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Bracket Madness! 9 to 12
(0 stars, 2 ratings)
Students will "compete" against each other by utilizing various forms of imagery to compliment their research-based presentations in an attempt to end up in the championship bracket. Although the original idea is for a "Most Courageous Person in History" presentation, it is a concept that is easily adapted to any classroom curriculum.
Art and Life: Where Do We Use Art? 9 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
This lesson increases the relevance of not only art classes, but also all academic disciplines by engaging the students to research how art is used in all aspects of their education and their lives. They will create videos that will collect factual information and visual examples that will educate the viewers on how art is used in a variety of settings and how historical people and socities have depended on the coexistence of art and non art subjects.
Book Trailers 5 to 8
(0 stars, 3 ratings)
After reading a self selected text, students will plan and then use PhotoStory 3 to create book trailers which persuade an audience to read the highlighted texts in order to encourage and reinforce the practice of self selected reading by students.
Building God’s House 4 to 6
(0 stars, 5 ratings)
This is fun, interesting project that gets the students excited about church.
Pair Ideas:Parody 6 to 12
(0 stars, 1 ratings)
After studying a poem, play, or novel considered to be a "literary canon," students will write and videotape a parody of it utilizing live musical or acting performances, LEGO animation, or puppet theater to share with peers and then serve as mentors for middle school students to recreate this process. All videos will be accessible on a web blog site or through a Google Drive or dropbox.
PROJECT H.O.P.E. (Highlighting Opportunities for Potential Employment) 4 to 5
This is an exciting Career Exploration Unit that allows students to integrate technology skills while researching various careers.
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