Browse All Lesson Plans |
Lesson Plan Name |
Grades |
"In the News!" |
2 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 3 ratings) A newscast that can be writen, produced and created by elementary or middle school students. Co-Authored with Stacy Bodin |
Benton Middle School News Cast |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Using the digital wish grant Benton Middle School will be able to film a daily news broadcast for students to view. |
Breaking News ... from Our Solar System! |
4 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a news broadcast about an object or objects in our solar system. Broadcasts will be recorded on video and shared with the rest of their class, other classes, and even other schools. Teachers can look into showing the broadcasts on the district's public access channel (if available). |
Breaking News: Who Did It? |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will summarize the work that they have been doing to solve a mystery in science class using genetics to find who contaminated a school nutrition source! In groups of 3 or 4, students will create a breaking news headline detailing the crime and the suspect including evidence using the Videolicious App on the iPad. |
Create a News Program |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create their very own news program complete with commercials. They will explore writing, reporting, operating a video camera, and using digital tools such as chroma-key. This lesson will spark their interest in reporting facts and writing for a purpose. |
Creating a Digital Newspaper |
P-K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Lesson plan for creating a digital school newspaper. This includes some modifications for students with disabilities. |
Creating A School News Network |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a TV Network where they will produce programming for the school and the school's website. This programming will include daily announcements, video shorts regarding special programs, projects, and events at the school. |
Creating Our Own Newscast |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Through effective delivery of the morning announcements, and adding creative visual headings for each, it is possible to share news on the school web page with students, staff, and parents, as well as archive the events of the year. |
Inspiring a Bigger Picture! A 4th Grade Global Newspaper! |
4 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) My students have created a vision to develop a Global Newspaper for our classroom, community, and other students around the world via a web based publication. They have developed a list of jobs, ideas, and supplies needed and are excited to work to make this vision a reality. |
Little Owl Press Report/Newspaper and Newscast Project |
3 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will take digital photos to produce “The Little Owl Press,” an elementary newspaper, which will summarize important events and programs at our school for each trimester. This newspaper will be transformed into “The Little Owl Press Report,” a newscast that will incorporate digital video, digital photos, music, and voice recordings. This production will be broadcast to ours and surrounding communities through our local access station. The newscast will promote education in our schools and allow people who are not part of our school community an inside view of the highlights of each trimester. |
Middle School Masters of the Web - Video Newsletter |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will interview, script, edit, and produce a web-based newsletter/ video newscast for school and district viewing. |
News Broadcasts |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) After writing and practicing a script, the students present a news broadcast about a topic in the news. This is made with a Flip camera and sent to other classrooms. |
News-2-You weekly activities |
K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Weekly special education newspaper would be enhanced at the end of each week. Using an Interactive Smart Board and videos from YouTube. |
Newspaper for Inner City School |
K to K |
The project is to promote fluency both oral and written 2 languages. |
Newspaper on the Civil War |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This a newspapers covering the events leading to, during and shortly after the Civil. |
Reporting News About Rosa Parks |
4 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) You are a news reporter and your boss needs for you to write a newspaper article on Rosa Parks. |
Roman Action News - Julius Caesar |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) 10th Grade Students create a "Roman Action News" broadcast using Flip cameras after reading Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar." Research on the time period and concentration on the text is key to this adventure. |
School News Channel |
P-K to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) I am asking for a live streaming camera in order to host a morning news channel for our school. This news segment will provide morning announcements and will be ran by the student population. The news cast will be streamed to every classroom in the morning. |
School News Videos |
9 to 9 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Use FLIP cameras to tape word of the day segments, happy birthday shoutouts, this day in history, school commercials, sporting events, community service, and other random clips from around the school. |
Statistics Newscast in Math Class |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) This lesson incorporates video for students to create videos about the statistics data and sports information that have been analyzing. |
Students will FLIP for the News |
4 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Incorporating technology skills with both written and verbal communication skills, students will create news programs to be shared on School Tube. |
Technology made easy: Scholastic News Magazines |
P-K to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson will help your young readers develop the essential literacy and critical thinking skills they need to become successful students. |
TVTV News |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) We are a technology-rich school that wants to take things to the next level! We would like to introduce students to the world of news broadcast journalism and create a daily newscast to deliver that day's announcements. |
WCCS News 78 Investigative Report |
K to 8 |
Several television stations in the St. Louis metropolitan area feature a news investigative reporter who acts on tips received from local viewers. The West County Christian School seventh/eighth grade students will research/investigate a news tip, send their own news investigative team to the site to document digitally their findings, write the script to produce a news report, and then videotape that presentation. |
Wiki Comment: The News and You |
5 to 8 |
Writing Prompt Option for Students
Create a wiki with a page for this student writing prompt.
