographies about them!! |
Biography Report - Learning Microsoft Word |
5 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will learn about Microsoft Word features while creating an autobiographical report. |
Biography Research Project |
4 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In this lesson the students work in groups to research a famous African American for Black History month. They did their research on a chrome books and everything was up loaded the their google classroom account. We used google slides to create a presentation that they shared with the class. This lasted two weeks and on the third week the students presented their google slides presentation. They also created a quit on the quizizz website that the other students could take after listening to each presentation. |
Digital Autobiography |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The students will create a digital autobiography of their life. |
Digital Biography Project for African American History |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will answer questions on an important person during African American History month. They will type, voice record, and upload photographs/drawings to create a biographical digital story about their person. |
Restoring Memories and Planning Autobiography |
4 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This plan utilizes Google Maps for autobiography writing in response to the mentor text Knots in my Yo-Yo String” by Jerry Spinelli. |
The Autobiography of a Middle School |
6 to 8 |
The multidisciplinary project would use the Olympus Digital Cameras and Tool Factory Software to help define and build school unity, self-esteem, and culture through student-made pictures, essays, biographies, and art. The final goal of this project will be an autobiographical photo-essay slide show that the student council will present to their peers, parents, faculty, and school board at their eighth grade graduation ceremony. |
The Living Biography |
4 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Use podcasting to have students create a living audio biography of someone they've studied. |
6 Word Digital Memoirs |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Taking inspiration of Hemingway's infamous 6 Word Story, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” students will write their own memoir using only 6 words. Then, students will use digital cameras to shoot 6 photos illustrating their memoir. Students finally combine these images and text to create a YouTube digital memoir or book. |
A Hip New Twist on the Past! Creating Music Video Biographies |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Student motivation is a huge challenge for teachers. Students today are surrounded by multimedia sources and technology. Why not bring that into the classroom? Technology is relevant to their lives and will keep them excited as they learn. |
All About Me! |
K to 1 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Writing stories "All About Me" |
Autobiographies |
2 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) My kids will be creating Autobiographies or Biographies on a family member. They will be taking pictures that relate to different aspects of their life and writing about the photographs with paragraphs and captions. |
Biographical Timelines |
2 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Overview: Students will choose a biography or an autobiography to read and create a timeline on the person's life. |
Bringing Historical Figures Alive |
3 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) In this unit students will learn about a famous person in history and use several types of media to investigate them and show what they have learned. |
Famous Americans |
3 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In this social studies lesson, students chose a famous American to study in order to create a research-based PowerPoint presentation using a template. Ultimately, students present their work to the class. |
Fans of Fantastic Fiction and Fantasy |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Choose an author to write to, read about, read stories by, and emulate. |
Hero Highlights |
4 to 12 |
The high school students will collaborate with elementary students to create a vodcast biography or a fictional story of the elementary student. The elementary student will create a biography of the high school student. |
Intro to Photography for Middle School |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is an entire curriculum, not just one lesson plan. Students will take a six week course that teaches them the fundamentals of camera operation and shot composition. |
Living Legends Video Griot Project |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The purpose of this lesson is to physically connect students to history.This is a project based lesson that will culminate in students creatively gathering and telling the life story of significant community elders with a relationship to the school. |
Living Wax Museum |
5 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will complete a biography about a person of their choice. This project includes a written paper, a slideshow, and creating a poster board that will be displayed throughout the school. |
Videographies |
4 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will create a presentation about a person who is famous for being an honest individual, a risk-taker, a helper to others, or a promoter of freedom using podcasting or vodcasting tools. |
Literary Tour of California via Vodcast |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 3 ratings) Students study California authors and create a podcast telling about each author. Listeners learn about the cities and places that California authors lived, worked and played in and wrote about. |
A Genre-riffic Thanksgiving |
12 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Using different genres in literature, have sutdents explore and discuss the characters, take the characters out of the book and place them into a modern day Thanksgiving celebration. The characters from the books need to retain their personalities and traits. (Time to completion of activities: 3 weeks) |
Black History Month Menu/Choice Boards |
5 to 12 |
•Students will write and create podcasts for a variety of purposes.
•Students will make choices about their learning, using a menu/choice board as a guide.
•Students will conduct guided research to create a variety of podcast projects to communicate their understanding of their research.
•Students will work collaboratively with other researchers in creating interesting podcasts.
•Students will explore literature, music and the lives of people associated with black history month.
•Students will engage in differentiated learning activities based on their interest and their ability. |
Classroom Pets |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Fun digital way to introduce a few facts about our new classroom pet. |
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Unit |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) We will spend 2-3 weeks reading the biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer in 7th and 8th grade History class. |
Fredrick Douglass...A digital History |
7 to 7 |
Using technology, the students will create projects that depicts the stuggles of slaves with a focus on Fredrick Douglass and his determination to abolish it. |
Jazzing-Up Thanksgiving! |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Through the years, students have answered the “What are you thankful for?’ question. In this unit the students will answer this question incorporating technology with art, figurative language, the study of biographies and autobiographies, research, and by producing a jazz / blues song. |
Memoirs of a Fifth Grader |
5 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Fifth grade students will write an auto-biography and create a correlating video diary. |
Modern Day Proverbs |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This project is for the basic English 11 class. To show their comprehension of proverbs, students will create their own list of proverbs for the modern day generation. Relevancy of literature is necessary for today's student. |
portraits |
12 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will compare the daguerreotype of Edgar Allan Poe by an unknown photographer with
Poe’s writings in an effort to discover the character of this mysterious author.
Primary and Secondary Documents for Colonial Times |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Primary and Secondary Documents for Colonial Times Lesson Plan |
Technology-Assisted "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" |
9 to 10 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This unit teaches teens the underlying principles that are essential to achieving their goals and personal success. The activities, described in detail below, support an understanding of each of the 7 Habits along with any important terms and the application of those habits into the daily lives of the students through the implementation of “baby steps” that will be monitored twice a week by the students’ personal mentor and supplemented with a wide range of technological hardware and applications. |
The Outsiders Unit Plan |
7 to 9 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will read The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and complete a digital-based lesson plan that incorporates the novel. |
Titanic Research Projects |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) In this lesson, students conduct research (CCSS W.7.7) on topics connected to a narrative nonfiction story from the reading basil, "Exploring the Titanic" by Robert Ballard. Students use iPads or Chromebooks to gather credible and relevant research on individually assigned topics and then present their findings to the class through use of an interactive presentation program such as Prezi, Emaze, or Google Slides. |
Voice and Choice Technology Integrated Independent Reading Projects |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The students will demonstrate voice and choice in their technology integrated independent reading projects.The students will pick from a genre choice board and project choice board to complete their independent reading project.The students read the book outside of class and complete their
book project in class on book project day (One class period devoted to completing book project and starting presentations.) |
Who's Who in the Art World |
2 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students study famous artist and their works, through Internet resource using social bookmarking. The create biographies and recreate famous works then create online portfolios of their final project. |