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Digital Citizenship Curriculum for Elementary Schools, $199.00, 0.00% raised
Digital Citizenship Curriculum for Elementary Schools
for schools under 250 students Why I need this:
Our school is considering a 1:1 transition next year. I also teach a Computer Apps II course in which I have an internet safety and ID theft unit. I feel I am always searching for the newest information on this topic and would love to have something that is up-to-date and "gathered" for me!
Quantity: 1 Price: $199.00

Recent Activity

 Beth Taylor has added and Digital Citizenship Curriculum for Elementary Schools to their wishlist Mar 18, 2014
Ms. Beth Taylor
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Southwestern Wisconsin HS
Class Information:
HS Business Teacher
Percent of Students are:
     At-risk: 10 %
Percent of Students are:
     White/Caucasian : 90 %
     Hispanic: 5 %
     African American: 5 %
Free/Reduced Lunch Program Enrollment:: 30 %
Average number of students in class:: 20 students
Number of students I teach:: 115 students