The activity is a a page for writing clear and cohesive comments that connect students to the news. The goal is for students to write concisely about their connection to the news in the world, sharing and commenting on each others' ideas.
Writing Opinion Statements through Edmodo and Scholastic News |
2 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In my classroom, the children use a program called Edmodo which is an online blogging system. The students read a Scholastic News article on Edmodo and post their thoughts and reactions through online conversations. |
WWII News Reporters |
10 to 12 |
Students report on a major battle from WWII as news anchors and on-scene reporters. Students also create a Propaganda Poster from that period. |
A Moment in Time |
5 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will research a year in United States history, and create a visual representation of what their life would have been like in the selected time period. |
Campus Media Team |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The campus media team create biweekly news shows for the school. The videos are for the students and teachers to be kept informed, entertained and updated on the latest events happening at school. |
Daily Announcements Made Easy! |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create daily (or weekly) announcements for their school or classroom using a webcam. |
eLeaders Technology (Students of the 21st Century) Program |
4 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) With the new PILOT program of eLeaders, students are accepted that have an interest in technology, and volunteer their time, to troubleshoot technology, teach lessons to peers and teachers, and offer in-service presentations on staff Professional Development Days. Additionally, they assist with and participate in a (rotating) class of 60 students (changing every 2-4 weeks so all South Middle School population may participate) that create the SMS Video Productions (completely created by student body), our newly founded news source. |
EXTRA! EXTRA! Hear all about it!! |
P-K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 6 ratings) Parents can now hear the excitement in their child's voice and see the smile on their child's face as their children share what they did throughout the week with this podcast newsletter. |
Getting to know me interview |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create newsletter with his/her interests. Students will focus on his/her positive traits. |
Growing and Changing |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will interview friends and adults asking questions and taking pictures. With gathered information will make a school/class newspaper |
If Hornets Could Talk... |
5 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) As a teacher, I find myself constantly challenged to integrate the state and parish standards, grade level expectations, ILEAP test preparation, and multi-disciplinary lessons, at the same time keeping my students engaged, excited, and learning. At times I find the students either bored or discouraged with basic assignments, in particular reading, writing, and researching. I find that no matter how important the components being taught, without a “catch” or “hook,” the students view the assignments as redundant and see no connection with real life. I’ve found a “hook!” |
Language Arts - Journalism |
7 to 7 |
Identify the format of a news article.
Gather information needed to write a news article.
Apply an inverted pyramid format to write a news article. |
Lord of the Flies |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In an effort to stimulate the interest of Lord of the Flies with high school seniors, I created a three option video project . The project was designed to integrate technology tools and concepts with their english curriculum. |
Producing a Franchise to encourage global awareness, increased, informed decision making about health, peer relationships and education. |
7 to 8 |
The students will determine categories of franchises from which to work out media productions for weekly broadcasts on our school news show. |
The Daily Scoop |
K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) With this lesson plan, students get a chance to be the classroom reporter, record their newscast, and then upload the video to the classroom website. This is a great way for students to practice their writing and speaking skills while sharing the classroom events with their parents and community. |
Tune in tonight |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) We will learn about the growth of imperalism and how countries in Africa and Asia are colonized by Europeans. We will discuss the impact of imperialism on these countries in Africa and Asia |
What's Going On |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The 6th grade special education students are going to make a monthly newsletter for their peers on the things that are happening. This lesson helps with self esteem, organization, and written expression, and technology skills. |
"A Picture Is Worth A Million Words" |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 4 ratings) This project is a photography, poetry, and bookmaking unit utilizing three artists-in-residence who teach photography, poetry, and bookmaking. |
A Digital Walk Through Chatham |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Our project is a digital storytelling activity using MultiMedia Lab V and digital cameras. Students will photograph important landmarks in town, write descriptive articles, and share them with other students through the school newspaper and web site. |
A New Way of Looking |
5 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be able to understand the concepts of light and lens using the life of Galileo as a guide. Students will be given opportunities to experiment just like Galileo. Students will be given a variety of opportunities to learn about the complexity of light using many different mediums. |
Ancient Civilizations Podcast |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson is designed as a year ending project encouraging students to creatively demonstrate what they have learned about various civilizations that we studied throughout the year. This is also used as a great review for our final exam. |
Ancient Greece Podcast |
7 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will work in groups to create a newscast from Ancient Greece. Each broadcast will include an introduction, a news story about leisure or entertainment |
Animal Research Paragraph |
2 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Animal Research Paragraph-Students will need to research animals and gather facts from various sources. |
