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Lesson Plan Name Grades
"The Five Life Zone Research Project" 7 to 8
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
Students in grade 7 and 8 will travel from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to the Grand Canyon in Williams, Arizona to investigate and measure the soil and water quality (if water can be found) for each of five life zones. The five life zones are the Lower Sonoran or low hot desert; the Upper Sonoran or desert steppe; the Transition or open woodlands; the Canadian or fir forest; and the Hudsonian or spruce forest. This is equivalent to studying the life zones found from Mexico to Canada. The latest technology will be used to complete the field studies and record and communicate their findings.
1st Grade Memories 1 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will make a mini photo album compiled of pictures taken throughout the school year. They will write a caption to go with each picture.
Animals and Algorithms K to 2
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will develop the ability to design simple algorithms and implement them digitally on an ipad. Students will consider why humans make things with technology as well as how humans control computers. Students will work in small groups to design and program a simple digital animation about an animal in its habitat.
Art and Life: Where Do We Use Art? 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson increases the relevance of not only art classes, but also all academic disciplines by engaging the students to research how art is used in all aspects of their education and their lives. They will create videos that will collect factual information and visual examples that will educate the viewers on how art is used in a variety of settings and how historical people and socities have depended on the coexistence of art and non art subjects.
Autism help through PowerPoint 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create advanced PowerPoint lessons that have people choose something from a field of three. Our hope is to help children with special needs grow while my middle school students learn advanced PowerPoint and learn to understand other people.
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Evaporate? 2 to 3
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Using BBC Science Simulations 3, students will recognize that matter changes depending on the temperature applied to it by running a simulated experiment, observing the results, and analyzing the tables, graphs or charts generated by the program.
Can You Hear Me? 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Humor in forms of nonverbal communication (political cartoons and comic strips) is often used in place of a narrative form of communication. This nonverbal form of communication provokes the reader to infer, use imagination, and prior knowledge to interpret the author’s purpose.
Compare/Contrast Animal Kingdom Characteristics from Informational Texts P-K to P-K
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will compare and contrast the various animal kingdoms. Students will take this knowledge and complete a compare/contrast essay after researching the animal kingdoms.
Create A Keychain using 3D design P-K to 9
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
In this lesson my students will be able to utilize online 3D software to create a "marketable" keychain and print it out on a 3D printer. This will let students take ownership of this process by making it their own and understanding how to begin an entrepreneurship.
Drawing Pictures K to 6
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
You will learn how to use a computer program to draw pictures. You will draw your house using the drawing program tools.
Elementary Zone - Computer Drawing K to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
You will learn how to use a computer program to draw pictures. You will draw your house using the drawing program tools.
Excel Proability with Dice 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This project is a 3rd grade excel project about proability and patterns using an Excel spreadsheet and dice.
Flip Out Over Weather 4 to 9
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will investigate will be assigned aspects of weather study and write a report. They will use Flip Video cameras to film each other reading their report. Students will gather photos and video clips to use in a video project that utilizes their weather report. And finally, they will work in groups to create a video script derived from their report.
If Dracula Walked Today 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Objective: Preserving the message and power within the original manuscript of Dracula, while recreating an original depiction using a flip camera and an understanding of pop culture.
Internet Security Basics 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
The goal of the lesson is to educate the learners in the responsibilities of using the Internet's resources in a safe, secure, and ethical manner. In addition, students will be able to apply new knowledge to correct unsafe practices currently used by them on social networks and other Internet sites.
Interventions - Data Interpretation 1 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This year I watched in amazement as at-risk students were scored as non-proficient in the area of data interpretation because they designed graphs incorrectly using a pencil, paper, and ruler.
Lesson Plan: Us and Them 10 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will conduct exercises using cell phones, online applications, and word processing software to study and report on some of the dynamics of societal grouping, with a focus on inclusion/exclusion based on group identity.
M&M Graphing 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this series of lessons, students will predict and collect data, create a bar graph with paper and pencil, design bar graphs with different sorts of software, access and use the Internet, identify parts of a bar graph, compare the various graphs.
Musical Instruments of the Orchestra 3 to 5
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will explore the families of instruments online and create a digital media project that gives information about a particular instrument or family that they select.
My Ideal World 8 to 12
After reading the book To Kill a Mockingbird in English, students will use adobe Photoshop or GIMP Photoshop to create their own ideal worlds.
Our School K to 3
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will be learning all about our school, including our school name, what grade we are in, what we do in school, and the difference between rules at home and rules at school. The learning target for the lesson is that students will verbally or pictorially identify what school they go to and what grade they are in with 100% accuracy.
Physical Education Deal or No Deal 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will demonstrate and be engaged in a variety of activities/exercises that contribute to improvement of overall fitness by playing a game show called Deal or No Deal.
Pick Your Planet K to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Allows students to freely explore different "views" of human interaction and communication regarding the areas of being: assertive, aggressive, and passive.
Resizing Pictures 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
A lesson that teaches students how to resize computer picture files.
Science Concepts Presentations Using Tablets 6 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students work in small groups using electronic devices -- Smart Phones and/or Tablets to research a science topic and create a multi-media presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint, and an online survey/quiz using Kahoot.it to display on Interactive Whiteboard for the class to respond to.
See it, Say it, Move, it, Do it! K to K
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
An interactive lesson featuring multiple learning styles to enhance all students' abilities to recognize the alphabet. *Lesson plan developed collaboratively with ESL teacher, Darcy Berger.
Skyscrapers 3 to 8
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
In this lesson, students learn about skyscrapers and explore various factors considered when building them. This lesson was part of a two-day thematic unit on architecture for middle school students.
Tour of African History 3 to 11
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will explore African history by taking a gallery walk through an interactive museum, exploring Africa's geography and taking a virtual field trip.
Voice of History 7 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Radio programs dominated national consciousness from the beginning of the 1900s to the dawn of television, and they were known for their abundant creativity, their clever advertising, and their infinite reach. Recreate the joy and drama with quick research, a few voice recorders, and a solid editing program.
We Are Authors! 2 to 2
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will use Clip Art Station and Microsoft Word to create a book.
What can I learn about myself and others 10 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
My kids have autism, ADD/ADHD, and emotional disturbance. They create a introduction using SeeSaw ( a school app). This can be done through art,video, writing or photo. They add descriptive details on their post and then share it with their classmates who then post a comment.
What I Like About My School 5 to 12
The objective of this activity is to introduce students to digital photography and Windows Movie Maker. Students will take various pictures of activities that they enjoy and then we will download them into the computer and make a mini movie.
What's Going On 5 to 6
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
The 6th grade special education students are going to make a monthly newsletter for their peers on the things that are happening. This lesson helps with self esteem, organization, and written expression, and technology skills.
Where is.... K to 4
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Students will create a book using images taken of different locations around the school with an icon of themselves in the foreground of the page. The reader will try to identify the location of the photograph.
Who cares? 8 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
Everybody says, "don't talk about religion or politics" but this is what we do in Civics. Apathy is our number one problem in this country, the antiserum is activity.
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