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Lesson Plan Name Grades
"Coming to a Library Near You!" - Book Trailer Grant 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will read their chosen books and create book trailers using clip art and sound bites. These book trailers will be played on the district's television channel to share with all students. Book trailers will entice other students to read more books!
21 century pen pals 3 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
These lessons are for the students to show what they've learned about specific topics to an international school.
African Kaleidoscope Music Visions Project for GT Music Students 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will explore the culture and music of an African country of their choice. They will present a short PowerPoint or Flipchart for the class, students could also use iPads to create iMovies. Students may choose to present it on a traditional poster. Students may wish to provide samples of African Tribal music. Students should also write a brief song in 4/4 meter and C pentatonic about African music.
African Kaleidoscope Music Visions Project for GT Music Students 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will explore the culture and music of an African country of their choice. They will present a short PowerPoint or Flipchart for the class, students could also use iPads to create iMovies. Students may choose to present it on a traditional poster. Students may wish to provide samples of African Tribal music. Students should also write a brief song in 4/4 meter and C pentatonic about African music.
Animation Festival 5 to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
5th and 6th grade students will create claymation and object animation shorts to be produced as a short film festival. This lesson is actually a unit on animation comprised of several weeks of group work and filming.
Around the World in 180 Days P-K to 8
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
To kick-off our Global Cultures curriculum we are implementing a year-long interdisciplinary school project titled, Around the World in 180 Days. Teachers and students will use digital cameras, smart board technology, Web Cams, Kidspiration software, and partnerships with schools around the world.
Birthdays, Everyone Has One! P-K to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Specific purpose/ objective The student will practice retelling and explaining to build social studies and vocabulary skills. The student will connect the information with prior experiences and insights to his or her own birthday.
Book Report: Movie Trailer (Elements of Narration) P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Instead of the old "write a summary" book report, students will tell the parts of the plot by writing an interactive movie trailer.
Christmas Around the World P-K to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Christmas Around the World
Communicating with E-Pals in Kindergarten to learn about culture diversity K to K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Learning about people and cultures in different parts of the world using technology as a means of communication.
Compare/Contrast Animal Kingdom Characteristics from Informational Texts P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will compare and contrast the various animal kingdoms. Students will take this knowledge and complete a compare/contrast essay after researching the animal kingdoms.
Computer and Technology Lab Projects 1 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students develop significant projects in our Computer and Technology Lab, and we require a safe, easily accessible repository of digital images and audio for student use. These various projects are theme related and correspond to specific grade levels.
Cultural Differences found in St. Patrick's Day 2 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson teaches the students about St. Patrick's Day and how it is celebrated around the world. It is a cross-curricular lesson for both Social Studies and ELAR.
Enhancing Friendships Through Photography P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Young learners will use digital photography to create new friendships with pen pals at another school.
Famous Americans 3 to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this social studies lesson, students chose a famous American to study in order to create a research-based PowerPoint presentation using a template. Ultimately, students present their work to the class.
Festivals, Fairs, and Fun and Unit Exploring Spanish Festivals 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will compare and contrast the cultural traditions and festivals of Spanish speaking countries with their own culture. It is our desire that students understand, value, and respect people and places outside of their own environment.
Flip Camera Christmas Lessons and Ideas P-K to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Flip Camera Christmas Lessons and Ideas
Island Adoption P-K to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The Neari school has adopted a strip of land from the city in a very low socioeconomic area, and has begun a beautification project. We will be working on community awareness while using STEM work as our base.
Kindergarten Animal Research Book Making Project P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This animal research project integrates writing, science, reading, and technology. Students are able to choose an animal to learn more about, document information using technology and print the project in color to share and keep.
Movies for Mothers P-K to 5
Students will use photos, drawings, and videos to create a movie using Tool Factory Movie Maker as a heartwarming gift for their mother on Mother's Day.
New and Different Civilizations- A Claymation Dreamer's World 5 to 8
The book 'Westlandia' by Paul Fleischman is the inspiration for this claymation unit because the ultimate message is that it is o.k. to be different. In Art, I am an advocate for thinking outside the box and communicating what you are about through your art making experiences and explorations. With this in mind, I let Wesley's feelings and ideas be the seeds for our project. The only thing I change from the book is having students work in teams of 3 or 4 throughout this unit.
Newspaper for Inner City School K to K
The project is to promote fluency both oral and written 2 languages.
Plant a Pizza P-K to 8
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
The students will plant a school pizza garden and will document the growing process on film. Every class from grades Pre-K to 8 will be expected to maintain their section of the garden and will celebrate the harvest with a school pizza party.
Put the NEW in NEWBERY 4 to 6
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
Every year since 1922, the Newbery Award has been presented to the book selected by librarians as the “most distinguished contribution to American literature for children”. Using current technology, a librarian and classroom teacher team teach students to research and then create a podcast “commercial” for an award winner.
Studio Photography 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This project involves shooting long exposure photography in the school portrait lighting studio.
Teaching Digital Citizenship through Stories of Immigration and Diversity K to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This is Cross-Curricular Unit that addresses the Social Studies Big Ideas of diversity, and our personal connections to immigration in our community. These lessons plan to increase awareness and understanding about our diverse, ethnic and racial backgrounds from specific underrepresented minorities (who speak Nepali, Khmer, Chinese, and Spanish), through innovative uses of technology. Using Smartboards, interactive language-learning websites (in various languages), and developing cyber pen-pals between like-minded schools in our neighborhood and abroad, we will acquire more sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity in our community, and become better-equipped global citizens for the 21st century.
The Bill of Rights in Action 8 to 8
In this lesson, students will view short video clips illustrating various rights in the first ten amendments to the Constitution. In groups, students will have to identify the right(s) in the video, discuss, and explain how that right is being celebrated.
The Differences Among Us 5 to 8
In this beginning of the year activity, students will get to know each other by sharing cultural differences which make their families unique. Students will experience the personal stories of their peers, understand that all families are different, and accept that it's okay to be different.
The Next DIY Stars 3 to 8
(0 stars, 4 ratings)
Teach students to write "how to" or "directions" essays, then bring them to life by demonstrating on video using Movie Maker and Flip cameras.
The Very Important Me Project K to 2
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
First Grade Students will create a project using various computer applications to show their skills they have learned in first grade, including the use of Microsoft Word, Paint, and the Video Star App. They will be combining these skills with ones they are learning in the classroom including sentence structure, punctuation and capital letters.
The Waning Moon 4 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a short claymation video to explain the phases of the moon and what we can learn from them.
This I Believe K to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will listen to a podcast of "This I Believe" from NPR and create a list of their own beliefs. Great introduction to the Civil War.
Topic: Integrating Technology into the Classroom – Digital Storytelling P-K to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be able to retell a story and demonstrate understanding of the parts of a fairy tale. Using apps, students will listen to or read a variety of fairy tales. At the end of the unit, students will video themselves recreating a favorite or original fairy tale.
We have a dream.... 4 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use the Flip ULTRA 120-minute Camcorders to recreate Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous "I have a dream..." speech with a little twist!
Welcome to Our School! 3 to 5
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
This lesson plan is designed to teach students how to develop perspective, boost creativity, and promote communication and collaboration skills. Students will create a video about our school intended for new students to feel more comfortable and knowledgeable about our school before arriving on their first day.
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