At the Movies |
1 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students respond to books, poems and literary genres by using flip cameras to make movie trailers, "behind-the-scene-clips", never before seen footage, movie reviews and commercials as the use imagination, innovations and 21st century digital tools to show their understanding. |
At the Movies |
1 to 2 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan attempts at creating a framework for creativity, innovation and global collaboration while allowing students to create different movies as they respond to books and poems from different literary genres. The lesson plan allows for student-driven learning, with choices and project-based learning. |
Beyond the Basic Research Paper |
8 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will use technology to demonstrate understanding of immigration and create unique technology enriched products of specific research topics. |
Biographical Blogging |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) SWBAT explore blogging and compare and contrast this genre to other on-line and in-print genres. SWBAT create and update their own blogs. |
Book Talks- Reading Rainbow Style! |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will film book talks (books they recommend to other readers), like the ones enjoyed on PBS's Reading Rainbow, which we will then be played on our school's morning news program. |
Boston Tea Party |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students simulate the Boston Tea Party. Students use the Smart Board to sequence the events of the Boston Tea Party and discuss the consequences that followed. Students create their disguises and chant a poem as they dump tea into the "Boston Harbor". Students will create a digital account of the simulation. |
Caching in Pine's Treasures |
6 to 12 |
Project ‘Caching in Pine’s Treasures” was designed to increase student knowledge of Social Studies’ topics in a non-traditional way. Students will use digital cameras and GPS units to learn historical information outside the classroom walls increasing student motivation, content knowledge, and knowledge of “technology-based gadgets.” |
Cemetery Restoration Project |
K to 8 |
An old abandoned cemetery is given the opportunity for new "life" through the efforts of its new owners, a Catholic school, and a new parish in the beautiful Frederick Valley near the foot of the Catoctin Mountains. |
Chat it up! |
6 to 9 |
Students use role play scenarios to work through various and potentially harmful cyber chat situations. Critically thinking about each scenario as a group, creating, and performing short skits to demonstrate how to handle these situations. |
Create a Greener Place - Podcast |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students are asked to research and use slass instruction to create a 3-5 minute Podcast about making the world a Greener Place. |
Create Docents For 25 National Monuments For In Class Field Trip To DC |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will each be assigned one of 25 national monuments to docent the class through a virtual field trip through Washington DC. The plan is to aid students in observing the historic changes in US monuments from "single man" to "multiple participant" or event depictions. |
Creating a Virtual Zoo: A Cross-Curriculum, Problem Based Learning Project |
1 to 1 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In this unit lessons, students will use technology skills and digital media applications, along with science and literacy skills to research animals in order to create a "virtual zoo", for students who do not have a zoo nearby or cannot afford to make the trip. |
Creating insects puppet show |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This plan integrates reading, investigating, writing, performing and technology into one fun and engaging project that will get students involved in writing a skit and performing for a " puppet-show " purpose. |
Dakota Pipeline Lesson |
11 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is an a unit that is geared towards students understanding the components of the Regents exam. The argumentative essay will focus on students reading and analyzing 4 different texts that examine multiple sides about the Dakota Access Pipeline debate. The essay will extend in students participating in a socratic seminar with their peers using respectful and accountable talk and fostering productive peer to peer discussion. |
Designing a Digital Portfolio |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will design, produce, and evaluate digital portfolios. The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to digital portfolios. Web portfolios are effective tools that can help students showcase their projects to a global audience. |
Digital Citizenship unit |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This wiki teaches 7th and 8th graders about Mike Ribble's 9 elements of Digital Citizenship -- using Internet links, online videos and podcasts. Digital Citizenship is one of ISTE's NETS-S. |
Digital Portfolio |
K to 6 |
Students in kindergarten and sixth grade will document their field trips using digital photography in order to share the experiences. |
Digital Portfolio and the Green School Act of Michigan |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be able to document "Project Green" for the life of the project in following their acceptance to becoming a Michigan Green School through a digital portfolio. They will be able to share this information in getting more schools on board by making powerpoints to ship or present to schools other local school districts. |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The purpose of the unit is for students to acquire information and knowledge about water, its structure, its properties, its usage, and its importance as a resource. Many students inherently know about water because they consume and use it every day. Many students however think there is an infinite supply of fresh water and all they have to do to get fresh water is to turn on the faucet. To acquire water usage statistics and appreciate the unique properties of water will help student accomplish their final task. |
Earth Day Commercials |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) For our culminating unit on recycling and conservation, students will work in groups to write and produce a commercial for the morning news show encouraging students in the school to do something specific to help the environment. |
Economics: Products of South Louisiana |
2 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Economics: Products of South Louisiana: Students will learn how two products are part of South Louisiana's Economic Process.
Elementary Lessons for Primary and Secondary Sources |
3 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 4 ratings) Primary and Secondary Sources Lessons |
Essential to Autumn: Line, Shape, Color, Texture, Pattern, Rhythm, Emphasis, Movement, Balance, and Unity |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will observe their natural environment to experience the changes that occur when Autumn arrives.
Students will create artworks based on personal observations and experiences with their environment in Autumn. |
Everyday Recycling |
P-K to K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson will teach students how to identify recyclable materials and integrate the practice of recycling into their own homes. The students will also learn words associated with recycling and create a take home project modeling Planet Earth. |
Exploring our World through Video |
2 to 4 |
I want to allow students to use video to express their lives and the area in which they live. I also would like for them to learn how to use a camera, import video and create great projects using that video. |
Farewell to Manzanar Introduction Activity; Racism and Point of View |
8 to 11 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) In this multi-day lesson students will be introduced to the racism and predjudice that Japanese Americans faced after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and that Middle Eastern Americans faced after 9/11. By showing the parralel between the two events, one in a history book, one they remember, it will provide a framework for them to understand better the point of view of Jeanne, the narrator of Farewell To Manzanar. |
Finding Solutions to Hunger |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is a project plan more than a lesson plan. It is a 10-week project using a wonderful online collaboration tool designed to be used by educators. Besides teaching the curriculum objectives—the goal is to open the students’ eyes to hunger in the world. |
Flip Camera Christmas Lessons and Ideas |
P-K to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Flip Camera Christmas Lessons and Ideas |
Flip into Technology! |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students use Flip cameras to gather information and integrate it into any classroom activity. |
Flip Video Cultural Exchange between students in Texas and New Zealand |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students create a class YouTube video comparing the differences/similarities between the Hurricane Ike disaster in Houston, TX to the earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand. The video was sent to all schools in Christchurch, New Zealand - expanding students' world view to include more than just their immediate concerns. |
Flipping Out at the Peoples' Choice Ad Awards |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) A marketing lesson plan taking marketing basic concepts and applying them in a culminating project. This is a grouped project requiring the students to use technology creatively to attempt to produce a winning video commercial for a classroom award ceremony. |
Flipping Over Our Weather Reports |
2 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will write and film a weather report. |
For Sale! |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 4 ratings) Students in my Spanish class must sell a house in a Spanish Speaking country. |
Fredrick Douglass...A digital History |
7 to 7 |
Using technology, the students will create projects that depicts the stuggles of slaves with a focus on Fredrick Douglass and his determination to abolish it. |
French and Indian War |
4 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will send video messages from one classroom to another. One classroom will be pretending to be French, while the other side will pretend to be British. |
Georgia's Physical Features |
8 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use various websites and interactive online tools to learn about the physical features of Georgia. |
Goddard Gazette Web Site |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) My students will create a school news web site from the ground up, updating it every two weeks with news and events at our middle school. |
Going Green Collaboratively |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A collaborative effort from Technology, Science and Art teachers to focus on the environment. Students capture images and process photographic and digital
prints for display that depicts what the local community is doing toward saving the environment. |
Google Classroom interactive lesson |
6 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) students use google classrooms to take assessment as well as read informational text and refocus their thinking. |
High School Students Meet Veterans |
9 to 12 |
The goal of this lesson is for the students to come away with a better understanding of who veterans are and what their life was/is like. |
Historical Scavenger Hunts |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students explore the history of their community by paying attention to the details of architecture, monuments and area artifacts. This is a multi-step lesson that allows students to practice historical fieldwork, pre-reading strategies, acting skills, research skills, writing skills and public speaking skills. |
How Do My Vegetables Grow? |
1 to 1 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will learn how plants grow and how people use some plants while investigating what kind of soil is best for growing plants. |
In Touch with Nature |
K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Ipod touches will be used in conjunction with our Nature Space/Bird Habitat, on school grounds, community programs, local businesses, Cornell University, and volunteers. These members will aid in constructing a Bird Watch and Feeder program to collect data to be analyzed through the touches, student interaction, and Cornell Labs. |
Inspirational Essay: Video |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create an inspirational movie using both video and text. Partners will choose a famous person who has inspired them. Using quotes and filmed clips, students will create a video detailing how and why this person inspired them. |
Integrated Curriculum, student- led Environmental Project |
P-K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A student-led environmental project based on cooperative learning with a cross-curricular base in order to address many subject areas and work towards the goal of creating positive change. This is an amazing project that empowers the children, helps them to discover and utilize their gifts to create change in the world. |
Internet Security Basics |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The goal of the lesson is to educate the learners in the responsibilities of using the Internet's resources in a safe, secure, and ethical manner. In addition, students will be able to apply new knowledge to correct unsafe practices currently used by them on social networks and other Internet sites. |
Interview with Benjamin Franklin |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This is a cross curricular ELA / History lesson wherein students will create a mock-interview with Benjamin Franklin (and/or other historical figure from the American Revolution Era) and then post that podcast on to an established Google Classroom website. |
Intro to Marketing |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will engage in an extensive market simulation covering material from chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6. The simulation will include but not be limited to the 4 P¡¦s of Marketing, SWOT Analysis, Business Ethics, Global Marketing, and Maslow¡¦s Hierarchy of Needs.
JOB POD Career Podcasting Project |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The purpose of this project is to provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate the knowledge gained and maturity achieved during their high school career so far. This project gives students the chance to choose an area of study, to combine different disciplines, to satisfy specialized curiosity, and to utilize talents in a productive way. The project gives them the chance to make their high school experience a more meaningful and practical one. |
Kindergarten Memories |
P-K to K |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) We will create a Kindergarten Memory Book. Each month we will create a monthly memory page regarding our experiences during the month and world happenings. |
Language and Literacy Support through Photography |
K to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This project provides ideas and activities for promoting development of oral language, literacy, and student identity through the use of photography-based Language Experience Approach lessons and books. |
Learn and Serve Video |
10 to 12 |
Students in my Multimedia class create a video on any topic related to the K-12 curriculum. They partner with a teacher in that subject / grade for ideas and then they script, video, edit, and publish a video that teaches the topic. |
Learning Character Concepts and Living With Character |
P-K to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Military towns have plenty to be proud of particularly of the members of the community that have shown responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, respect, caring and citizenship. Students will share fiction books they have read through their favorite characters and connect those characters to pillar character concepts for favorite people in their lives who have some connection to the military. |
Let's Get Active |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson plan utilizes a variety of technology and collaborative activities to demonstrate the difference between active voice and passive voice. It is for an inclusion classroom using a complementary co-teaching strategy and differentiated process, content, and products. |
Living History--Documenting our Senior Citizens Lives |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will interview senior citizens in the community and make a short documentary about their lives. students will research the history of the neighborhood we are living in and find correlations between the research and the interviews with the senior citizens. |
Long Beach History Digital Scrapbook |
3 to 4 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students create digital scrapbooks for their city's local history, including the Tongva Native Americans, settlers and newcomers to the land, and how the city was created. Students attend field trips to local historical sites and current landmarks, documenting their visit and reporting on it in a scrapbook. |
Making Book Trailers |
5 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) 5th grade students will make short trailers for popular children's books using Windows Movie Maker. |
Minor League Baseball Stadium |
5 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will compare other small towns with minor league stadiums and budget, design, plan, fundraise, and build one for our town of Wentzville |
Mitosis |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) This lesson is modified for technology infusion in a typical classroom for students to better understand Mitosis and be creative learning the concepts collaborative environment. It has also been modified for students with disabilities who have been integrated into the regular classroom setting. |
Mitosis and Meiosis Field Project |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A Biology class composes a documentary on Mitosis and Meiosis using themselves (i.e., holding hands, creating a circle) to diagram and perform the different phases of cell reproduction. The students will then be able to evaluate their performance through watching themselves on the video. |
Multi Media: Television Show Production |
10 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) OST class offered for students in grades 10-12. Introduction to multi-media production careers with partnership with local university students, radio station and cable TV. |
My Ideal World |
8 to 12 |
After reading the book To Kill a Mockingbird in English, students will use adobe Photoshop or GIMP Photoshop to create their own ideal worlds. |
My Sierra County |
6 to 10 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use digital images and their own writing to create a powerpoint presentation depicting the attributes of the county in which they live. They will provide the audience a glimpse into what makes their county special, from their own unique perspective. |
My Town/ My School |
3 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students groups will gather information on their town or school. They will research the city website, or school website to find important facts, history, and landmarks. Student groups will create a presentation to share with others. |
Native Americans |
3 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This unit on Native Americans encourages students to read print and online informational texts focusing on Native American tribes of various regions. They will create, practice, and present digital presentations based on the information they found. |
Novel Presentation/Book Sale |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This project is being used in a Reading Development class. The students were able to choose a novel of their choice to read and complete the project on. |
One L.E.S.S. (Partners in Education Campaign Initiative) |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Through this social marketing campaign - One L.E.S.S., the students will assume the role of a business professionals using different types of marketing media. The students’ initiative will increase collaborations between community leaders, the school, and youth. The concept is simple - One Leader Engaged in Student Success (L.E.S.S.) equals one less youth involved in juvenile delinquency and other destructive decision making. |
Our Family Histories |
2 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will research their own histories by interviewing family members (their elders, and extended relatives), collect information, pictures, etc...The students will put their information together using creativity and technology and at the same time apply their knowledge of language arts, math, and social studies. |
Our Town |
1 to 3 |
A walk through our town will unveil several reasons for reading and the culture and history of our town. Students will photograph signs and scenes from the downtown area and create a digital scrapbook detailing the experience. |
Persistence of Vision: Animation I |
10 to 12 |
Students will study the early history of moving pictures as an introduction to the concept of persistence of vision and animation. Students will develop a final animation which utilizes a variety of animation sequences: computer drawn, stop motion, hand drawn, with a 6.0 megapixel Olympus digital camera and the Tool Factory software MultiMedia Lab V. |
Photo Transfer Mixed Media Collage |
8 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students create a mixed media collage incorporating a digital image. Design must be created from a memory or tell a story about the students life. Composition must be created in layers. Students may create a background that is abstract or a background that emphasizes a message or story by use of imagery, pattern or words. |
Picture This - Stars over Hoke /Imaginarse - Estrellas sobre de Hoke |
5 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) My grant request is to enable my middle school ESL students to better communicate and participate in classes by using digital cameraas and software to publish their own personal bilingual dictionaries, story books and PowerPoint presentations for the SMARTboards in their classes. |
Pod Review |
3 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students from the gifted and talented class will create pod casts to review science concepts and vocabulary. These pod casts will be shared with ELL students and other science learners. |
Podcasting About Our World |
1 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will combine learning about the world around them through our 21st Century lesson about Flat Stanley with technology to create podcasts about their flat adventures. |
Podcasting Challenge |
P-K to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students take ownership under the direction of their teacher to be trained and train others in the school to the use of Podcasting equipment. The final product results in monthly or bi-monthly podcast reports. |
Podcasting with Jr. High |
5 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a podcast that would reflect student learning and local area news |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Jumpstarting creativity is one of the goals of Poets on the Playground. The idea is to help 6th graders use digital cameras and take pictures on the playground. Then students can use their own ideas and enthusiasm in a natural flow of self-expression and write poetry about their photographs. |
Potlatch Weather Reporter |
8 to 9 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will learn to collect weather data, interpret it and make three-day weather predictions. They will use their predictions to create video weather reports for the school digital bulletin board. |
Primary and Secondary Documents for Colonial Times |
5 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Primary and Secondary Documents for Colonial Times Lesson Plan |
PROJECT H.O.P.E. (Highlighting Opportunities for Potential Employment) |
4 to 5 |
This is an exciting Career Exploration Unit that allows students to integrate technology skills while researching various careers. |
Radio Griffin 87.9 FM |
K to 6 |
Fourth through sixth grade students of Arlington Classics Academy design, record, and mix their own weekly radio program as well as update their own website. |
Radio Station Podcasting Throughout History |
3 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Using Podcasting as a radio station to engage students in Social Studies and improve their fluency. |
Read and Review |
K to 4 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Beginning with third grade students (hoping to expand to the entire school population), students will select, read and synopsize a book of their choice. In giving their presentation, they will be videotaped by other students and the resulting "Book Talk Report" will be broadcast on the school's daily morning news show, WLDC. |
Revolutionary Idea |
3 to 8 |
Students will participate in a revolutionary war living history. |
Rhetorical Analysis of Popular Media |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students are to analyze the rhetorical appeals, strategies and devices found in popular media. Students assess how effective the media is at trying to persuade consumers. |
River Reflections |
3 to 11 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students have been conducting river studies for over five years in 6th grade. A true reflection of the experience is necessary for true learning. Writing advocacy projects and sharing them through podcasting helps to reflect on the experience. |
Save the Rainforest in South America |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) 7th Graders: Geography affects the characteristics of a country. Natural resources can determine
the success or failure of a country. Each country is rich in culture, even if they are a
poor country. Each student will appreciate his or her life‐styles, and opportunities
compared to poverty stricken countries. Global issues are complex, and the student
will explain the challenges the rainforest ecosystem is facing, and will develop a plan
of action they can do to help
Schoolwide Math Competition |
K to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Using the online math product, Mangahigh, we would create an excitement over mathematics in our school. Students would work the math lessons to earn as many points as possible for their classroom. |
Science Simulation Using BBC Science Simulations 3 |
3 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will be able to create virtual experiments in the classroom using the software and interactive whiteboard. |
Science Talk |
K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A news crew in our classroom that will discuss important science topics.
Season Ending Injury |
11 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) The project is a collaboration project in which students in my Advanced Biology class look at the anatomy and physiology of the human skeletal, muscular, circulatory and nervous system through a sports injury. The students video a mock injury and report on it as hosts for a sports telelvision show. |
Shake it up…Cisne! |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Fifth grade students will give an earthquake broadcast. Students become cameramen, meteorologists, reporters, eyewitnesses, and anchor people describing the effects of recent earthquakes. |
Sim's Cities - 5th grade (would work wonderful at the middle school level) |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Creating with Visual Arts through the 21st Century -Core Curriculum Skills |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will investigate world countries currently at war/conflict and the impact on the United States. Students will create a news podcast/broadcast video available on,, and |
Storm Alert! |
2 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students create podcasts related to the study of weather in science class or in connection with a storm story in reading class. |
Subtle Conversations |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Subtle Conversations is design to give 60 students an opportunity to research current events and teen issues. Students will select various news, entertainment, sports, or locate events and teen topics to research and create a weekly talk show. Each group will design a production company to write, video, edit and prepare for broadcast. |
Super Science Slueths Explain It All: Circumnavigating the Circulatory System |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students work in pairs to develop podcasts about the circulatory system as a capstone unit project to display what they have learned. The podcasts can take the form of dramas, sports casts, etc. requiring the students to do more than just memorize information. |
Synthesis Essay |
11 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students will gather information about their topic using reliable websites to justify their position for the paper. |
T-shirts build school and community pride |
6 to 8 |
This lesson is designed to bring a sense of community to a very diverse team of students in a large, urban middle school. It is also designed to bring a sense of pride in a community struck down with poverty. In this lesson, students will go out into their community and homes and take pictures of what they most identify with to be eventually placed on a T-shirt. |
Take a Picture, It will last longer! |
3 to 5 |
Begin a Camera Club after school hours that will enhance learning through cameras and technology. Students should be able to express themselves creatively with technology and gain a curiosity of the world around them through photography. |
Technology-Assisted "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" |
9 to 10 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This unit teaches teens the underlying principles that are essential to achieving their goals and personal success. The activities, described in detail below, support an understanding of each of the 7 Habits along with any important terms and the application of those habits into the daily lives of the students through the implementation of “baby steps” that will be monitored twice a week by the students’ personal mentor and supplemented with a wide range of technological hardware and applications. |
The "FLIP IT" Experience |
9 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This lesson uses technology, multimedia, business, and journalism skills in a real-life application to produce a high school yearbook. Journalism is a class that captures memories for historical reference. It requires many academic and social skills in collaboration for the preservation of intangible treasures.
The "Important" Podcast |
1 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will create a theme-based podcast to recap and detail what they have learned for that period. The podcasts will be used for younger students and for parents. |
The Civil War Through the Eyes of Students |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) I am working with the technology and art instructor to provide cross-curricular learning experiences for my 8th grade students. My students will research historical characters and their impact on the Civil War. |
The Emerald Ash is taking over! |
K to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students research the problem of the invasive Emerald Ash Borer and how it is impacting Vermont's environment. Students then design and engineer a solution that can stop the damage being done by the Emerald Ash Borer. |
The Flip Side |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will use their Flip cameras to chronicle their experience at a local food pantry and share their experience with the rest of the school and local community organizations. |
The human body - skeletal system |
6 to 6 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will learn about the skeletal system of the human body. This includes how the skeleton supports the body in addition to protecting its soft, vulnerable organs. |
The Water Cycle: A Green Screen Movie |
4 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) After learning about the water cycle through hands on experiments, texts, and multimedia, students produce a video of the water cycle. You will be using the green screen effect. It is important that students have already had some video making experience and experience with the green screen effects prior to this lesson. |
Through our eyes |
4 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) A guest speaker will introduce students to basic photography techniques and skills. Students will use cameras to capture the beauty of their lives. Each student will choose his or her favorite image to paint and to write a short descriptive essay. |
Tiger EV Technology to Improve Sustainability and Petroleum Dependency |
6 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) The Tiger EV project involves research, design, and construction of an all-electric vehicle. This three-wheeled vehicle is powered advanced battery and electric motor technology. Electrathon America registered EV cars compete all across the country with the goal of traveling the farthest distance in a given time, with a limited energy source.
Our goals for this project are to: Increase students' and publics' awareness of the future of alternative energy transportation. Advancing the implementation of green technology in educational curriculums across the country using hands-on learning in the fields of electronics, aerodynamics, and materials usage, in a real life application.
Time Warp Interview |
3 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) With the aid of technology and a bit of creativity students will travel back in time and interview leaders of early America. Students will then be paired up to conduct interviews to portray the qualities of a great leader.
To High School and Beyond |
8 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) This a project that my 8th grade students do to get them thinking about career and life goals. It is completed in four parts. |
Tool Factory American Independence Lesson |
4 to 7 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will first investigate the American Independence experience through two websites. They will than create a newspaper from July 4,1776, making mock interviews of the major players, covering the major events, and even writing opinions articals from both points of view. |
Tracking the Olympics |
4 to 6 |
The children will discover how radio and TV announcers broadcast sports events while watching the Winter Olympics. The children work with teams on creating podcasts of the upcoming Winter Olympics |
V.I.P. Project |
K to 12 |
Students interview each other and practice social skills while practicing reading and writing activities. |
Vocabulary Building Through Visualization Of Word Meanings To Create Digital Art |
7 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Vocabulary enhancement came to the forefront with acquired skills of manipulating photographs ... utilizing various tools and filters within the software … and this cognitive and creative process placed the students in a new environment of hands-on with photo software and the requirement of researching the "real" meanings of words, then translating these "realities" into "creative" ones through visualization. |
We are the World |
9 to 12 |
Creating a student lead Video and Podcast news organization. |
Weather Report |
7 to 12 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students create and film a weather report as seen on the evening news. |
Weather Watchers |
2 to 5 |
Students will observe weather collecting data from hand made and scientific instruments and the internet weather resources. They will correspond with weather professionals and devise their own weather forecasting video using their knowledge and vocabulary. |
Webquest - Westward Ho! |
3 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Work as a group to investigate life on the trail using various resources and Internet links. As a result of the research, students will write an article. |
Weekly Current Events Podcasts |
9 to 12 |
Student pairs pick a week of the school year and they are responsible for creating a 5 minute podcast that sums up the week. They should include school activity news, school sports and academic news, and then community news and entertainment. |
What Do You Know About Your Town? |
2 to 3 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Lessons that help students learn a little about their own community. Lesson is generated for Erath, Louisiana, however can be adapted to any area. |
What Do You Put Stock Into? |
6 to 8 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Overview: In this unit, students will learn basics about the stock market. Students will choose and “buy” stock in a company. He/she will check the price of the stock each day and record in a spreadsheet. At the end of the allotted time, students will create a graph depicting losses and gains. After evaluating their data, students will compose a summary report which will include their losses/ gains and possible reasons for the outcome. |
What Message Are You Sending? |
P-K to P-K |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Since I teach about technology in our middle school, my students are always online. We will role play, online sites and classroom discussions to learn about staying safe and how to use netiquette on the Internet. |
Yes We Can! Students with Autism & Downs-Syndrome on the Drums! |
K to 12 |
 (0 stars, 2 ratings) Students with profound special needs, such as autism, Downs-syndrome, CP, & medically fragile conditions, will participate in a variety of exciting experiential activities, including adaptive percussion & drumming, Karaoke type music, and using American Sign Language to express themselves to music. Project will be documented via video and digital pictures and shown to the school body in a music video format. |
“Through the Eyes of a Child- Student Photography” Elementary Level – Visual Arts |
2 to 5 |
 (0 stars, 1 ratings) Students will experience the beauty of literacy through the use of photography. Teacher guided photography instruction will focus on the subject areas of reading and writing skills to help students become better readers. |